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Configuring Tasks

Use the Task Configuration component (SCC_TM_CONFIG) to define additional properties for a template other than those defined in the PeopleTools Manage Activity Guide Templates component.

Note: A configuration record is required in the Task Configuration component before a task can be assigned to students.

This section discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name



Task Configuration


select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Task Configuration

Required. Define properties of the task including optional prerequisite and subsequent tasks and Notification framework parameters.



select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Task Configuration, then select Launch

Optional. Define the properties of the optional launch page that can be displayed to the student as the first step (first action item) in a task. Properties that you can define include instruction text and the optional display of selected contact and career information.



select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Task Configuration, then select Agreements

Optional. Define which page definitions to use for agreement pages displayed as interim steps (interim action items) in a task.



select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Task Configuration, then select Complete

Required. Define the content and format of the final action item page of the task.

Field Setup


select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Field Setup

View the delivered career information fields that you can display on the launch action item page.

To choose which of these delivered fields the launch page should display, use the Task Configuration component’s Launch page.

Page Definitions


select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Page Definitions

Define agreement pages for use in the Task Configuration component’s Agreement page.

Access the Task Configuration page (select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Task Configuration).

Image: Task Configuration page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Task Configuration page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Task Configuration page (1 of 2)

Image: Task Configuration page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Task Configuration page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Task Configuration page (2 of 2)

On this page, you can create a configuration record for an institution for any active activity guide template. The page displays the context data fields that are defined for the template on the PeopleTools Activity Guide Template - Advanced Options page.

For new configuration records, you can use the Copy From button to copy all the details from an existing configuration record.

The system refers to the most current effective dated record on this page when the task is displayed to students.

Field or Control


Display Due Date

Select to display the due date on the Launch page and the Complete page.

Prerequisite Task

Optionally, use this region to define any prerequisite tasks that the student needs to complete before you assign this task. The system will make this check when you either manually assign this task using the Create Instance button on the Activity Guide Template - Properties page or when you use the Assign Tasks process.

Subsequent Task

Optionally, use this region to define any related tasks that the system will automatically assign when the student completes this task. For example, the preceding graphic of Task Configuration page illustrates that the Emergency Contacts Verification task will be automatically assigned to the student when he or she completes the Program Registration task. Note that the current task must have the required key Context Data fields to create the subsequent task.

The Task Configuration page checks whether all the context data fields for the subsequent task exist for the current task. If any values are missing, the page displays a warning message. You can ignore the warning; however, the system will not create the subsequent task when the student completes the current task.


Optionally, use this region to define the notifications that the system triggers when the task is assigned to a student or when the student completes a task. The system uses the Notification Framework for handling notifications.

Delivered with the system are the Notification Consumer ID Task Management Notifications (SCC_NTF_CON_20130619110938) for use with Student Activity Guides and the notification setup for example templates SCC_TM_ASSIGNED and SCC_TM_COMPLETED.

Note: The system triggers the assign notification parameter at the point when the task is assigned to the student, which can be before the start date of the task. The notification would need to include an explanation for the student that the task will not be available until the start date.

See Understanding the Notifications Framework


These features (Prerequisite Task, Subsequent Task and Notifications) are dependent on the delivered application class SCC_TM_ACTIVITYGUIDE_FW:TaskProcessingAdapter:PrerequisiteProcessingAdapter having been defined for Instance Creation in the Activity Guide Template definition and SCC_TM_ACTIVITYGUIDE_FW:ActionItemProcessingAdapter:ActionItemPostProcAdapter having been defined for Action Item Post Process for the final complete action item in the Activity Guide Template definition.

Release Service Indicators

This region enables you to define one or more service indicators/reasons. When the student completes the task, the system releases this defined service indicator(s) for the student.

