CRM integration provides single sign-on capability so that users do not have to log in to Commerce Service Center each time they create a new ticket or modify a ticket from an external CRM application. The single sign-on capability is provided using the LoginAgentUser Web service (to authenticate the identity of the user for whom the service was called).

The LoginAgentUser Web service is very similar to the standard DPS Userprofiling LoginUser Web service except that it can handle the Customer Service Agent user subtype whereas the LoginUser Web service can only handle the base user type (Internal User). For any application that uses the Customer Service Agent user subtype, the LoginAgentUser Web service is required and the LoginUser Web service will not work. If client-side encryption is used, then the agent versions of the CanClientEncryptPasswords, GetPassWordHashKey, and GetPassWordHashAlgorithm web services should be used.

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