In some cases you may be working in a multisite environment (one in which a single instance of the Oracle Commerce Platform supports more than one Web site). Typically in such an environment, all sites contain the same pages (for example, all sites contain the same login page). The page contains code that displays different content for each site. For this reason, when you set up a slot to show content, be aware that the same content may appear on all your Web sites unless the page or the slot is configured to restrict content to specific sites.

One way to restrict the content is to use site-aware targeters to fill slots. Site-aware targeters can include overrides that display different content on each site. Note that only targeters created through the Business Control Center support multisite features. You cannot create site-aware targeters through the ACC. For information on creating targeters, refer to the Business Control Center User's Guide.

After you have created a site-aware targeter that has appropriate rules for each site, you can use it to a fill a slot by following the procedure in the previous section, Using a Targeter to Define the Content of a Slot. Select the site-aware targeter and then specify the site whose override rule you want to use, as shown:

Logs in where Site is CRS Home > Add Items to Slot Named MySlot from
Targeter MySiteAwareTargeter > with Site Event's Site

In this example, the site specified in the Logs In event (CRS Home) is picked up by the Add Items to Slot action (Event's Site is CRS Home). The override rule added for CRS Home to the site-aware targeter is used to display content in the slot. The following example also works:

Logs in > Add Items to Slot Named MySlot from Targeter
MySiteAwareTargeter > with Site CRS Home

In this example, however, content specified by the override rule for CRS Home is displayed in the slot regardless of the site where the visitor logged in.

For information on creating multisite targeters, refer to the Business Control Center User's Guide. For information on configuring a multisite environment, see the Multisite Administration Guide.

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