Oracle® Server Management Agent for Oracle Solaris 11.2 User's Guide

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Updated: June 2015

How to Inject a Simulated Fault


Caution  - This procedure returns test SNMP traps, however the values received might not match the values you expect to see when a real SNMP trap is generated. This does not impact non-test SNMP trap functionality.

  1. At the command prompt, type:

    ipmitool -U user -P password -H hostname -v sdr list

    Choose a sensor from the returned list that you want to inject a simulated fault to. In this example the IPMI event: 'P0/VTT' unc assert is used.

  2. At the command prompt, type:

    # ipmitool -U user -P password -H hostname event 'P0/VTT' unc assert

    This injects the IPMI event: 'P0/VTT' unc assert.

    You should receive an SNMP trap similar to the following:

    sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (4300) 0:00:43.00

    snmpModules. = OID: sunHwTrapVoltageNonCritThresholdExceeded

    sunHwTrapSystemIdentifier.0 = STRING: sg-prg-x6220-01-sp0

    sunHwTrapChassisId.0 = STRING: 1005LCB-0728YM01R7::0739AL71EA


    sunHwTrapComponentName.0 = STRING: /SYS/MB/P0/VTT

    sunHwTrapThresholdType.0 = INTEGER: upper(1)

    sunHwTrapThresholdValue.0 = STRING:

    sunHwTrapSensorValue.0 = STRING:

    sunHwTrapAdditionalInfo.0 = STRING: Upper Non-critical going high

    sunHwTrapAssocObjectId.0 = OID: zeroDotZero

    sunHwTrapSeverity.0 = INTEGER: nonCritical(4)

    You can verify the SNMP trap by checking the syslog record, which should contain something similar to the following:

    sg-prg-x6250-01 hwagentd[3470]: P0/VTT (Sensor ID: 0x1b) (Record ID: 0x821): Upper Non-critical going high.

    The messages stored in syslog correspond exactly to the SNMP traps. The messages are logged with facility daemon and level notice.

    Note -  If records corresponding to SNMP traps are not being stored on Oracle Solaris operating systems, make sure that the daemon facility and notice level are enabled.