Siebel Hospitality Guide

What's New in This Release

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Overview of Siebel Hospitality

About Siebel Hospitality

Business Purposes of Screens in Siebel Hospitality

Purposes of Siebel Hospitality Administration Screens

Purposes of Siebel Hospitality End-User Screens

Viewing Information on the Hospitality Home Page (User)

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Getting Started with Siebel Hospitality

Roadmap for Setting Up Siebel Hospitality

Process of Setting Up Hospitality Workflows

Activating Hospitality Workflows

Verifying That Hospitality Workflows Are Active

Generating Database Triggers for Hospitality Workflows

Triggering the TNT SHM Quote Group Workflows with Workflow Monitor Agent

Running the Nightly Hospitality Workflows

Activating the TNT Event Check Status State Model

Process of Configuring Opportunities and Quotes

Configuring Multiple Quotes to Go Definite

Disabling Opportunity Revenue Updates

Generating Quotes for All Opportunity Properties

Disabling Date Synchronization

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Setting Up Properties

About Hospitality Properties

Roadmap for Setting Up Hospitality Properties

Creating Addresses for Properties

Setting Up Guest Conveniences

Adding Property Records

Setting Up Nonparticipating Properties

Defining Property Facilities and Room Services

Defining Property Day Parts

Assigning the Property Team

Defining the Neighborhood Characteristics of a Property

Defining the Property Profile

Defining Property Policies

Creating Sell Notes for a Property

Viewing the Property Calendar

Process of Adding Property Floor Plans

Attaching a Floor Plan to a Property

Allowing Floor Plan Viewing from the Function Space Diary

Configuring the Floor Plan Website Option

Process of Setting Up Property Clusters

Creating a Property Cluster

Assigning Clusters to a User

Viewing Cluster Records

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Setting Up Function Spaces, Sleeping Rooms, and Suites

About Function Space Administration

Roadmap for Setting Up Function Spaces, Sleeping Rooms, and Suites

Process of Setting Up Function Spaces

Creating Indivisible Specific Spaces

Creating Configured Specific Spaces

Setting Up Function Space Categories for a Property

Marking a Space or Category as Requiring Backup

Associating Specific Spaces with a Function Space Category

Configuring the Do Not Move Flag

Defining Setup Style List Values

Associating Setup Styles and Packages with Properties

Associating Setup Styles with Function Space Categories

Optimizing Setup Styles for Specific Spaces

Process of Setting Up Sleeping Rooms

Creating Sleeping Room Records

Mapping a Generic Room Type to Property-Specific Room Types

Mapping a Run of House Room Type to Property-Specific Room Types

Setting User Properties for Sleeping Room Mapping

Scenarios for Mapping Sleeping Rooms

Process of Setting Up Suites

Setting Up Indivisible Specific Space Suites

Setting Up Configured Specific Space Suites

Setting Up a Suite Category

Associating Suite Specific Spaces with a Category

Associating Setup Styles with Suite Categories

Setting Up Suite Administration

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Setting Up Products and Assets

About Product Administration in Siebel Hospitality

Roadmap for Setting Up Products and Assets

Process of Creating the Hospitality Revenue Category Hierarchy

Creating a Revenue Parent Category

Creating a Revenue Category

Creating a Revenue Subcategory

Creating Notes for a Revenue Category

Process of Setting Up Hospitality Products

Creating Simple Hospitality Products

Creating Complex Hospitality Products

Process of Creating Generic and Property-Specific Products

Creating Generic Room Blocks

Creating Generic Catering Products

Creating Property-Specific Products

Mapping Property-Specific Products to a Generic Catering Product

Process of Adding Catalog Visibility to Hospitality Products

Creating a Product Catalog

Creating a Product Category

Adding Products to Catalogs and Categories

Adding Access Groups to Catalogs

Adding Access Groups to Categories

Process of Managing Function Spaces, Sleeping Rooms, and Categories as Products

Navigating to the Administration - Product Screen from the Property Administration Screen

