The following procedure describes how to start an ATG Control Center that is installed in a Windows environment on the same machine as the Oracle Commerce Platform server. For information on starting an ATG Control Center that is installed on a different machine, or for information on starting the ATG Control Center in a UNIX environment, refer to the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.

Typical Oracle Commerce Platform installations use both a production server and a staging server. The production server is the machine that serves the “live” Web site your visitors can see. The staging server, by contrast, serves an internal version of the Web site for in-house testing and development purposes. The staging site is not accessible to outside visitors.

In most cases, you should connect to the staging server when you do any work in the ATG Control Center. After you test your changes on the staging site, you (or your system administrator) can copy your changes to the live site on the production server. If you have questions about which server to connect to, check with your system administrator. (For more information on copying your changes to the production server, see Copying and Switching Databases in the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.)

Before you start the ATG Control Center:

  1. Make sure the database your company uses for Oracle Commerce Platform is installed and running on the server to which you are going to connect. For example, to start the MySQL Server database for evaluation purposes, select All Programs > Oracle Commerce Platform 11.1 > Tools > Start MySQL Server from the Windows Start menu.

  2. Ensure your Oracle Commerce Platform products are running on the server to which you are going to connect. This step can be performed by starting your application server with the application you assembled through the Configuration and Installation Manager (CIM). For more information, refer to the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.

To start the ATG Control Center:

  1. From the Start menu, select All Programs > Oracle Commerce Platform 11.1 > Tools > ATG Control Center.

  2. When the Connect to Server dialog box appears, enter the user name and password for the Oracle Commerce Platform server to which you are connecting this copy of the ATG Control Center.

    If you do not have the required login information, check with your system administrator.

For information on other ATG Control Center startup options, please refer to the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.

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