The fields in this region are similar to the fields of Mass Release page. For information on the Mass Release page:

See Mass Assigning or Mass Releasing Service Indicators

For information on service indicator security:

See Setting Up Service Indicator Security

The system applies in this region the same security to the selection of service indicator and reason as it applies to the Mass Release page. For the service indicator that the system should release when a student completes the task, you - as an administrative user - setting up the task must have the Release option enabled for the combination of Service Indicator Code and Reason in the Service Indicator Security page (this setup is not required for the student who triggers this release). The system automatically triggers this release when the student clicks the Finish button on the Complete page (that is, the system releases the service indicator when the student completes the task).

If any of the Start Date, End Date, Start Term or End Term values are defined, then at the point the student clicks Finish, the processing that releases service indicators will consider those values when matching to records that need to be released for the student.

To view audit records, use the Audit Service Indicators page select (Campus Community, then select Service Indicators, then select Person, then select Audit Service Indicators). For more information:

See Auditing Service Indicators

Note: You can use the Mass Assign page to assign one or more service indicators to each student who has a particular task. To run the Mass Assign process, using PS Query, the query must include the bind record SCC_BND_SRCIND. An example PS Query is delivered (SCC_TM_SI_TASK_LIST) that can be used with the Mass Assign process.

Alternatively, you can assign a service indicator to each student using the Mass Assign process and then run the Assign Tasks process to create a task for every student with that service indicator using a PS Query to identify the population of students.


Use this region to specify the page that should appear for:

  • Default Exit: When the student clicks the Exit button and then the OK button for confirming the exit from the task and the student accessed the task from an email link.

  • Complete Task: When the student completes a task.

For example, you can define that the My Planner page should appear when a student completes a task.

Further details on the navigation when a student clicks Exit are given under Pagelet Options in the “Program Registration Template” subsection of the preceding “Setting Up Activity Guide Templates” section.

See Setting Up Activity Guide Templates

Access the Launch page (select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Task Configuration, then select Launch).

Image: Launch page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Launch page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Launch page (1 of 2)

Field or Control


Display Title

Required if a launch page is included as an action item.

Enter the page title that is displayed to the student.

Instruction Text

Required if a launch page is included as an action item.

Enter the text that will come after the page title to describe the actions that the student needs to perform.

Note: You can enter text to indicate to the student that clicking the Next button on a page signifies that the student has reviewed the data on an action item page and is satisfied to proceed.

You can format the text for both Display Title and Instruction Text fields using the formatting options including the ability to add URL and email links particularly for the Instruction Text field.

Image: Launch page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Launch page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Launch page (2 of 2)

Display-Only Page Regions

Optional. Use this group box to define one or more read-only data regions that the system will display on the launch action item page after the page title and instruction text. The information that the data region displays will be based on the context data. You can choose to display career information and contact information (addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and emergency contacts), with instructions on how the student can notify the institution of any incorrect information.

Field or Control



Select which data regions the launch action item page should display. You can add rows to select the following data regions:

• Addresses

• Career information

• Email

• Emergency contacts

• Phone numbers

The fields that appear in the Display-Only Page Regions group box depend on the value that you select for the Region field.

The launch action item page displays these regions in a fixed order depending on which regions are included. You cannot modify this order. The fixed order is:

(1) Addresses (2) Phone (3) Email (4) Emergency Contacts (5) Career information.

Note: The launch action item page can display career information only if the context data for the task includes the key values: EMPLID, ACAD_CAREER and STDNT_CAR_NBR.

Display Title

Enter the title that will be displayed for the data region. For example, if the region you select is Addresses, you can enter here Your Address Information.

Instruction Text

Enter additional information that follows after the display title. For example, if the region is Career, you can enter here Review your program information. If the information is incorrect, please contact the department head.

Address 1 Type, Address 1 Label, Address 2 Type, and Address 2 Label

These fields become available for entry when you select Addresses in the Region field.

You can select one or two address types to display and configure the label field to display the address type with a description rather than the default description of the selected address type.

