The ATG installation provides a servlet pipeline that is invoked each time an ATG server handles a request. The Dynamo Server Admin also has its own servlet pipeline, which starts with the servlet /atg/dynamo/servlet/adminpipeline/AdminHandler. You can construct pipelines used by your own applications, or you can customize existing ATG server pipelines.

For more information, see the Customizing a Request-Handling Pipeline section of the Platform Programming Guide.

Basic HTTP Authentication

The BasicAuthenticationPipelineServlet class provides authentication using the Basic HTTP authentication mechanism. A component for this servlet is not included in the standard servlet pipelines, but the class is available for use in servlet pipelines you might create in your own applications. For enhanced security, it is recommended that you use a secure HTTPS protocol.

For more information see Authentication in the Platform Programming Guide.

Browser Caching of Dynamic Pages

Some browsers handle page caching in a way that conflicts with dynamic page requests. ATG’s browser typer marks page requests from those browsers as non-cacheable to override the aggressive caching behavior of some browsers and proxy servers. This approach also helps avoid security exposure caused by proxy servers caching.

For more information on preventing browsers from caching dynamic pages, see the BrowserTyper section of the Platform Programming Guide.

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