
Oracle Real User Experience Insight (RUEI) provides you with powerful analysis of your network and business infrastructure. You can monitor the real-user experience, set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and trigger alert notifications for incidents that violate them.


This guide is intended for all users of RUEI. These can be Administrators, Security Officers, and Business and IT users. These roles are explained in Section 14.2, "Understanding User Roles and Permissions".

This guide is directly relevant to the following users:

  • Administrators responsible for maintaining the RUEI installation. This includes monitoring the system's health status, performing configuration backups, and for defining the scope of network operations that will be monitored. They are also responsible for creating and maintaining user authorizations.

  • The Security Officer responsible for managing security-related issues. These include defining which sensitive information (such as credit card details) are omitted from logging, and the installation and management of SSL keys to monitor encrypted data.

  • All other system users. These can be defined as business or IT users (or both), and their assigned privileges determine the access available to them.


Although no specific technical knowledge is required, some familiarity with network and web technology is assumed. However, some organizational knowledge is required. In particular:

  • Administrators should have a firm understanding of network topology, and a good operational knowledge of their organization's network and application environment. In addition, individuals assigned to this role should have a good understanding of RUEI.

  • Security Officers should possess a firm understanding of security-related issues. Moreover, they should be able to accurately assess the impact of network organizational changes.

  • As explained earlier, different levels of business and IT users can be defined. Their assigned permissions determine both the level of data to which they have access, and the configuration tasks they can perform. This could include identifying the monitored web pages, and specifying how visitors to the website are identified. Additional activities could include configuring RUEI to reflect the monitored website's functional architecture, the definition of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and the creation of custom reports. In all cases, the permissions assigned to users should reflect both the appropriate access they require, and their organizational knowledge.

Using This Guide

This guide is organized as follows:

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Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Real User Experience Insight (RUEI) documentation set:

  • Oracle Real User Experience Insight Installation Guide.

  • Oracle Real User Experience Insight Administrator's Guide.

  • Oracle Real User Experience Insight Release Notes.

The latest version of this and other RUEI books can be found at the following location:

RUEI also provides extensive online help. Select the option Help option from the System menu, or click the Help icon within a dialog to display the online help system.

Updated Terminology

In previous versions of RUEI, users flows were known as transactions.


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.