Links in a portal page typically need to pass information. There are several techniques you can use in constructing a link, including:

The paf:encodeURL tag encodes a portal URL, encoding session ID and portal-specific parameters. The tag takes the following parameters:


This required parameter stores the resultant encoded portal URL.


The URL to encode. Defaults to the requested URI if not specified. Optional.


An object representing the portal in a particular state. Defaults to the currently rendering portal state if not specified. Optional.


An object representing a particular state of the gear and portal. Optional.

The following example illustrates the use of this tag to encode a URL that puts the portal in full display mode.

  fullPortalContext = new PortalContextImpl(portalContext);
<paf:encodeURL id="fullURL" portalContext="<%= fullPortalContext %>">
  <a href="<%= fullURL %>">full</a>

The example below shows how one might create a link to a gear rendering in “help” mode, using the GearServletResponse.encodeGearUrl method.

<% GearContext currentGearContext = (GearContext)
GearContextImpl gearContext = new

gearContext.setGearMode(GearMode.HELP); %>

... ...

<a href="<%=

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