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Creating and Using Oracle® Solaris Kernel Zones

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Updated: December 2018

Installing a Kernel Zone from an Installation Image

You can install kernel zones from Oracle Solaris ISO installation images by using the –b option.

# zoneadm –z zonename install –b path-to-iso-file

Note the following considerations:

  • Interactive text installations and automated installations from media are both supported. Live Media installation is not supported for kernel zones. See Part 2, Installing Using Installation Media, in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems for additional information about these installation methods.

  • The version of Oracle Solaris in the installation image must have support for kernel zones, so it must be at least Oracle Solaris 11.2. See Verifying Hardware and Software Support on Kernel Zone Hosts.

  • To begin installation, you must include the complete path to the ISO image. Otherwise, the Oracle Solaris installation will fail.

  • You can install from an installation image combined with an AI manifest with specific resource and package configurations.

During an Oracle Solaris installation from an ISO file, the kernel zone is booted and you are connected to the zone console. For information about how to use the zone console, see Zone Console Login in Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Zones.


Caution  -  If you exit or disconnect from the kernel zone console before the installation is complete,, the installation fails.

How to Install a Kernel Zone From an Installation Image

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Assigning Rights to Non-Root Users to Manage Zones in Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Zones.

  2. Install the kernel zone using the Oracle Solaris installation image.
    global$ zoneadm -z zonename install -b path-to-iso-file

    For example, to install the image located at /var/tmp/solaris-media.iso to the kernel zone, kzone2:

    global$ zoneadm -z kzone2 install -b /var/tmp/solaris-media.iso

How to Install a Kernel Zone From an Installation Image and Use an AI Manifest

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Assigning Rights to Non-Root Users to Manage Zones in Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Zones.

  2. Install the kernel zone using the Oracle Solaris installation image and specify the manifest file with the -m option.

    To install the image located at /var/tmp/solaris-media.iso to the kernel zone kzone2 and also use an AI manifest /var/tmp/kz_manifest.xml with specific resource and package configurations:

    global$ zoneadm -z kzone2 install -b /var/tmp/solaris-media.iso  -m /var/tmp/kz_manifest.xml