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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use TextBuffer
oracle.ide.ceditor The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. 
oracle.ide.cmd.buffer Contains command class implementations and static utility methods that can be used by Addins to modify the contents of a text-based IDE document in an undoable manner. 
oracle.ide.db.model Classes associated with the IDE's navigator nodes for database connections and database objects. 
oracle.ide.index Classes used to build and query indexes of source files. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.resourcebundle Provides a designtime abstraction around locating and managing resource bundles used by visual and non-visual editors. 
oracle.ide.util Contains utility classes. 
oracle.javatools.buffer The TextBuffer package assists in the manipulation of in-memory text content, whether it is read-only text, or read-write text. Contains classes and interfaces for compare / merge components, including diff algorithms, model classes and some view implementations. 
oracle.javatools.editor The Editor package is a basic framework for an editor component with syntax highlighting capabilities, built on top of the Swing text framework. 
oracle.javatools.editor.gutter The Line Gutter package is a subset of the Editor package, and contains API for working with a Gutter associated with an editor pane. 
oracle.javatools.editor.insight The Code Insight package is a subset of the Editor package, and is the starting base for a code insight implementation to provide the user with code assistance features. 
oracle.javatools.editor.language The Language package is a subset of the Editor package, and is the framework for extending the editor with color syntax highlighting, brace matching, and other language or content-specific editing features. 
oracle.javatools.editor.plugins The Plugins package is a subset of the Editor package, and is one way to extend the functionality of an editor pane. The parser API. Classes common to model implementations. The parser model API. Various utilities for use with the parser. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model The base classes for defining the Audit object model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform The base classes for defining transformations on the Audit object model. contains classes nbsp;that can be used to invoke and control the integrated compare (diff) viewer in JDeveloper and hook into the Compare With menu. 
oracle.jdeveloper.controller Public API for the java model. Public implementations of the JavaFileProvider interface. Public utilities for use with the java model, including the parser. 
oracle.jdeveloper.merge Contains classes for merge editor abstractions, including an editor addin, commands, a controller, and utilities. 


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.ide.ceditor


Methods in oracle.ide.ceditor with parameters of type TextBuffer
 void NodeUpdater.attributeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int attribute)
          Provides notification regarding a change to one of the buffer attributes.
static NodeUpdater NodeUpdater.getUpdater(Subject nodeSubject, TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Fetches an updater for the given node - all cached updaters are stored on the list as WeakReferences so that they can be GC'd correcty.
 void NodeUpdater.insertUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] insertedData)
          Provides notification about an insertion into the TextBuffer.
 void NodeUpdater.removeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] removedData)
          Provides notification about a removal from the TextBuffer.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.ide.cmd.buffer


Methods in oracle.ide.cmd.buffer with parameters of type TextBuffer
abstract  void Edit.applyEdit(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Applies the edits the first time through in proper sequence.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.ide.db.model


Methods in oracle.ide.db.model that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer DBObjectPlSqlNode.acquireTextBuffer()


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.ide.index


Methods in oracle.ide.index that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer IndexingContext.getTextBuffer()
          Get the text buffer containing the contents of the file being indexed.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.ide.model


Methods in oracle.ide.model that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer TextNode.acquireTextBuffer()
          Gets a TextBuffer with the content of this node, or null if the content cannot be loaded.
 TextBuffer TextNode.acquireTextBufferOrThrow()
          Gets a TextBuffer with the content of this node.
protected  TextBuffer TextNode.getTextBufferDirectly()
          Gets the text buffer if the node is open, or null if not.
 TextBuffer TextNode.tryAcquireTextBuffer()
          Non-blocking version of TextNode.acquireTextBuffer().