Phone 1 Type, Phone 1 Label, Phone 2 Type and Phone 2 Label

These fields become available for entry when you select Phone in the Region field.

You can select one or two phone types to display and configure the label field to display the phone type with a description rather than the default description of the selected phone type.

Preferred Phone

This option becomes available for edit when you select Phone in the Region field. Select this option if you want the data region to not consider the Phone Type 1 and 2 values and display only phone records with Preferred flag.

Email 1 Type, Email 1 Label, Email 2 Type, and Email 2 Label

These fields become available for entry when you select Email in the Region field. You can select one or two email types to display and configure the label field to display the email type with a description rather than the default description of the selected email type.

Preferred Email

This option becomes available for edit when you select Email in the Region field. Select this option if you want the data region to not consider the Email Type 1 and 2 values and display only email records with Preferred flag.

Primary Contact Only

This option becomes available for edit when you select Emergency in the Region field. Select this option if you want the data region to display only primary emergency contact. If you do not select this option, all emergency contacts will be displayed.

Field options for career information

This example shows the grid that contains some of the field options for career information:

Image: Example of fields options for career information

This example illustrates the grid that contains some of the field options for career information.

Example of fields options for career information

This grid is available for edit only when you select Career in the Region field. Use this grid to add the fields that you want to display in the Career data region of the launch action item page. If you do not include a field in this grid, then that field is not displayed on the launch page.

Field or Control


Field Name and Description

The prompt values are from the Field Setup page.


The value defaults from the Description field. You can override this value if you want to display a different label for the field on the Career data region.

Display Type

Available for edit only if you select ACAD_PLAN or ACAD_SUB_PLAN in Field Name.

If you select this option, the Career data region displays the plan or subplan type description in addition to any defined label.

The format will be <label>: <type> <field value description>. For example, if there is a label for ACAD_PLAN and you have selected Display Type, then this is displayed:

Plan: Major Music

Where Plan is the label, Major is the academic plan type, and Music is the field value description.


Available for edit only if you select ACAD_PLAN in Field Name.

If you select Primary, the Career data region displays only the description of the academic plan with the lowest plan sequence (PLAN_SEQUENCE). If you select All or do not select a value, all the plan descriptions for the Student Program are displayed in plan sequence order.

The following table describes the source of the value for each Field Name. The system displays this value in the Career Data region.

Field Name



Displays the description for the INSTITUTION value from context data. This can be excluded if required; the institution value can also be included in the context data displayed for the task in the Student Task WorkCenter.


Displays the description for the ACAD_CAREER value from context data.


Displays the description for the ACAD_PROG value from Student Program for the combination of ACAD_CAREER and STDNT_CAR_NBR from context data.


Displays the description for the ACAD_PLAN value from Student Plan.

If Primary is selected only the description of the academic plan with the lowest plan sequence (PLAN_SEQUENCE) is displayed (PLAN_SEQUENCE from ACAD_PLAN), otherwise (either All is selected or no value is selected in the Primary/All field) all the plan descriptions for the Student Program are displayed in plan sequence order.

If the Display Type option is selected, the plan type as well as the label and field value description is displayed.


Displays the descriptions of all the academic subplans (ACAD_SUB_PLAN from ACAD_SUBPLAN) for each of the displayed academic plans in alphabetical order by subplan code.

If the Display Type option is selected, the subplan type as well as the label and field value description is displayed.


Displays the description for the CAMPUS value from Student Program (ACAD_PROG).


Displays the long translate name for the ACAD_LOAD_APPR value from Student Program (ACAD_PROG).


Displays the long translate name for the SSR_YR_OF_PROG value from Student Program (ACAD_PROG).

Note: The launch action item page displays values from the most recent effective dated row on or before the current date in the Student Program record, excluding any future rows. Careers are displayed only if the program status is active (AC).

