The PAF tag library contains a core set of tags for portal application JSPs. These tags begin with the prefix “paf,” for example, paf:renderTab. You can find the tag library definition file in <ATG11dir>/Portal/taglib/pafTaglib/1.3/tld. For information on the accessor methods and properties made available by the PAF Tag Library, refer to the interfaces in the atg.portal.framework package in the ATG Platform API Reference.

Earlier versions of the PAF tag library will still function in ATG Portal. However, we recommend that any new portal pages you develop should use the latest version of the tag library.

The PAF Tag Library includes the following tags:

Tag Name



Determines the layout to render based on the Display Mode and the current Device.


Includes a GearTitleTemplate.


Tests for global roles before allowing access to tag contents.


Tests for community roles before allowing access to tag contents.


Tests for gear roles before allowing access to tag contents.


Renders a tab for a portal template header set of tabs.


Renders this tab if the page object passed to the parent renderTab tag is not the currently rendering page.


Renders this tab if the page object passed to the parent renderTab tag is the currently rendering page.


Encodes a portal or gear URL with session ID and portal or gear specific parameters.


Obtains a portal or gear context.


Dispatches a request to included content

For each tag described below, there is a reference to a page that uses the tag. The references to each of the example pages are paths relative to <ATG11dir>/Portal/paf/starter-portal/paf-dar/portal/templates.

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