Methods in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type TextBuffer
 void TextBufferTracker.attributeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int attribute)
 void TextBufferTracker.insertUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] text)
 void TextBufferTracker.removeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] text)
 void TextBufferTracker.replaceText(TextBuffer buffer, char[] fromText, char[] toText)
protected  void TextNode.setDefaultLineTerminator(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Sets up the default line terminator to use for the text buffer.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.ide.resourcebundle


Methods in oracle.ide.resourcebundle with parameters of type TextBuffer
 void NodeResourceBundle.attributeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int attribute)
 void NodeResourceBundle.insertUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] insertedData)
 void NodeResourceBundle.removeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] removedData)


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.ide.util


Methods in oracle.ide.util with parameters of type TextBuffer
static TextBufferStreamFactory.getInputStream(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Create an InputStream object used for reading the data from a text buffer as an InputStream.
static TextBufferStreamFactory.getInputStream(TextBuffer textBuffer, java.lang.String encoding)
          Create an InputStream object used for reading the data from a text buffer as an InputStream.
static TextBufferStreamFactory.getOutputStream(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Deprecated. Use oracle.javatools.buffer.TextBufferFactory.createReader instead.
static TextBufferStreamFactory.getOutputStream(TextBuffer textBuffer, java.lang.String encoding)


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.javatools.buffer


Classes in oracle.javatools.buffer that implement TextBuffer
 class AbstractTextBuffer
          The AbstractTextBuffer class is a starting point for classes implementing the TextBuffer interface.
 class TextBufferDecorator
          The TextBufferDecorator is a base decorator for a TextBuffer.


Fields in oracle.javatools.buffer declared as TextBuffer
protected  TextBuffer TextBufferDecorator._tbuffer
          The delegate TextBuffer.


Methods in oracle.javatools.buffer that return TextBuffer
static TextBuffer TextBufferFactory.createArrayTextBuffer()
          Creates a new empty instance of the TextBuffer using a flat array implementation.
static TextBuffer TextBufferFactory.createExpirableTextBufferSnapshot(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Constructs an expirable snapshot of the specified TextBuffer.
static TextBuffer TextBufferFactory.createGapTextBuffer()
          Creates a new empty instance of the TextBuffer using a gap buffer implementation.
static TextBuffer TextBufferFactory.createReadOnlyTextBufferWrapper(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Creates a read-only wrapper that implements the TextBuffer interface around the specified interface.
static TextBuffer TextBufferFactory.createTextBuffer()
          Creates a new empty instance of the TextBuffer using a default implementation.
static TextBuffer TextBufferFactory.createTextBuffer(ReadWriteLock lockToUse)
          Creates a new empty instance of the TextBuffer using a default implementation.
 TextBuffer LineMap.getTextBuffer()
          Fetches the underlying TextBuffer of this line map.


Methods in oracle.javatools.buffer with parameters of type TextBuffer
 void ForwardingTextBufferListener.attributeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int attribute)
 void TextBufferListener.attributeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int attribute)
          Provides notification regarding a change to one of the buffer attributes.
static TextBuffer TextBufferFactory.createExpirableTextBufferSnapshot(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Constructs an expirable snapshot of the specified TextBuffer.
static TextBuffer TextBufferFactory.createReadOnlyTextBufferWrapper(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Creates a read-only wrapper that implements the TextBuffer interface around the specified interface.
 void ForwardingTextBufferListener.insertUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] insertedData)
 void TextBufferListener.insertUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] insertedData)
          Provides notification about an insertion into the TextBuffer.
 void ForwardingTextBufferListener.removeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] removedData)
 void TextBufferListener.removeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] removedData)
          Provides notification about a removal from the TextBuffer.


Constructors in oracle.javatools.buffer with parameters of type TextBuffer
ForwardingTextBufferListener(TextBuffer buffer)
TextBufferDecorator(TextBuffer buffer)
          Constructs the decorator for the delegate buffer.


Uses of TextBuffer in


Methods in that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer CompareMain.FileCompareContributor.getTextBuffer()


Methods in with parameters of type TextBuffer
static void CompareUtils.replaceText(TextBuffer target, int offset, int length, char[] data)
          Replaces text in the target TextBuffer with the input data with the smallest changes possible.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.javatools.editor


Methods in oracle.javatools.editor that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer BasicDocument.getTextBuffer()
          Fetches the underlying Content of this document.


