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Contributor Relations Reports: Selected Reports

This section lists common elements and provides detailed information about individual reports, including important fields and tables accessed. The reports are listed alphanumerically by report ID.

Running the Graduates To Alumni process generates a Crystal or BI Publisher report that lists the criteria entered on the Graduates to Alumni page as well as the query results, sorted by ID. The report also lists each graduate's Name, Degree Conferred Date, and a description of the Constituent Type Action taken by the AV_CONF_ALUM process. Two values can appear: Insert, which means the Alumni constituent type was added to the record, or Already Alumni, indicating no action was taken for the record. In addition, the report lists the total number of students that met the selection criteria, the number of inserts made to the Constituent Type table for graduates who were not already identified as alumni, and the number of graduates already assigned the Alumni constituent type.

The Pledge Schedule Aging report provides an overview of all past-due pledges at your institution, sorted by business unit and amount of days past due: 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-180, >180 days. The report lists the following detailed information for each overdue pledge, as well as a total summary page at the end:

  • Session Number

  • Pledge Number

  • Constituent ID/Name

  • ID Type/Constituent Type

  • Expected Date

  • Expected Amount

  • Days Past Due

The Electronic Payment Processing Audit report provides a summary of electronic payment transaction requests, sorted by status. The report lists transaction counts and amounts for each status category as well as details of how an electronic transaction was handled during processing. The EP Run Review - Transaction List page also contains this information, viewable online in the Contributor Relations system.

Your report may include any of the following fields. If you run your institution's standard bio bit or brief report, the report contains the fields selected on the Bio Bit Setup and Bio Brief Setup pages. If you run a customized report, the report contains the fields you selected on the Custom Bio Bit/Brief Setup page:

  • Alias Names

  • Service Indicators

  • Roles

  • Address/Telephone

  • Personal Data

  • Academic Info

  • Employment Info

  • Giving to the University

  • Five Largest Gifts

  • Involvement

  • Planned Giving

  • Assets

  • Ratings

  • Spouse Info

  • Family Info

  • Other Relationships

  • Organization Relationships

  • Legacy Academic Information

  • Summary

  • Narrative

  • Assigned Staff

  • Assigned Volunteers

  • Assigned Units

The Campaign Progress report summarizes the progress of a campaign in relation to its goals. The report includes information about the financial goal, current gifts, deferred gifts, and so on. If you include related campaigns in the report, a campaign summary is generated that totals the progress for the campaign and its related campaigns of a lower reporting level together.

Field or Control



Displays the name of the institution for which you are viewing campaign progress.


Displays the name of the campaign at your institution for which you are viewing progress.

Reporting Level

Displays the level assigned to the campaign for reporting purposes. The highest reporting level possible is 1. Reporting levels are used when assigning related initiatives to a campaign.

If you selected the Include Related Campaigns check box on the Campaign Progress Report page, a separate report page is generated for each campaign of a lower reporting level that's related to the campaign that you select for this report. In addition, a summary page is generated that rolls up totals for all the related campaigns.

Financial Goal

Displays the overall financial goal of the campaign.

Percent of Goal

Displays the percentage of total commitments divided by the financial goal for the campaign. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this percentage includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Current Operations to Date

Displays the total amount given to the campaign to designations that are for current operations only. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Capital Projects to Date

Displays the total amount given to the campaign to designations that are for capital projects only. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Endowment to Date

Displays the total amount given to the campaign to designations for endowment only. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Total Commitments to Date

Displays the sum of all outright gifts, gifts-in-kind, pledges, and deferred gifts for this campaign. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Cash/GIKs to Date

Displays the sum of all gifts, payments, and gifts-in-kind received for the campaign to date. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Outright Gifts to Date

Displays the sum of all direct gifts to the campaign excluding outstanding pledges and deferred gifts. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Pledge To Date

Displays the sum of all pledges to the campaign without regard to any received pledge payments. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Pledge Payments To Date

Displays the sum of all payments made toward pledges to the campaign. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Gifts-in-Kind to Date

Displays the sum of all gifts with the type of Gift-in-Kind made to the campaign. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Irrevocable Gifts - Present Value

Displays the sum of all irrevocable deferred gifts made to the campaign as tracked in Manage Prospects. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Irrevocable Gifts - Market Value

Displays the sum of the market value for all irrevocable deferred gifts to the campaign as tracked in Manage Prospects. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Revocable Gifts - Present Value

Displays the sum of all revocable deferred gifts made to the campaign as tracked in Manage Prospects. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Revocable Gifts - Market Value

Displays the sum of the market value for all revocable deferred gifts to the campaign as tracked in Manage Prospects. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Nbr Donors (number of donors)

Displays the count of donors to the campaign to date. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report. However, it only includes distinct values, so a donor is only included in the count once.