Note: The sequence of the fields displayed on the launch action item page is determined by a tree structure that relates to the underlying record structure. This is fixed as follows and is not related to the row numbers in the grid:

  • Institution

  • Career

  • Program

  • Plan

  • Sub-plan

  • Academic Load

  • Campus

  • Year of Program

Access the Page Definitions page (select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Page Definitions).

Image: Page Definitions page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Page Definitions page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Page Definitions page (1 of 2)

Image: Page Definitions page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Page Definitions page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Page Definitions page (2 of 2)

This page enables definition of multiple different agreement action item pages that can be associated with one or more tasks in the Task Configuration component’s Agreements page. Define and format the agreement text and other instructions that are to be displayed on the agreement action item page.

Note: When you add a new page definition for an agreement page, the page code must begin with either a letter or a number and be a minimum of two characters.

You can configure whether or not the agreement details (such as text, user ID, IP address, date/time signed and so on) needs to be saved as a separate record for audit purposes.

Field or Control


Copy From

This button is available only when you add a new page definition. Click this button to copy any existing page definition details to the new page definition that you are creating.


Enter a description to be used for internal purposes only. This is not displayed to the student.

Display Title

Enter the page title that is displayed to the student.

Instruction Text

Enter the text that will come after the page title to describe the actions that the student needs to perform.

Agreement Text

Enter the text that is displayed to the student after the page title and instruction text. This is a long char field and the maximum characters is determined by the database depending on how the text is formatted.

You can use this field to include the full text of the institution’s terms and conditions or regulations, or include a link with instructions for the student to navigate to the details and then come back to accept the terms and conditions.

Agreement Options

Field or Control



If selected the student will be presented with radio button options to either Accept or Decline the agreement.

This is provided for cases where the student has the option of declining and then printing, signing and returning a paper copy of the agreement. Instructions can be included in the instruction text.

Accept Only

If selected the student will be presented with a single check box option to confirm they have read and accepted the agreement.

Accept Label

Enter the text to be displayed for the accept option. For example, you can enter I agree to abide by the rules and regulations specified above.

Decline label

Available for edit only if you select the Accept/Decline option. Enter the text to be displayed for the decline option.


If selected the student will be presented with the Printable Page option that will enable the student to print the agreement.

Save Options

Field or Control


Save Agreement

If selected, the system saves the agreement record (related but separate from the task record) with:

  • User ID

  • Agreement Date/Time

  • Agreement Status: Accepted or Declined

If you do not select this option, then a separate agreement record will not be saved. However, when the student selects the agree option, the action item in the task will still be marked as Completed. The action item remains In progress if the student selects the decline option.

Note: You should select the Save Agreement option, if the Accept/Decline option has been selected in the Agreement Options group box. This ensures that the system will record the accept/decline decision of the student.

Save IP Address

Available for edit only if you have selected the Save Agreement option.

If selected, the system also saves the student’s IP address in the agreement record.

Save Agreement Text

Available for edit only if you have selected the Save Agreement option.

If selected, the system also saves the full agreement text in the agreement record.

Access the Agreements page (select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Task Configuration, then select Agreements).

Image: Agreements page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Agreements page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Agreements page

Field or Control


Action Item

Select the agreement page for the activity guide template. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. The delivered values that appear here are: Agreement 1 and Agreement 2.

Page Code

Select the page code for the action item. The page codes are created in the Page Definitions page.

See the previous subsection “Defining Agreement Pages”.

Page Definition

Click to access the Page Definition page, where you can review or edit the page code details.

Access the Complete page (select Campus Community, then select Task Management WorkCenter, then select Task Configuration, then select Complete ).

Image: Complete page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Complete page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Complete page

Field or Control


Display Title

Enter the page title that is displayed to the student.

Instruction Text

Enter the text that will come after the page title to describe the actions that the student needs to perform.

When the student clicks the Finish button on the Complete page, the task status is set to Completed. If subsequent tasks are configured, then new tasks are assigned. If a notification is configured, then a notification is generated for the student.