Methods in oracle.javatools.editor with parameters of type TextBuffer
 void BasicDocument.attributeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int attribute)
          Provides notification regarding a change to one of the buffer attributes.
 void BasicCaret.attributeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int attribute)
          Provides notification regarding a change to one of the buffer attributes.
static int Utilities.getColumnFromOffset(TextBuffer textBuffer, int offset, int tabSize)
          Fetches the column (0-based) of the given offset in the buffer based on a certain tab size.
static int Utilities.getColumnFromOffset(TextBuffer textBuffer, int line, int offset, int tabSize)
          Fetches the column (0-based) of the given offset in the buffer based on a certain tab size.
static int Utilities.getOffsetFromColumn(TextBuffer textBuffer, int line, int column, int tabSize)
          Fetches the offset corresponding to a given line and column (both 0-based) and given tab size.
static int Utilities.getTextWidth(TextBuffer textBuffer, int startOffset, int endOffset, int tabSize, int startColumn)
          Fetches the width of the given range of text in the text buffer in columns (not pixels.) This will take into account any tabs in the text and what the specified tab size is.
 void BasicDocument.insertUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] insertedData)
          Provides notification about an insertion into the text buffer.
 void BasicCaret.insertUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] insertedData)
          Provides notification about an insertion into the text buffer.
 void BasicDocument.removeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] removedData)
          Provides notification about a removal from the text buffer.
 void BasicCaret.removeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] removedData)
          Provides notification about a removal from the text buffer.
static int BasicAction.skipLeadingIndent(TextBuffer textBuffer, int lineStart, int lineEnd)
          Utility routine to find the offset of the first character after the leading indent (if any), or -1 for an empty line or line containing only whitespace.


Constructors in oracle.javatools.editor with parameters of type TextBuffer
BasicDocument(java.lang.String fileName, TextBuffer buffer)
          Creates a plain text document using the buffer provider specified.
BasicDocument(TextBuffer buffer)
          Create a new BasicDocument using the provided buffer.
TextRange(TextBuffer buffer, int startOffset, int endOffset)
          Create a text range for a section of the text buffer.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter


Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.gutter with parameters of type TextBuffer
 void LineGutterPlugin.attributeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int attribute)
          Provides notification regarding a change to one of the buffer attributes.
 void LineGutterPlugin.insertUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] insertedData)
          Provides notification about an insertion into the text buffer.
 void LineGutterPlugin.removeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] removedData)
          Provides notification about a removal from the text buffer.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.javatools.editor.insight


Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.insight that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer AbstractInsight.getTextBuffer()
          Utility routine to fetch the text buffer associated with the particular editor pane.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.javatools.editor.language


Fields in oracle.javatools.editor.language declared as TextBuffer
protected  TextBuffer LexerBlockRenderer.textBuffer
          The text buffer that we are rendering.
protected  TextBuffer GenericBraceProvider.textBuffer
          The TextBuffer instance used by this GenericBraceProvider.


Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.language that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer AbstractDocumentRenderer.getTextBuffer()
          Convenience method for fetching the text buffer associated with this provider.
 TextBuffer LexerBlockRenderer.getTextBuffer()
          Fetches the text buffer that this block renderer is rendering.
protected  TextBuffer SmartIndentProvider.getTextBuffer()
          Private utility routine to fetch the text buffer for the document.
protected abstract  TextBuffer AbstractBraceProvider.getTextBuffer()
          Gets the TextBuffer we are working on.
protected  TextBuffer GenericBraceProvider.getTextBuffer()


Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.language with parameters of type TextBuffer
abstract  BlockRenderer LanguageModule.createBlockRenderer(TextBuffer buffer)
          Creates a new BlockRenderer instance for editing this specific language.
static BlockRenderer LanguageModule.createBlockRendererForFileType(java.lang.String fileType, TextBuffer textBuffer)
 java.lang.String OffsetDescriptionProvider.getDescription(TextBuffer buffer, int offset)
          Provide the user displayable name for the given location


Constructors in oracle.javatools.editor.language with parameters of type TextBuffer
LexerBlockRenderer(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Constructs a new block renderer for the specified document.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.javatools.editor.plugins


Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.plugins that return TextBuffer
protected  TextBuffer AbstractClickPlugin.getTextBuffer()
          Private utility routine to fetch the text buffer of the document being edited.


Uses of TextBuffer in


Methods in that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer JavaProvider.getTextBuffer( url)
          Fetch a TextBuffer instance for the specified URL.


Uses of TextBuffer in


Methods in that return TextBuffer
protected static TextBuffer CommonUtilities.acquireTextBuffer()


Methods in with parameters of type TextBuffer
protected static void CommonUtilities.releaseTextBuffer(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no more text buffer listeners attached to this buffer.


