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Oracle® Advanced Support Gateway Installation Guide

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Updated: September 2024

Create the Subnet

(Optional) Follow this procedure to create the subnet. This procedure follows from Create the VCN.

Note -  This procedure may not be required for certain customers. For example, customers may opt to use an existing subnet rather than create a new instance.

To create the OCI subnet, perform the following steps in the OCI web user interface:

  1. While viewing the VCN, click Create Subnet.

    Note -  For more information, refer to the relevant OCI documentation here.
  2. Enter the following:

    Name: Enter a name for the gateway VCN subnet. The name doesn't have to be unique, and it cannot be changed later in the Console (but you can change it with the API). Avoid entering confidential information.

    Regional or Availability Domain-Specific: Select Regional (recommended), which means the subnet spans all availability domains in the region. Later when you launch an instance, you can create it in any availability domain in the region.

    CIDR Block: A single, contiguous CIDR block within the VCN's CIDR block. For example: You cannot change this value later.

    Route Table: Select the default route table.

    Private or public subnet: Select Public Subnet, which means instances in the subnet can optionally have public IP addresses.

    Use DNS Hostnames in this Subnet:This option is available only if you provided a DNS label for the VCN during creation. If you want this subnet's instances to have DNS hostnames (which can be used with the built-in DNS capability in the VCN), select the check box for Use DNS Hostnames in this Subnet. Then you may specify a DNS label for the subnet, or the Console will generate one for you. The dialog box will automatically display the corresponding DNS Domain Name for the subnet.

    DHCP Options: Select the default set of DHCP options.

    Security Lists: Make sure the default security list is selected (the default).

    Tags: Leave as is. You can add tags later if you want.

  3. Click Create Subnet.

    Your compartment is then created and displayed on the Subnets page.