A Stylesheet manifest file enables you to specify a location for cascading stylesheets by providing a servlet context and a URL to a cascading stylesheet.

You can use stylesheets to render branding headers on pages that may be shared between communities. For example, an access denied page could invoke a stylesheet in its head element with the following tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%= cssURL %>"
 src="<%= cssURL %>"/>

ATG Portal defines the following stylesheet elements:

For example:

.error { font-size:9pt; color : cc0000}
.info { font-size:9pt; color : 00cc00}
.user_admin_header_bg_img {
.user_admin_header_community_name { font-size:16px; font-weight:700; }
.user_admin_header_links { font-size:10px; font-weight:300; }

The following sample shows an abbreviated manifest for a Cascading Stylesheet:


    <style name="NAME" version="VERSION" author="AUTHOR">
      <description>Default CSS</description>

For details about the tags and attributes you can use in a Stylesheet manifest file, see Stylesheet Manifest Elements in Appendix A: Portal Manifest Reference.

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