When a site visitor registers at your site, the system automatically adds a profile for him or her to the profile repository. (It also creates a different type of temporary profile for anonymous visitors – those who visit your site but do not register. For more information, see Working with User Profiles in the Personalization Programming Guide.) For this reason, you do not usually have to add profiles to the system yourself. However, if you do have to add a profile, for example for test purposes, follow this procedure:

  1. Display the Users window (People and Organizations > Users).

  2. Select File > New User. The New Item dialog box appears.

  3. In the Item Type list, select the type of profile that you want to add. For more information on different profile types, see Determining the Profile Type.

  4. Enter values as necessary. Properties with an asterisk are required, but the rest are optional. See Editing Profile Values for more information.

    The system adds the new profile and displays it in the list on the left of the Users window. (By default, items in this list are ordered alphabetically by their Login Name values.)

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