Defining Product Attributes for Function Spaces, Categories, and Sleeping Rooms

Adding Product Attributes to Function Spaces, Categories, and Sleeping Rooms

Setting Up Function Space Product Features

Associating a Product Feature with a Function Space or Category

Forecasting Product Consumption

Process of Defining Hospitality Assets

Creating Hospitality Assets

Defining Asset Inventory Display in the Function Space Diary

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Setting Up Property-Specific Menus and Packages

About Menus and Packages Administration

Roadmap for Setting Up Menus and Packages

Associating a Default Catalog Category with a Property

Process of Creating Property-Specific Products

Adding Products to a Property

Associating Prices with a Property-Specific Product

Creating Assets for Property-Specific Products

Process of Creating Property-Specific Menus

Adding Menus to a Property

Adding Items to a Property-Specific Menu

Associating Prices with a Property-Specific Menu

Process of Creating Property-Specific Packages

Adding Packages to a Property

Adding Items to a Property-Specific Package

Associating Prices with a Property-Specific Package

Sharing Property-Specific Products with Other Properties

Process of Performing Ongoing Menus and Packages Administration

Assigning Property-Specific Products to Catalog Categories

Creating Pricing Intervals for Property-Specific Products

Viewing Property Price Lists

Setting User Properties for Menus and Packages

Revenue Allocations for Menus and Packages

Scenarios for System-Calculated Revenue Allocations

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Setting Up Inventory Controls

Process of Setting Up Inventory Controls

Viewing Inventory Controls and Visibility

Defining Function Space and Suite Inventory Controls

Information Display Options in the Valid Authorization Levels List

Querying for Function Space Inventory Controls

Editing Function Space Inventory Controls

Defining Sleeping Room Inventory Controls

Information Display Options in the Total Group Availability List

Editing Sleeping Room Inventory Controls

Querying for Sleeping Room Inventory Controls

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Defining Day Parts, Status Indicators, and Setup Style Translations

About Function Space Administration

Process of Defining Day Parts, Status Indicators, and Setup Style Translations

Setting Up Property Day Parts

Defining Function Space and Asset Inventory Status Indicators

Defining Turntime and Time Interval Information for Function Space Display

Defining Active and Backup Colors

Defining Status Color Schemes for the Function Space Diary

Defining Display Options for Child Functions and Dependencies

Defining Setup Style Translations for Function Spaces

Setting User Properties for the Function Space Diary

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Setting Up Charge Codes, Taxes, and Service Charges

About Hospitality Charge Codes, Taxes, and Service Charges

Process of Setting Up Charge Codes, Taxes, and Service Charges

Administering Revenue Categories

Associating Revenue Categories with Products

Administering Service Charges

About Administering Service Charges

Creating a Service Charge

Associating a Service Charge with a Property

Administering Tax Codes

About Administering Tax Codes

Creating a Tax Code

Associating a Tax Code with a Property

Associating Tax Codes with Service Charges

Administering Charge Codes

About Administering Charge Codes

Defining Charge Codes

Associating Charge Codes with Tax Codes

Associating Charge Codes with Service Charges

Reviewing Charge Codes for a Revenue Category

Viewing Property-Specific Taxes and Service Charges

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Setting Up Pricing and Property Pricing

