39.4 Managing Proxy Settings for Federation

This topic is organized in the following sections.

39.4.1 About Proxy Settings for Federation

A proxy may be required when Identity Federation needs to directly connect to the federation partner, such as in a SAML artifact SSO operation. You view and manage a proxy configured for use with federation partners on the Federation Settings page of the console.

Figure 39-1 illustrates the Federation Proxy Settings section of the Federation Settings page. Table 39-3 describes each element on the Federation Proxy Settings section of the Federation Settings page.

Table 39-3 Federation Proxy Settings

Element Description

Enable Proxy

Checking the box enables the proxy server.

When the box is unchecked, the Proxy function is disabled and related fields are inaccessible for editing.


This element specifies the proxy hostname.


This element specifies the proxy port number.

Non-proxy Hosts

This is a list of hosts for which the proxy should not be used. Use ';' to separate multiple hosts.


This is the proxy user name to use when connecting to the proxy.


This is the proxy password to use when connecting to the proxy.

39.4.2 Managing Proxy Settings for Identity Federation

Skip Step 1 if you are viewing the Federation Settings page. Prerequisites for Proxy Settings for Identity Federation

None. Setting or Modifying Proxy Settings for Federation

You can set or modify Proxy settings for Federation.

To set or modify:

  1. In the Oracle Access Management Console, click Federation at the top of the window.
  2. In the Federation console, Select Federation from the drop-down list in the Settings section.
  3. On the Federation Settings page, evaluate current proxy settings values against those needed for your environment.
  4. Fill in the Proxy settings using values for your environment (Table 39-3).
  5. Click Apply to save your changes.
  6. Proceed to "Defining Keystore Settings for Federation".