Class Name




(Order Approval portal gear only)

The ApprovalRequiredDroplet servlet bean supports the order approval process by retrieving all orders requiring approval by a given approver. It queries the order repository and returns all orders that meet the following criteria:

Note that the ApprovalRequiredDroplet servlet bean has a security feature that allows the current user, the approver, to view only the orders of customers for whom he or she is allowed to approve orders. This feature is enabled by default. To disable the feature, set the enableSecurity property to false.

Input Parameters

approverid (Required)
The ID of the current user profile; the approver.

The number of orders to return from the query. This parameter is optional and typically is used to break large result sets into manageable pieces.


A collection of site IDs used to limit the query to orders associated with the specified sites. If siteIds is specified, siteScope is ignored.


If you are using Oracle Commerce Platform’s multisite feature, you can filter orders by site. Use siteScope as an alternative to siteIds, and provide one of the following scopes:

The default siteScope can be set through a configurable property on the component. The default value is all.

The index of the first order to return. If startIndex is null, then it defaults to 0. This parameter is optional and typically is used to break large result sets into manageable pieces.

Output Parameters

The array of Order objects.

The number of Order objects in the result output parameter.

The total number of Order objects that satisfied the criteria.

The index of the first order in the next set of results. If startIndex or numOrders was null, then this parameter will also be null.

The index of the first order in the previous set of results. If startIndex or numOrders was null, then this parameter will also be null.

nextIndex and previousIndex allow the user to cycle back and forth between result sets.

The 1-based index of the first Order in the set of results.

The 1-based index of the last Order in the set of results.

The error message to display to the user if an error occurs.

Open Parameters

This open parameter renders the array of order objects set in the result output parameter.

This parameter is rendered if there are no orders that require approval by the current user.

This parameter is rendered if an error occurs.


The following example retrieves from the repository the orders requiring approval by the current user, an approver, and lists each order’s repository id on the page.

<dsp:droplet name="ApprovalRequiredDroplet">
 <dsp:param bean="/atg/userprofiling/Profile.repositoryId"
 <dsp:param value="0" name="startIndex"/>
 <dsp:param value="10" name="numOrders"/>
 <dsp:oparam name="output">
<dsp:droplet name="ForEach">
   <dsp:param param="result" name="array"/>
   <dsp:setvalue param="order" paramvalue="element"/>
       <dsp:oparam name="output">
          <dsp:valueof param="order.repositoryId"/><br>
       <dsp:oparam name="error">
          <dsp:valueof param="errorMsg"/><br>

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