x64 is now supported. See Figure 17, Table 17, ELF Section Types, sh_type, Special Sections, Relocation Types, Thread-Local Variable Access, and Thread-Local Storage Relocation Types.
A restructuring of the file system has moved many components from under /usr/lib to /lib. Both the link-editor and runtime linkers default search paths have been changed accordingly. See Directories Searched by the Link-Editor, Directories Searched by the Runtime Linker, and Runtime Security.
System archive libraries are no longer provided. Therefore, the creation of a statically linked executable is no longer possible. See Static Executables.
Greater flexibility for defining alternative dependencies is provided with the –A option of crle(1).
The link-editor and runtime linker process environment variables specified without a value. See Environment Variables.
Path names used with dlopen(3C), and as explicit dependency definitions, can now use any reserved tokens. See Establishing Dependencies with Dynamic String Tokens. The evaluation of path names that use reserved tokens is provided with the new utility moe(1).
An optimal means of testing for the existence of an interface is provide with dlsym(3C) and the new handle RTLD_PROBE. See Providing an Alternative to dlopen.