Nbr New Donors (number of new donors)

Displays the count of new donors, or donors making their first commitment to the institution, to the campaign to date. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report. However, it only includes distinct values, so a donor is only included in the count once.

Nbr Volunteers (number of volunteers)

Displays the count of volunteers that have been linked to the campaign through an action or direct assignment to a campaign activity. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report. However, it only includes distinct values, so a volunteer is only included in the count once.

Nbr Prospects (number of prospects)

Displays the count of prospects that have been linked to the campaign through a prospect strategy or actions. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report. However, it only includes distinct values, so a prospect is only included in the count once.

Nbr Open Asks (number of open asks)

Displays the count of actions from Prospect Manager that are scheduled asks related to the campaign and have not been completed. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Amt Open Asks (amount of open asks)

Displays the total amount of asks related to the open asks for this campaign. If an amount range exists, it includes the beginning amount of the range. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Nbr Declined Asks (number of declined asks)

Displays the count of actions from Prospect Manager that included asks related to the campaign that were declined. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

Amt Declined Asks (amount of declined asks)

Displays the total amount of asks related to the campaign that were declined. If an amount range exists, it includes the beginning amount in the range. On the campaign summary page that's generated when related campaigns are included, this amount includes totals from all campaigns included in the report.

When you run this report, the system creates a file named sqr.txt in your C:\temp directory. This file contains information about the parameters that you defined for the report, including the name of each related campaign included in the report if you include related campaigns.

You should print this file and save it with each report so that you can retain information about the parameters used to generate the report.

The Designation Donor report lists all posted commitments made to a particular designation that match the parameters you define on the Designation Donor List report page.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Displays the name of the business unit for which you are viewing commitments to a designation.


Displays the name of the fund at your institution for which you are viewing commitments. Designations are defined using the Designation Funds component.

Constituent Name

Displays the name of each constituent who has made a commitment to the designation within the parameters you defined for the report.


Displays the ID of each constituent who has made a commitment to the designation within the parameters you defined for the report.

Cnst Type (constituent type)

Displays the constituent type with the highest priority, at the time the commitment was made, for each donor who has made a commitment to the designation within the parameters you defined for the report.

Commitment Amount

Displays the total monetary amount of gifts and pledge payments the donor has made and fulfilled to your institution for this designation.

Pledge Balance

Displays the total monetary amount of pledges the donor has made outstanding to your institution for this designation.

Group Count

Displays the total number of rows for organizations or the total number of rows for individuals contained in the report.

SubTotal Commit Amt (subtotal commitment amount)

Displays the total monetary amount of gifts and pledge payments made by organizations or by individuals that match your report parameters, depending on which grouping of the report you are reviewing. These fields are added together to create the total commitment amount.

SubTotal Pledge Bal (subtotal pledge balance)

Displays the total monetary amount of outstanding pledge balances made by organizations or by individuals that match your report parameters, depending on which group of the report you are viewing. These fields are added together to create the total pledge balance.

Total Count

Displays the total number of rows contained in the report. Each donor to the designation is listed in a row of the report.

Total Commitment Amt

Displays the sum of the subtotal commitment amount fields in the report.

Total Pledge Balance

Displays the sum of the subtotal pledge balance fields in the report.

This report can be generated as part of the Process Giving Clubs process. The process generates giving club memberships and calculates membership levels based on donors' giving. The report compares the backed up data in the system to the newly generated giving club member data based on the options you select on the Process Giving Clubs page.

This report was designed to comply with the standards created by CASE and CAE. It lists the amounts of your outright gifts and deferred gifts by constituent type; it also lists the number of donors and the total donation amounts by constituent type.

Note: The report sorts gifts by the donor's constituent type at the time the gift was made.

The Individual constituent types listed below appear in Parts I, II, and III of the report.

Field or Control



(Column A) Former students who have earned some credit toward one of the degrees or diplomas at your institution (Constituent Type = 1, 2, 3).


(Column B) People, other than those who can be classified as Alumni, who are parents or guardians of current or former members of your institution (Constituent Type = 4).


(Column D) People who cannot be classified as Alumni, Students, or Parents (Constituent Type = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

The Organization constituent types listed below appear in Parts I and II of the report.

Field or Control



(Column E) Personal and family foundations, as well as other foundations and trusts that are private, tax-exempt entities operated exclusively for charitable purposes (Constituent Type = 12, 13).

Corporations and Businesses

(Column F) Corporations, partnerships, and cooperatives organized for profit-making purposes. This category includes corporations owned by individuals and families, company-sponsored foundations, and industry trade associations (Constituent Type = 10, 11).

Religious Organizations

(Column G) Churches, synagogues, temples, and their service groups (Constituent Type = 16).

Fund-Raising Consortia

(Column H) Entities formed by a group of cooperating institutions or organizations for the purpose of fund-raising activities (Constituent Type = 14).