About Pricing and Property Pricing

Process of Setting Up Product and Property Pricing

Setting Up Price Lists

Administering Property Pricing

About the Property Pricing Profile

Creating a Property Pricing Profile

Defining Weekday and Weekend Days

Defining a Profit Series and Percentages

Defining Future Date Adjustments for Revenue Categories

Setting Up Special Dates

Administering Function Space Pricing

Setting Up Pricing Day Parts

Defining Function Space Pricing Rules

Setting Up Average Values and Function Types

Marking Function Spaces as Unavailable or Out Of Order

Accessing the Function Space Calendar

Administering Sleeping Room Pricing

Setting Up Rates for Sleeping Rooms

Defining Government Sleeping Room Pricing Rules

Accessing the Sleeping Room Calendar

Setting Up Controls for Function Spaces, Catering Products, and Sleeping Rooms

Administering Discount Pricing

Setting Up Full Day Discounts for Function Spaces

Setting Up Property Day Parts

Defining Full Day Discounts

Setting Up Volume Discounts

Creating Volume Discounts

Adding Volume Discount Line Items

Associating Volume Discounts with a Property

Creating Aggregate Volume Discounts for Sleeping Rooms and Suites

Setting Up a Matrix Series

Creating a Matrix Series for a Property

Defining an Account Matrix Discount

Defining a Segment Matrix Discount

Modifying Adjustment Amounts for a Matrix Series

About Matrix Discount Adjustment Types

Setting Up Suite Pricing for Multipurpose Spaces

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Setting Up Meeting Packages

About Meeting Packages

Process of Setting Up Meeting Packages (Administrators)

Creating Meeting Packages

Associating Functions and Function Line Items with a Meeting Package

Associating Nonfunction Line Items with a Meeting Package

Associating Sleeping Room Types and Pricing Intervals with a Meeting Package

Starting Meeting Package Price Per Day Calculations

About Meeting Package Price Per Day Calculations

Example of Meeting Package Price Per Day Calculations

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Defining Event Templates

About Event Templates

Process of Creating Event Templates

Creating a Generic Event Template

Creating a Property-Specific Event Template

Adding an Agenda and Line Items to an Event Template

Adding nonfunction Line Items to an Event Template

Adding Room Block Information to an Event Template

Adding Room Blocks and Line Items to an Event Template

Adding Historical Opportunities to an Event Template

Adding Properties to an Event Template

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Managing Hospitality Accounts and Contacts

About Hospitality Accounts and Contacts

Process of Managing Hospitality Accounts

Managing the Account Travel Profile

Creating an Account Travel Profile

Adding Brands to the Travel Profile

Adding Intermediary Accounts to the Travel Profile

Adding Competitors to the Travel Profile

Adding Credit Card Spending Details to the Travel Profile

Adding Travel Control Assessments to an Account

Creating Account Event Templates

Viewing Account Transactions

Viewing Opportunities for Intermediary Accounts

Creating an Account Business Plan

Process of Managing Hospitality Contacts

Managing a Travel Profile for a Contact

Creating Event Templates for a Contact

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Capturing Hospitality Opportunities

Scenario for Capturing Hospitality Opportunities

Process of Capturing Hospitality Opportunities

Creating Event Opportunities

Adding a Function Agenda and Line Items to an Event Opportunity

Adding a Function Agenda to an Event Opportunity

Adding Line Items to a Function Agenda

Organizing Functions with the Function Agenda Buttons

Adding Room Block Information to an Event Opportunity

Capturing Room Block Information with Rapid Room Block

Adding Room Block Information to an Opportunity

Adding Room Blocks to an Opportunity

Adding Room Block Line Items to an Opportunity

Copying Room Block Line Items

Selecting Properties for an Event Opportunity

Searching for Properties for an Opportunity

Identifying a Property for an Opportunity

Adding a Property to an Opportunity

Applying an Event Template to an Opportunity

Creating an Event Template from an Opportunity

Adding Details to an Event Opportunity

Modifying the Opportunity Arrival Date

Adding Activities to an Event Opportunity

Adding Attachments to an Event Opportunity

Adding Notes to an Event Opportunity

Adding Billing Information to an Event Opportunity

Adding Macro Estimates to an Event Opportunity

Adding an Assessment to an Event Opportunity

Capturing Event Opportunity Information

Assigning Host and Affiliate Relationships to Opportunities

Creating a Host Opportunity

Associating Affiliate Accounts with a Host Opportunity

Creating an Affiliate Opportunity

Viewing Opportunity Details with the Opportunity Explorer

Analyzing Opportunities with Charts

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Associating Historical and Future Data with Hospitality Opportunities

About Histories and Futures Functionality

Scenario for Researching Historical Data

Process of Setting Up Histories and Futures Data

Entering Records for Competitor Properties (Administrator)

Configuring Fields for Histories and Futures (Administrator)

