6.5 Install the Server Into the Rack

This section describes the steps to install an additional compute node as part of your Oracle PCA.

6.5.1 Install Mounting Brackets

Perform the following procedure to install mounting brackets onto the sides of the server.

  1. Position a mounting bracket against the chassis so that the slide-rail lock is at the server front, and the five keyhole openings on the mounting bracket are aligned with the five locating pins on the side of the chassis. See Figure 6.3.

    Figure 6.3 Aligning the Mounting Bracket With the Server Chassis

    This figure shows the mounting bracket being aligned with the server chassis.

    Table 6.3 Figure Legend




    Chassis front


    Slide-rail lock


    Mounting bracket


    Mounting bracket clip

  2. With the heads of the five chassis locating pins protruding through the five keyhole openings in the mounting bracket, pull the mounting bracket toward the front of the chassis until the mounting bracket clip locks into place with an audible click.

  3. Verify that the rear locating pin has engaged the mounting bracket clip.

  4. Repeat these steps to install the remaining mounting bracket on the other side of the server.

6.5.2 Attach Slide-Rail Assemblies

Perform the following procedure to attach slide-rail assemblies to the rack.

  1. Orient the slide-rail assembly so that the ball-bearing track is forward and locked in place.

    Figure 6.4 Orienting the Slide-Rail With the Ball-Bearing Track

    This figure shows the slide-rail being oriented with the ball-bearing track.

    Table 6.4 Figure Legend






    Ball-bearing track


    Locking mechanism

  2. Starting with either the left or right side of the rack, align the rear of the slide-rail assembly against the inside of the rear rack rail, and push until the assembly locks into place with an audible click. See Figure 6.5.

    Figure 6.5 Aligning the Slide-Rail Assembly With the Rack

    Figure showing the slide-rail assembly being aligned with the rack.

  3. Align the front of the slide-rail assembly against the outside of the front rack rail, and push until the assembly locks into place with an audible click. See Figure 6.5.

  4. Repeat these steps to attach the slide-rail assembly to the other side of the rack.

6.5.3 Install the Server Into the Slide-Rail Assemblies

Perform the following procedure to install the server, with mounting brackets, into the slide-rail assemblies that are mounted to the rack.


This procedure requires a minimum of two people because of the weight of the server. Attempting this procedure alone could result in equipment damage or personal injury.


Always load equipment into a rack from the bottom up so that the rack will not become top-heavy and tip over. Extend your rack's anti-tilt bar to prevent the rack from tipping during equipment installation.

  1. Push the slide-rails as far as possible into the slide-rail assemblies in the rack.

  2. Position the server so that the rear ends of the mounting brackets are aligned with the slide-rail assemblies that are mounted in the rack. See Figure 6.6.

  3. Insert the mounting brackets into the slide-rails, and then push the server into the rack until the mounting brackets encounter the slide-rail stops (approximately 30 cm, or 12 inches).

    Figure 6.6 Inserting the Server With Mounting Brackets Into the Slide-Rails

    This figure shows the server being inserted into the slide-rails.

    Table 6.5 Figure Legend




    Inserting mounting bracket into slide-rail


    Slide-rail release button


    Slide-rail lock

  4. Simultaneously push and hold the green slide-rail release buttons on each mounting bracket while you push the server into the rack. Continue pushing the server into the rack until the slide-rail locks (on the front of the mounting brackets) engage the slide-rail assemblies. See Figure 6.7.

    You will hear an audible click.

    Figure 6.7 Sliding the Server Into the Rack

    Figure showing the server being inserted into the rack.

6.5.4 Install the Cable Management Arm

Perform the following procedure to install the cable management arm (CMA) to rear of the server.

  1. Unpack the CMA.

  2. To make it easier to install the CMA, extend the server approximately 13 cm (5 inches) out of the front of the rack.

  3. Take the CMA to the back of the equipment rack, and ensure that you have adequate room to work at the back of the server.


    References to “left” or “right” in this procedure assume that you are facing the back of the equipment rack.


