The system watches for an e-mail message to arrive. (Specifically, this element watches for e-mail messages to be received by the atg/dynamo/service/POP3Service component.)

You can use this element to monitor incoming e-mails you receive as part of activity on your Web site. For example, you could use it to set up a scenario that keeps count of the number of e-mail responses you receive to a targeted e-mail campaign. Alternatively, you could create a scenario that watches for messages with a specific subject line and forwards them to your Customer Service group.

Use the optional parameters within this element as follows:


The element is triggered by…

where bounced

The bounced value of the message, which indicates whether the e-mail is one that was returned because it was undeliverable.

where bouncedEmailAddress

The e-mail address of the person to whom a bounced message was sent.

where bouncedReplyCode

The RFC 821 reply code of a bounced e-mail. RFC 821 reply codes are part of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) standard for sending and receiving e-mail. (For more information, refer to

Example: 550

where bouncedStatusCode

The enhanced RFC 1893 status code of a bounced e-mail. (For more information, refer to

Example: 5.1.1

where bouncedErrorMessage

The text error message from a bounced e-mail that indicates why a message was refused.

Example: User unknown

The text is the mail server’s interpretation of the enhanced RFC 1893 status code. For information on the text you can specify, please refer to the documentation for the mail server used by your site.

where message

Properties of the content of the message

where messageCc

The e-mail address of the recipient or recipients included in the “CC” field of the message

where messageFrom

The e-mail address of the person who sent the message (the “From” field in an e-mail).

Example: An e-mail is received where messageFrom includes

In this case, the system watches for incoming e-mail from the domain

where messageRecipients

Any e-mail address in either the “To” or “CC” fields

where messageReplyTo

The Reply-To e-mail address of the message

where messageSubject

The subject line of the message.

Example: An e-mail is received where messageSubject is Enroll me!

where messageTo

The e-mail address of the recipient or recipients of the message (the “To” field in an e-mail)

where originalSubject

The original subject line of the message. The original subject is the subject line without the word “Re:” that may be added if this e-mail message is a response to another.

Example: An e-mail is received where originalSubject is Come back, we miss you!

In this case, an incoming message with the subject line Re: Come back, we miss you! will trigger this element.

where receivedDate

The date on which the message was received

Note: When entering e-mail addresses in scenario elements, use only characters supported by Unicode.

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