Oracle® Solaris Cluster Upgrade Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39644–01

How to Upgrade the Software (Rolling Upgrade)

Perform this procedure to upgrade to Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2 software or to an Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.2 SRU while the remaining cluster nodes are in cluster mode.

Note -  Until all nodes of the cluster are upgraded and the upgrade is committed, new features that are introduced by the new release might not be available.

Before You Begin

If you have failover zones of brand type solaris configured on the cluster, you must perform additional steps. Follow the instructions in How to Upgrade a Failover Zone before you begin this procedure. If you have a solaris10 brand zone in a zone cluster, follow the instructions in Upgrading a solaris10 Brand Zone in a Zone Cluster.

  1. Assume the root role or become an administrator with solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization on the node of the cluster you want to upgrade.
  2. Subscribe to the ha-cluster publisher that contains the software you want to upgrade to.
    # pkg set-publisher -G '*' -g URL_for_ha-cluster_publisher ha-cluster
  3. Ensure that the solaris publisher is valid.
    # pkg publisher
    PUBLISHER                           TYPE     STATUS   P  LOCATION
    solaris                             origin   online   F  solaris-repository

    For information about setting the solaris publisher, see Adding, Modifying, or Removing Package Publishers in Adding and Updating Software in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  4. Run the upgrade on the node you want to upgrade.

    If you are upgrading a failover zone, follow the instructions in How to Upgrade a Failover Zone.

    • To use the command line, perform the following:
      # scinstall -u update [-b bename] [-L accept,licenses]

      You can choose to specify a name for the new boot environment with the -b bename option. If you specify the -L accept,licenses option, the command accepts and displays the licenses of the packages you upgrade. See the scinstall (1M) man page for more information about these options.

    • To use the interactive scinstall utility, perform the following:

      Note -  To use the interactive scinstall utility, the cluster nodes must be installed with at least 4.0 SRU 2.
      1. Start the scinstall utility.
        phys-schost# scinstall

        The scinstall Main Menu is displayed.

      2. Choose the Upgrade This Cluster menu item.

        The Upgrade Menu is displayed.

      3. If you are upgrading a global-cluster node, follow the menu prompts to upgrade the cluster framework, data service agents, or underlying OS.

        If you are upgrading a zone cluster node, follow the menu prompts to upgrade the cluster framework, data service agents, or Oracle RAC for this node.

        Upgrade processing is finished when the system displays the message Completed Oracle Solaris Cluster framework upgrade and prompts you to press Enter to continue.

      4. Quit the scinstall utility.
  5. As needed, upgrade other applications that support alternate boot environments.
  6. Boot the node into the new boot environment.
    • If you need to upgrade any applications that do not support alternate boot environments, boot into the new boot environment in noncluster mode.
      # reboot -- -x
    • Otherwise, follow the prompts to boot the node into the new boot environment.
  7. Repeat these steps on each remaining node, one at a time, that you want to upgrade.

Next Steps

When all nodes in the cluster are upgraded, go to Chapter 6, Completing the Upgrade.