ATG Portal includes a command-line tool to simplify the deployment of a portlet in an ATG Portal application. This tool generates a J2EE Web application and a gear manifest file from the portlet. Once you deploy a portlet using the Portlet Deployment Tool, the portlet will behave just like an ATG Portal Gear and will be available as a gear in the ATG Portal Administration interface. However, note that after you use the Portlet Deployment Tool, do not attempt to modify the portlet by editing its gear manifest file. Instead, make any desired changes in the portlet’s portlet.xml file and redeploy the portlet.

The Portlet Deployment Tool can deploy a portlet that is packaged either as a WAR file or exploded WAR directory. The Portlet Deployment Tool expects to find a portlet.xml deployment descriptor file in the WAR’s WEB-INF directory. The portlet.xml file follows the deployment descriptor file format specified by JSR 168.

The Portlet Deployment Tool sets the servlet context for the portlet in the deployment descriptor file (application.xml) and gear manifest files as portlet/<file name of the input WAR file>.

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