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Oracle® Server X5-2L Installation Guide for VMware ESXi

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Updated: November 2015

Set Up the Boot Media for a Local Installation

  1. On a system with a CD/DVD burner, download the VMware ESXi 5.5 or 6.0 installer ISO image from the VMware web site at https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/downloads.
  2. Burn the ISO image to a CD or DVD.
  3. Insert the VMware ESXi installation CD or DVD into a DVD drive attached to the server:
    • If the server is equipped with an optional DVD drive, insert the installation media into the DVD drive on the server front panel.
    • If the server is not equipped with a DVD drive, attach a DVD drive to one of the server USB ports, and then insert the installation media into the drive.

      For information about how to attach local devices to the server, refer to Cabling the Server and Applying Power in Oracle Server X5-2L Installation Guide .