Setting Up Event Templates for Histories and Futures (Administrator)

Importing Historical and Future Data (Administrator)

Exporting Historical and Future Data (Administrator)

Setting User Properties for Histories and Futures (Administrator)

Process of Managing Histories and Futures Data

Entering Historical Data in the Histories Screen (User)

Associating Historical and Future Opportunities with a Present Opportunity (User)

Applying an Event Template to a Historical Opportunity (User)

Sharing Historical and Future Opportunities with Another Property (User)

Workflows for Histories and Futures Functionality

TNT Nightly 30 60 90 Day Pickup Workflow

TNT Nightly Update History Opportunity Workflow

TNT Update History Opportunity Workflow

TNT SHM Create Function Order Workflow

TNT SHM Create One Quote Workflow

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Managing Recurring Events

About Recurring Events

Process of Creating Recurring Events

Creating Recurring Events

Creating the Recurring Event Opportunity

Creating Subopportunities for Event Opportunities

Setting the Recurrence for Subopportunities

Generating Quotes for Recurring Events

Generating Quotes for Subopportunities

Compiling Aggregate Quotes for Recurring Events

Compiling What-If Aggregate Quotes for Recurring Events

Completing an Aggregate Quote Evaluation

Overriding the Prices of All Rooms for an Aggregate Quote

Changing the Projected Property for a Subopportunity Quote

Submitting an Aggregate Quote for Evaluation

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Managing Property-Specific Event Quotes

About Property-Specific Quotes

Asynchronous Generation of Multiple Quotes

Scenario for Managing Property-Specific Event Quotes

Roadmap for Managing Property-Specific Event Quotes

Generating an Event Quote

Generating Quotes from Opportunities

Generating Quotes from Recurring Events

Generating Quotes from Host-Affiliate Opportunities

Generating Host Quotes

Generating Affiliate Quotes

Modifying an Event Quote

Changing the Sales Manager and Event Manager for a Quote

Changing Multiple Event Quotes

Applying a Property-Specific Event Template to a Quote

Creating an Event Template from a Quote

Adding Details to an Event Quote

Modifying the Event Quote Arrival Date

Adding Notes to a Quote

Adding Activities to a Quote

Adding Attachments to a Quote

Verifying and Updating Billing Information for a Quote

Entering and Tracking Booking Fee Information for a Quote

Entering Credit Check Information for an Event Quote

Managing Functions Associated with Quotes

Adding Functions and Function Line Items to a Quote

Creating a Hierarchy of Quote Functions

Adding Resource Cluster Line Items to a Quote

Validating Functions and Function Line Items for a Quote

Preventing Functions from Being Moved

Changing Function Spaces with Product Features

Managing Quote Functions

Copying Function Line Items to a Different Quote

Adding Nonfunction Line Items to a Quote

Managing Event Room Block Information in Quotes

Updating Room Blocks for a Quote

Adding Room Block Line Items to a Quote

Updating Negotiation Rates for a Quote

Reviewing the Room Block Summary Information

About Time Shifts for Function Spaces and Sleeping Room Blocks

Process of Reviewing Quote Details

Accessing the Quote Summary

Reviewing the Quote Summary Header

Reviewing the Quote Summary Revenue Thresholds

Reviewing the Quote Summary Negotiation Rates

Reviewing the Quote Summary Functions and Function Line Items

Reviewing the Quote Summary Room Blocks and Room Block Line Items

Scenarios for Calculating Taxes, Service Charges, and Revenues

Reviewing Quote Discounts

Applying Discount Percentages to Quotes, Functions, Room Blocks, and Line Items

Applying a Negotiated or Discount Price to Line Items

Reviewing Function Discounts

Reviewing Room Block Discounts

Reviewing the Pricing Waterfall for Function Spaces and Sleeping Rooms

Reviewing the Total Discount for a Quote

Reviewing Revenue Estimates for Quote Functions

Reviewing Parent Revenue Category Revenue Estimates

Changing Revenue Category Estimates

Reviewing Macro Estimates for Quotes

Viewing the Quote Event Calendar

Analyzing Quotes, Functions, and Room Blocks with Charts

Process of Managing Meeting Packages in a Quote

Adding Meeting Packages to a Quote

Managing Functions and Function Line Items in a Quote Meeting Package

Managing Nonfunction Line Items in a Quote Meeting Package

Updating Function and Nonfunction Line Item Prices for a Meeting Package in Quotes