Uses of TextBuffer in


Methods in that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer SourceFile.getTextBuffer()
          Gets the associated TextBuffer.


Methods in with parameters of type TextBuffer
 SourceFile SourceFile.cloneSelf(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Clones this SourceFile into the input TextBuffer.
 void SourceFile.pinTextBuffer(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Sets the text buffer cookie and pins it.
 void SourceFile.setTextBuffer(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Sets the text buffer but leaves it unpinned.


Uses of TextBuffer in


Methods in that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer NullProvider.getTextBuffer( url)


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.javatools.patch


Methods in oracle.javatools.patch that return TextBuffer
protected  TextBuffer PatchIndexFile.getTextBuffer()
          Gets the internal text buffer for the index file.


Methods in oracle.javatools.patch with parameters of type TextBuffer
 void PatchIndexFile.setTextBuffer(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Sets the internal text buffer for the index file.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer TextFileModelAdapter.getTextBuffer()
          Gets the text buffer for this model.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform that return TextBuffer
protected  TextBuffer TextTransformAdapter.getBuffer()
 TextBuffer TextTransformContext.getBuffer()
          Gets the text buffer to be transformed.


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform with parameters of type TextBuffer
TextBufferCommand(java.lang.String name, TextBuffer buffer)
          Creates a text transform command.


Uses of TextBuffer in


Methods in that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer PatchCompareContributor.getTextBuffer()
          Gets the text buffer for the comparison and patch contribution.
 TextBuffer TextNodeContributor.getTextBuffer()
 TextBuffer InputStreamTextContributor.getTextBuffer()
 TextBuffer URLContributor.getTextBuffer()
protected  TextBuffer CompareMethod.getTextBuffer(CompareContributor contributor)
          Gets the text buffer for the given CompareContributor.


Methods in with parameters of type TextBuffer
protected  java.lang.String CompareMethod.scanForXMLNamespaceURI(TextBuffer textBuffer, java.lang.String name)
          Scans the given buffer for an XML root element's namespace URI.


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.jdeveloper.controller


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.controller with parameters of type TextBuffer
protected abstract  int[] TextNodeActionDelegate.doAction(TextBuffer buffer, Context context, Element[] elements, int[] text, IdeAction action)
          Does the action on a TextBuffer.


Uses of TextBuffer in


Methods in that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer JavaModel.getTextBuffer( url)


Methods in with parameters of type TextBuffer
 SourceFile JavaFileProvider.getSourceFile(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Creates a new SourceFile from the input TextBuffer but NOT tied any particular Java source URL.
 SourceFile JavaModel.getSourceFile(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Creates a new SourceFile from the input TextBuffer but NOT tied any particular Java source URL.


Uses of TextBuffer in


Methods in that return TextBuffer
protected  TextBuffer JdevProviderContext.getTextBuffer( url)
          Fetch the TextBuffer for the given URL.
protected  TextBuffer ProviderContext.getTextBuffer( url)
          Reads the contents of the given URL into a new TextBuffer.
 TextBuffer BaseFileProvider.getTextBuffer( url)


Methods in with parameters of type TextBuffer
 SourceFile BaseFileProvider.getSourceFile(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Creates a new SourceFile from the input TextBuffer but NOT tied any particular Java source URL.
protected  SourceFile ProviderContext.getSourceFile(TextBuffer textBuffer, int j2se)
          Creates a new SourceFile for the given TextBuffer.


Uses of TextBuffer in


Methods in with parameters of type TextBuffer
 void SourceElementHandle.attributeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int attribute)
 void SourceElementHandle.insertUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] insertedData)
 void SourceElementHandle.removeUpdate(TextBuffer buffer, int offset, int count, char[] removedData)


Uses of TextBuffer in oracle.jdeveloper.merge


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.merge that return TextBuffer
 TextBuffer TextMergeContributor.getTextBuffer()
protected  TextBuffer TextMergeNode.getTextBufferDirectly()
          Overriden to return the text buffer of the merge contributor.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.merge with parameters of type TextBuffer
protected  void AbstractMergeEditor.updateMergeAttributes(TextBuffer mergeTextBuffer)


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.merge with parameters of type TextBuffer
TextMergeContributor(TextBuffer textBuffer, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String title)
TextMergeNode( url, TextBuffer textBuffer)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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