(Column I) Organizations that cannot be classified as Foundations, Corporations and Businesses, Religious Organizations, or Fund-Raising Consortia (Constituent Type = 15, 19). This category excludes governmental agencies.

Part I: Outright Gifts for Current Operations displays both unrestricted and restricted gifts. This section only includes hard credit gifts. Note the following about outright gifts for current operations:

  • Unrestricted gifts (Part I, Line A) are outright gifts donated without any restrictions on their designation. Matching gifts from organizations are considered unrestricted, unless the organization states otherwise.

  • Restricted gifts (Part I, Line B) are outright gifts donated for a specific use. The report lists these specific uses in Lines B1 through B9.

Part II: Outright Gifts for Capital Purposes displays outright gifts for purposes such as property, buildings, equipment, endowments, and student loan funds. Endowment gifts included in this section can be either restricted or unrestricted. This section only includes hard credit gifts. Note the following about outright gifts for capital purposes:

Part III: Deferred Gifts displays realized deferred gifts received during the reporting period and tracked through Gift Entry. The processes that create the CAE report do not calculate present values for deferred gifts.

Part IV: Other Program Data lists supplementary information about your fund-raising program. Whereas Parts I, II, and III report donation amounts and destinations, Part IV provides a distinct count of donors. This section only reports on hard credit gifts.

Important! Constituent records that include a date of death or that do not have an active address are excluded from the counts in this part of the CAE report.

There are five sections in Part IV:

  1. Gifts from Individuals.

    Gifts from Individuals lists gifts for all purposes, by constituent type. For Part A of this section (I, A1a-c), alumni types are retrieved from the AV_RCG_DES table. For Part B (I, B1a-c), alumni types are retrieved from the AV_CLASS_YR table. The alumni counts in Part B represent a donor's constituent type during the first contact with your institution.

    Comparing Part A and Part B values enables you to calculate a percentage of support for your institution.

    For Part G, Contributor Relations does not calculate present value of deferred gifts.

  2. Gifts from Organizations.

  3. Other Fund-Raising and Related Data.

    Outstanding pledges are included here, though they are not counted in gift totals in Parts I and II of this report.

  4. Testamentary Commitments.

    Bequest intention information is included here, though it is not counted in gift totals in Parts I, II, or III of this report. The information in this section comes from Planned Giving. The system uses information on the Bequests page to calculate a present value for this section.

  5. Other Institutional Data.

    Contributor Relations is not connected to the Endowment Tracking or Budget Expenditures systems. You must manually enter values for this section.

The Role Assignments report summarizes information about the prospect assignments for a resource for a particular role. You can run either a summary or detailed report. A summary report produces a one-page report that includes the ID and name of the assigned resource and the number of assignments he or she has that meet the parameters that you set for the report. A detail report produces the summary page and a separate page for each resource that includes the ID and name of each prospect assigned, the associated campaign, start date, end date, and whether the spouse's record is linked.

The Summary Page is generated each time that you run the report, regardless of whether you select a Report Type of Summary or Detail on the Role Assignments report page.

Field or Control



Displays the name of the institution for which you are viewing assignments by role.


Displays the role for which you are viewing resource assignments. Roles are the part the resource assumes in the cultivation process such as Prospect Manager, Campaign Manager, and so on.

Sort Order/Sort By

Indicates whether you are viewing assignments in ascending or descending order by count, ID, or name.

Staff ID, Volunteer ID, and Unit Code

Displays the ID of the resource with assignments that fall within the parameters that you set for this report. The label for this column changes depending on the assigned resource type that you select on the Role Assignments report page.


Displays the name of the resource with assignments that fall within the parameters that you set for this report.

Number of Assignments

Displays the number of assignments for this resource that fall within the parameters that you set for this report.

Note: If a prospect has a spouse and you chose to link their records when creating the resource assignment, the couple counts as only one assignment in the total count that appears here.

The Detail pages are generated only when you select a report type of Detail on the Role Assignments report page.

Field or Control


Staff ID, Volunteer ID, and Unit Code

Displays the ID of the resource with assignments that fall within the parameters that you set for this report. The label for this column changes depending on the assigned resource type that you select on the Role Assignments report page.

Assigned Prospect

Displays the name of the prospect assigned to the resource for an assignment that matches the parameters defined for the report.

Prospect ID

Displays the ID of the prospect assigned to the resource for an assignment that matches the parameters defined for the report.


Displays the campaign code and description for the campaign associated with this resource assignment. You select a campaign when you create the resource assignment.

Sps Link (spouse link)

Indicates whether a spouse's record has been linked to this resource assignment. If so, the assignment for both the prospect and his or her spouse counts as a single assignment in the Number of Assignments column on the summary page of this report.

When you run this report, the system creates a file named sqr.log in your temporary directory. This file contains information about the parameters that you defined for the report.

You should print this file and save it with each report so that you can retain information about the parameters used to generate the report.