Updating Room Block Line Item Prices for a Meeting Package

Managing Room Blocks and Room Block Line Items in a Quote Meeting Package

Modifying Arrival Dates in a Quote Meeting Package

Time Shifting a Quote Meeting Package

About Core and Noncore Field Behaviors in Quotes

Workflow for Copy Function Line Items Functionality

TNT SHM Copy Line Items Workflow

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Managing Hospitality Inventory

Process of Managing Hospitality Event Inventory

About Managing Function Characteristics at the Opportunity Stage

About Managing Room Block Characteristics at the Opportunity Stage

About Managing Property Characteristics at the Opportunity Stage

Overview of Quote Generation

Overview of Function Space Reservation

About Space Holds

About Managing Functions at the Quote Stage

Hold Function Space with Reserve and Next Fit

Optioning Function Space

Overbooking Function Space

Canceling a Function

Processing Backup Spaces with the Inventory Buttons

Copying a Function

About Function Status Values

Assigning a Function to a Specific Space

About Function Detailing

Detailing a Function

Booking Suites for Functions

About Inconsistent Setup Styles and Function Space

About Unit of Measure Conversions for Function Space Area

Flagging a Function for a Spacious Setting

Managing Functions That Require Backup Space

Identifying Function Spaces That Require Backup Spaces

Adding and Reserving Backup Function Spaces

About Booking Types for Function Spaces

Switching a Function to the Backup Space

Managing Room Blocks at the Quote Stage

Reserving and Overbooking Room Blocks

Copying Room Blocks

Parceling Room Block Inventory from One Room Block to Another

Identifying the Room Block Inventory Buttons

Canceling Room Blocks

Reserving Suite Categories

Reserving Specific Suites

Canceling a Suite Category

Scheduling a Function in a Specific Suite

Background Processes at the Quote Level

Changing Inventory-Critical Reservation Attributes

About Inventory-Critical Fields at the Function Level

About Inventory-Critical Fields at the Room Block Level

About Inventory-Critical Fields at the Quote Level

Time Shifting Event Quotes and Event Quote Items

Time Shifting Event Functions and Room Blocks

Reviewing Time Shift Information at the Quote Level

Event Shifting at the Quote Level

About Run of House Room Types

About Inventory Availability for Run of House Rooms

Checking Inventory Availability

Reviewing Total Group Availability

Reviewing Sleeping Room Type Availability

Reviewing Total, Group, and Transient Availability

Reviewing Group Projected and Blocked Availability

Actualizing a Function

About Out of Order and Unavailable Spaces

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Booking Hospitality Assets

About Hospitality Assets

Description of Hospitality Assets

Overview of Booking Hospitality Assets

Automatic Reservation of Critical Assets

AutoBook and Noncritical Assets

About Double-Booking and Rerenting of Assets

About Cluster Booking of Assets

Process of Booking Hospitality Assets

Defining the Inventory Status Colors

Reserving Critical and Noncritical Assets for Function Line Items

Reserving Cluster Assets for Function Line Items

Viewing Assets Associated with a Product

Viewing Asset Availability and Booking Information

Determining Who Has Reserved an Asset

Locating Substitute Assets

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Managing Property-Specific Menus and Packages