    Throughout this installation procedure, support the CMA and do not allow it to hang under its own weight until it is secured at all four attachment points.

  4. Insert the CMA's connector A into the front slot on the left slide-rail until it locks into place with an audible click. See Figure 6.8, frames 1 and 2.

    The connector A tab (see call-out 1) goes into the slide-rail's front slot (call-out 2).

    Gently tug on the left side of the front slide bar to verify that connector A is properly seated.

    Figure 6.8 Installing Connector A Into the Left Slide-Rail

    This figure shows the CMA connector A being installed into the left slide-rail.

    Table 6.6 Figure Legend




    Connector A tab


    Left slide-rail front slot

  5. Insert the CMA's connector B into the front slot on the right slide-rail until it locks into place with an audible click. See Figure 6.9, frames 1 and 2.

    The connector B tab (call-out 1) goes into the slide-rail front slot (call-out 2).

    Gently tug on the right side of the front slide bar to verify that connector B is properly seated.

    Figure 6.9 Installing Connector B Into the Right Slide-Rail

    This figure shows the CMA connector B being installed into the right slide-rail.

    Table 6.7 Figure Legend




    Connector B tab


    Right slide-rail front slot

  6. To install the CMA's connector C into the right slide-rail, perform the following steps:

    1. Align connector C with the slide-rail so that the locking spring (call-out 1) is positioned inside (server side) of the right slide-rail. See Figure 6.10, frame 1.

      Figure 6.10 Installing Connector C Into the Right Slide-Rail

      This figure shows the CMA connector C being installed into the right slide-rail.

      Table 6.8 Figure Legend




      Connector C locking spring

    2. Insert connector C into the right side-rail until it locks into place with an audible click (frames 2 and 3).

    3. Gently tug on the right side of the CMA's rear slide bar to verify that connector C is properly seated.

  7. To prepare the CMA's connector D for installation, remove the tape that secures the slide-rail latching bracket to connector D and ensure that the latching bracket is properly aligned with connector D. See Figure 6.11, frames 1 and 2.


    The CMA is shipped with the slide-rail latching bracket taped to connector D. You must remove the tape before you install this connector.

    Figure 6.11 Aligning the CMA Slide-Rail Latching Bracket With Connector D

    Figure showing CMA connector D being aligned with the slide-rail latching bracket.

  8. While holding the slide-rail latching bracket in place, insert connector D and its associated slide-rail latching bracket into the left slide-rail until connector D locks into place with an audible click. See Figure 6.12, frames 1 and 2.


    When inserting connector D into the slide-rail, the preferred and easier method is to install connector D and the latching bracket as one assembly into the slide-rail.

    Gently tug on the left side of the CMA's rear slide bar to verify that connector D is properly seated.

    Figure 6.12 Installing Connector D Into the Left Slide-Rail

    Figure showing CMA connector D and its associated latching bracket being installed into the left slide-rail.


    The slide-rail latching bracket has a green release tab. This tab is used to release and remove the latching bracket so that you can remove connector D.

  9. Gently tug on the four CMA connection points to ensure that the CMA connectors are fully seated before you allow the CMA to hang by its own weight.

  10. To verify that the slide-rails and the CMA are operating properly before routing cables through the CMA, perform the following steps:

    1. Extend the server from the front of the rack until the CMA is fully extended.


      To reduce the risk of personal injury, stabilize the rack cabinet and extend all anti-tilt devices before extending the server from the rack.

    2. Simultaneously pull and hold the two green release tabs (one on each side of the server) toward the front of the server (see the following figure) while you push the server into the rack. As you push the server into the rack, verify that the CMA retracts without binding. See Figure 6.13.


      To pull the green release tabs, place your finger in the center of each tab, not on the end, and apply pressure as you pull the tab toward the front of the server.

      Figure 6.13 Location of the Slide-Rail Release Tabs

      Figure showing the location of the slide-rail release tabs.

    3. Continue pushing the server into the rack until the slide-rail locks (on the front of the server) engage the slide-rail assemblies.

      You will hear an audible click when the server is in the normal rack position.

