Printing Contact Information

You can print the contact information for one or more contacts in any of your address books or groups.

To print contact information:

  1. In the Address Book section, select an address book or group.

    The Address Book Page or Group Page appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Print all contacts from the address book or group:

      1. From the Address Book page or Group page toolbar, select the down arrow beside the Print icon and select Print All In List.

      2. Follow the instructions for your browser to print the contact information.

    • Print selected contacts:

      1. Select one or more contacts from your address book or group.

      2. From the Address Book page toolbar, select the down arrow beside the Print icon and select Print Selected.

      3. Follow the instructions for your browser to print the contact information.


    The option to Print All In List is not available for the Corporate address book.

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About Address Books