About Managing Menus and Packages

Process of Associating Menus and Packages with Functions

Displaying Quote and Order Functions

Adding Menu and Package Line Items to a Function

Adding Menu and Package Line Items to Event Checks

Process of Managing Menus and Packages

Editing Function Menus, Packages, and Line Items

Adding Product Line Items to a Menu or Package

Creating a Custom Menu or Package for a Function

Automatically Calculating Allocations for Packages

Displaying Menu or Package Revenue Estimates

Substituting Products in a Menu or Package

Looking Up How Many Times a Menu Was Sold

Revenue Estimate Examples for Menus and Packages

Menu and Package Types Reference

Package Per Person Reference

Package Item Price Reference

Package Each Reference

Menu Per Person, Set Price Reference

Menu Per Person, Split Price Reference

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Managing Nonparticipating Properties

About Nonparticipating Properties

Process of Managing Nonparticipating Properties

Setting Up Nonparticipating Properties

Developing Opportunities for Nonparticipating Properties

Generating Quotes for Nonparticipating Properties

Sending a Quote Summary to the Nonparticipating Property

Sending a Quote Evaluation to the Nonparticipating Property

Finalizing Quotes for Nonparticipating Properties

About Orders and Nonparticipating Properties

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Managing the Function Space Diary

About the Function Space Diary

Visibility Rules and the Function Space Diary

Function Space Diary Views

Function Space Diary View Elements

Function and Booking Details in the Function Space Diary

Icons in the Function Space Diary

Viewing ToolTips in the Function Space Diary (Users)

Space Holds in the Function Space Diary

Process of Configuring the Function Space Diary

Configuring Navigation from the Function Space Diary to the Quote and Function Views

Configuring the Function Space Diary Icons

Process of Managing the Function Space Diary

Storing User Preferences for the Function Space Diary

Navigating to the Function Space Diary

Changing the Way Information Is Displayed in the Function Space Diary

Navigating Within the Function Space Diary Time Range

Querying in the Function Space Diary

Dragging and Dropping Objects in the Function Space Diary

Changing Bookings in the Function Space Diary

Assigning Category Bookings to Specific Spaces

Viewing Floor Plans in the Function Space Diary

Printing a Function Space Diary View

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Managing the Function Space Diary in Siebel Open UI

About the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI

Using Function Space Diary Controls in Siebel Open UI

Visibility Rules and the Function Space Diary for Open UI

Function Space Diary Views in Siebel Open UI

Function Space Diary View Elements in Siebel Open UI

Function and Booking Details in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI

Icons in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI

Viewing ToolTips in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI (Users)

Viewing Paused On information in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI (Users)

Process of Configuring the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI

Configuring Navigation from the Function Space Diary for Open UI to the Quote and Function Views

Configuring the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI Icons

Process of Managing the Function Space Diary in Siebel Open UI

Storing User Preferences for the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI

Administering Function Space Diary in Siebel Open UI

Navigating to the Function Space Diary in Open UI

Navigating Within the Function Space Diary Time Scale in Siebel Open UI

Navigating Within the Function Space Diary Time Range in Siebel Open UI

Dragging and Dropping Objects in the Function Space Diary

Changing Bookings in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI

Assigning Category Bookings to Specific Spaces

Viewing Floor Plans in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI

Adding a Function in the Function Space Diary View for Siebel Open UI

Copying a Function in the Function Space Diary View for Siebel Open UI

Filtering Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI Display Options

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Applying Quote and Order Pricing

About Quote and Order Pricing

About Function Space Pricing

Function Space Room Rentals

Profit and Revenue Thresholds

Function Line Item and Revenue Data Repricing

About Sleeping Room Pricing

Pricing and Room Occupancy

Complimentary Room Pricing

Scenarios for Weekday and Weekend Pricing

Calculating Weighted Average Room Rates

Pricing and the Negotiation Floor

Minimum and Maximum Price

About Suite Pricing

About Quote Pricing for Meeting Packages

About Mapping Adjustment Types to Line Item Fields

About Mapping Rental Allocations to Function Space Line Items

About Split Menus in Meeting Packages

Scenario for Processing a Split Menu in a Quote Meeting Package

Scenario for Processing a Set Menu in a Quote Meeting Package

About Calculating Field Values for Quote Meeting Packages

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Managing Hospitality Revenue

