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Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.3 Geographic Edition Installation and Configuration Guide

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Updated: February 2017

Creating a Partnership

This section provides procedures to create a Geographic Edition partnership between two clusters.

How to Create a Partnership

Note -  You can also accomplish this procedure by using the Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager browser interface. Click Partnerships, and then click Create. For Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager log-in instructions, see How to Access Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 System Administration Guide.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • The cluster on which you want to create the partnership is up and running.

  • If a partner cluster is a zone cluster, either application-based replication such as, Oracle Data Guard, or EMC Symmetrix Remote Data Facility storage-based replication is configured or no data replication is used.

  • The geoadm start command must have already been run on the this cluster and the partner cluster. For more information about using the geoadm start command, see Enabling the Geographic Edition Framework.

  • The cluster name of the partner cluster is known.

  • The host information of the partner cluster must defined in the local host file. The local cluster needs to be able to reach the partner cluster by name.

  • Security has been configured on the two clusters by installing the appropriate certificates. See Configuring Trust Between Partner Clusters for more information.

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Securing Geographic Edition Software.

  2. Create the partnership.
    local-partner-cluster# geops create -c remote-partner-cluster[.domain-name] [-h heartbeat] \
    [-p property-setting [-p…]] partnership
    –c remote-partner-cluster[.domain-name]

    Specifies the name of the remote cluster that will participate in the partnership. If clusters in the partnership are in different domains, you must also specify the domain name of the remote cluster.

    This name matches the logical hostname used by the Geographic Edition framework on the remote cluster.

    –h heartbeat

    Specifies a custom heartbeat to use in the partnership to monitor the availability of the partner cluster.

    If you omit this option, the default Geographic Edition heartbeat is used.

    Custom heartbeats are provided for special circumstances and require careful configuration. Consult your Oracle specialist for assistance if your system requires the use of custom heartbeats. For more information about configuring custom heartbeats and custom heartbeat plug-ins, see Chapter 5, Administering Heartbeats and Heartbeat Plug-Ins in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

    If you create a custom heartbeat, you must add at least one plug-in to prevent the partnership from remaining in degraded mode.

    You must configure the custom heartbeat that you provide in this option before you run the geops command.

    Note -  A custom heartbeat prevents the default heartbeat from being used during partnership creation. If you want to use the default heartbeat for your partnership, you must delete the custom heartbeat before you run the geops create command.
    –p property-setting

    Specifies the value of partnership properties with a string of property=value pair statements.

    Specify a description of the partnership with the Description property.

    You can configure heartbeat-loss notification with the Notification_emailaddrs and Notification_actioncmd properties. For more information about configuring heartbeat-loss notification, see Configuring Heartbeat-Loss Notification in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

    For more information about the properties you can set, see Appendix A, Standard Geographic Edition Properties, in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.


    Specifies the name of the partnership.

    For information about the names and values that are supported by the Geographic Edition framework, see Legal Names and Values of Geographic Edition Entities in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

    For more information about the geops command, refer to the geops (1M) man page.

  3. Verify that the partnership was created and the status of the partnership.

    Note -  You can also accomplish this step by using the Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager browser interface. Click Partnerships to view partnership information. For additional details, click the partnership name. For Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager log-in instructions, see How to Access Oracle Solaris Cluster Manager in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 System Administration Guide.

    The partnership states will be Degraded and the heartbeat state will be Offline. These states will change after the partnership is joined from the partner cluster.

    local-partner-cluster# geoadm status
Example 2  Creating a Partnership

This example creates the paris-newyork-ps partnership on the cluster-paris.usa cluster.

cluster-paris.usa1# geops create -c cluster-newyork.usa \
-p Description=Transatlantic \
-p Notification_emailaddrs=sysadmin@example.com \
Example 3  Creating a Partnership That Uses a Custom Heartbeat and a Custom Heartbeat Plug-In

This example creates the heartbeat paris-to-newyork, creates the custom heartbeat plug-in command1 and adds it to the custom heartbeat, creates a the partnership paris-newyork-ps to use the custom heartbeat, and verifies the partnership status.

# geohb create -r cluster-newyork paris-to-newyork
# geohb add-plugin command1 paris-to-newyork -p Query_cmd=/usr/bin/hb/
# geops create -c cluster-newyork -h paris-to-newyork paris-newyork-ps
# geoadm status

Next Steps

To finalize the new partnership, the remote partner cluster must join the partnership. Go to Joining an Existing Partnership.

See Also

To remove a partnership between two clusters, see How to Remove Trust Between Two Clusters in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.