  11. Connect the cables to the server, as required.

    Instructions for connecting server cables are provided in Section 6.5.5, “Cable the Server”.

6.5.5 Cable the Server

After the server is installed in the rack and proper cable management arm (CMA) operation is verified, perform the procedures in this section to cable the server.


If you are installing more than one server into the rack, perform the procedures in the previous sections for each server before performing the cabling steps in this section.

You should observe the following guidelines when attaching cables to a newly rack-mounted server:

  • Do not remove existing cable connections in the rack.

  • Attach and route cables in the CMA and rear panel one server at a time. Do not slide out more than one server at a time.

  • Start from the bottom of the rack, and work upward. Route cables through the CMA with the dongle on the top and power cables on the bottom.


The Oracle PCA rack is pre-cabled for all Ethernet and InfiniBand cabling, including for future compute nodes. Cable bundles are cable-tied to the correct rack unit for each future server. You should not modify any of the cabling on the Oracle Switch ES1-24 switches, NM2-36P Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Expansion Switches, Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance ZS3-ES, or the InfiniBand ports on the Fabric Interconnects. For cabling reference information, see Appendix B, Cabling Reference.

  1. Connect the pre-installed power and data cables of the appropriate rack unit to the back of the expansion node. The cables are labeled for your convenience, and should be connected according to Figure 6.14.

    Figure 6.14 Server Cabling Requirements

    Figure showing the rear panel of a compute node. The call-outs identify the required cable connections.

    Table 6.9 Figure Legend




    Power supplies


    InfiniBand connectors


    NET0 Ethernet port

  2. Open the CMA cable covers, route server cables through the CMA's cable troughs, close the cable covers, and secure the cables with the six Velcro straps. See Figure 6.15.

    1. First through the front-most cable trough.

    2. Then through the small cable trough.

    3. Then through the rear-most cable trough.


      When securing the cables with the Velcro straps located on the front slide bar, ensure that the Velcro straps do not wrap around the bottom of the slide bar; otherwise, expansion and contraction of the slide bar might be hindered when the server is extended from the rack and returned to the rack.

      Figure 6.15 CMA With Cables Installed

      Figure showing CMA with cables installed, cable covers closed, and cables secured with Velcro straps.

  3. Ensure that the secured cables do no extend above the top or below the bottom of the server to which they are attached; otherwise, the cables might snag on other equipment installed in the rack when the server is extended from the rack or returned to the rack.


    If necessary, bundle the cables with additional Velcro straps to ensure that they stay clear of other equipment. If you need to install additional Velcro straps, wrap the straps around the cables only, not around any of the CMA components; otherwise, expansion and contraction of the CMA slide bars might be hindered when the server is extended from the rack and returned to the rack.

  4. Verify the operation of the CMA with all cables installed.


    Oracle recommends that two people execute this step. One person to move the server in and out of the rack, and another person to observe the cable and CMA operation.

    1. Slowly pull the server out of the rack until the slide rails reach their stop.

    2. Inspect the attached cables for any binding or kinks.

    3. Verify that the CMA extends fully from the slide rails.

  5. Push the server back into the rack.

    1. Simultaneously pull and hold the two green release tabs (one on each side of the server) toward the front of the server while you push the server into the rack. See Figure 6.13.


      To pull the green release tabs, place your finger in the center of each tab, not on the end, and apply pressure as you pull the tab toward the front of the server.

    2. Verify that the CMA retracts without binding.

  6. Repeat the previous steps for each additional server that you add to the rack.

The Oracle PCA monitoring software detects that one or more new compute nodes are present in the rack. It automatically powers on the new hardware and executes the provisioning procedure. The expansion compute nodes are incorporated seamlessly into the active system. This requires no further interventions by an administrator.

6.5.6 Replace the Rack Doors

Perform the following procedure to replace the rack front and rear doors:

  1. Retrieve the doors, and place them carefully on the door hinges. See Figure 6.1.

  2. Connect the front and rear door grounding strap to the frame. See Figure 6.1.

  3. Close the doors.

  4. (Optional) Lock the doors.