Receiving Email

Convergence automatically checks for email at regular intervals, but you can check for email at any time. By default, new email appears in your Inbox folder.

To check for email, select the Get Mail icon on any of your email folder pages.

Convergence supports read receipts. If an email sender requests a read receipt, Convergence provides you the opportunity to confirm having received the email.

When receiving email, see the following topics:

About Selecting or Opening Email

On computers, opening an email means that you double-click it, and selecting an email means that you click it once.

On tablets, opening an email means that you tap the subject of the email, and selecting an email means that you place a check mark in the check box for the email.

On the Folder Page, when you select an email, it becomes highlighted. When you open an email, the email appears on the Message Page.

Message Page

Use the Message page to view and perform actions on your email.

The name of the page assumes the subject of the email.

Element Description
Reply Select Reply to reply to the sender of the email. Select the down arrow beside the Reply icon and select Reply All to reply to everyone on the email.
Forward Select Forward to forward the email as an attachment to an email. Select the down arrow beside the Forward icon and select Inline to forward the email as text in an email.
Move Select Move to move the email to another email folder. Select the down arrow beside the Move icon and select Copy to copy the email to another email folder.
Print Select to print the email.
Delete Select to delete the email from its folder and move the email to the Trash folder.
Cancel Select to close the Message page.
Email header Displays information about the email. Select the sender or a recipient to display the following actions and information:
  • Add To Address Book: Add the contact to a personal address book.

  • Compose Mail To: Compose an email to send to this contact.

  • Invite To A New Event: Create an event with this contact as an invitee.

  • The sender or recipient's availability

Related Topics

Receiving Email

Managing Email

Sending Email