Oracle® Solaris Cluster Upgrade Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39644–01

How to Prepare a Cluster Node for Upgrade (Rolling Upgrade)

Perform this procedure on one node at a time. You will take the upgraded node out of the cluster while the remaining nodes continue to function as active cluster members.

Before You Begin

Perform the following tasks:

  1. Ensure that the cluster is functioning normally.
    1. View the current status of the cluster by running the following command from any node.
      phys-schost% cluster status

      See the cluster (1CL) man page for more information.

    2. Search the /var/adm/messages log on the same node for unresolved error messages or warning messages.
    3. Check the volume-manager status.
  2. If Geographic Edition software is installed, ensure that all application resource groups have the Auto_start_on_new_cluster property set to False.

    This setting prevents the unintended starting of application resource groups before cluster upgrade is completed.

    # clresourcegroup show -p Auto_start_on_new_cluster resource-group

    If necessary, change the property value to False.

    # clresourcegroup set -p Auto_start_on_new_cluster=False resource-group
  3. If necessary, notify users that cluster services might be temporarily interrupted during the upgrade.

    Service interruption will be approximately the amount of time that your cluster normally takes to switch services to another node.

  4. Assume the root role on a node of the cluster.
  5. Evacuate resource groups and device groups from the node, except those used by failover zones on the node.
    • If the node is configured with failover zones, suspend the resource groups used by the failover zones and evacuate all other resource groups and device groups on the node.

      Failover zones refers to solaris brand zones that are configured with the HA for Oracle Solaris Zones data service.

      # clresourcegroup suspend -n node-to-evacuate failover-zone-resource-group
      # clresourcegroup evacuate -n node-to-evacuate resource-group-unused-by-failover-zone
      # cldevicegroup switch -n node-to-evacuate device-group

      Alternatively, you can use the clnode evacuate command to evacuate all resource groups and device groups from the node, then use the clresourcegroup switch command to move back to the node you will upgrade only those resource groups that are used by a failover zone. See the clresourcegroup (1CL) and clnode (1CL) man pages for more information.

      For more information about failover zones, see Upgrading Failover Zones.

    • If there are no failover zones configured on the node, evacuate all resource groups and device groups on the node.

      Note -  Do not use this command if failover zones are configured on the node. If a resource group that is used by a failover zone is evacuated from the node, even though the resource group is suspended, the evacuate operation will take the resource group offline.
      phys-schost# clnode evacuate node-to-evacuate

      See the clnode (1CL) man page for more information.

  6. Evacuate any resource groups that are running in a zone-cluster node that is on the node to upgrade.
    phys-schost# clresourcegroup evacuate -n zone-cluster-node \
    -Z zone-cluster-name resource-group
  7. Verify that the move was completed successfully.
    phys-schost# cluster status -t devicegroup,resourcegroup
  8. Ensure that the system disk, applications, and all data are backed up.

Next Steps

Go to How to Upgrade the Software (Rolling Upgrade).