About Managing Hospitality Revenue

Scenario for Managing Hospitality Revenue

Process of Managing Hospitality Revenue

Completing the Revenue Evaluation Form

Submitting a Quote for Revenue Evaluation

Evaluating the Event Quote

About Quote Evaluation Responses

Specifying and Assigning Evaluation Activities

Creating an Evaluation Response

Approving a Quote with a Negative Profit Variance

Viewing the Quote Evaluation Response

Updating and Reducing the Negotiation Floor Rate

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Finalizing a Quote, Managing Turnover, and Confirming Event Details

Scenario for Finalizing a Quote, Managing Turnover, and Confirming Event Details

Roadmap for Finalizing a Quote and Managing Turnover

Generating an Agreement from the Quote

Setting an Event Quote Status to Definite

Completing and Submitting the Turnover Checklist

Reviewing the Turnover Checklist

Process of Gathering and Confirming Event Details

Confirming Sleeping Room Details

Confirming Function Space Details

Gathering and Confirming Function Details

Gathering and Confirming Additional Requirements

Managing Event Changes

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Generating and Managing Event Orders

About Event Orders

Scenario for Generating and Managing Event Orders

Process of Generating and Managing Event Orders

Generating Primary Event Orders

Creating Function Orders

Changing an Event Order Associated with a Function

Associating Event Orders with a Function Line Item

Creating Functions on the Orders Screen

Managing Meeting Package Orders

Creating a Hierarchy of Order Functions

Viewing Line Items for an Event Order

Adding Notes to an Event Order

Adding Attachments to an Event Order

Viewing the Total Discount for an Order

Viewing Orders Associated with a Quote

Viewing Event Checks Associated with an Order

Viewing Event Order Specifications for Orders

Viewing the Audit Trail for an Order Line Item

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Generating Event Checks

About Event Checks

Scenarios for Managing Event Checks

Process of Generating Event Checks

Generating Trial Checks

Updating Event Orders

Generating Event Checks

Adding, Changing, and Recalculating Event Check Line Items

Adding Meeting Packages to a Package Event Check

Adding Meeting Package Functions to a Package Event Check

Adding Nonfunction Line Items to a Package Event Check

Splitting Event Checks

Moving Line Items Between Event Checks

Viewing Billable and Nonbillable Event Check Line Items

Posting Event Checks

Reviewing Event Checks

Cancelling Posted Event Checks

About Guest and Accounting Event Check Rules

Event Check Calculation Rules

Meeting Package Products

Simple and Generic Products

Parent Products with Child Records

Mid-Tier Products with Parent and Child Records

Child Products Without Child Records

Workflows for Event Checks Functionality

SHM Trial_Open Check Workflow

SHM Post Check Workflow

SHM Recalculate Invoice Items Workflow

TNT Wrapper Trial_Open Check Workflow

TNT Apply Package Workflow

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Managing Hospitality Reports

About Hospitality Reports

Roadmap for Administering Hospitality Reports

Configuring Headers for Hospitality Reports

Associating Logos with Hospitality Reports

Setting Up Text for Taxes and Service Charges

Configuring Fields for Hospitality Reports

Process of Converting the Banquet Event Order Report to a 12-Hour Format

Downloading the Banquet Event Order Report Template

Configuring the Banquet Event Order Report Template

Uploading the Modified Banquet Event Order Report Template

Configuring the STHeader Calculated Field

Process of Generating Hospitality Reports

Adding Generic Comments to Event Report Headers

Adding Function-Specific Comments to Quote and Order Report Headers

Generating Hospitality Reports

Hospitality Reports Reference

Account Profile Report

Accounting Event Check Report

Banquet Event Order Report

Events Report

Guest Event Check Report

Pro Forma Event Check Report

Resume Report

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User Properties Reference for Siebel Hospitality

About User Properties for Siebel Hospitality

User Properties for Siebel Hospitality

User Properties for Arrival Date Modifications

Applet User Properties for Arrival Date Modifications

Business Component User Properties for Arrival Date Modifications

User Properties for Function Space Diary

Applet User Properties for Function Space Diary

TNT SHM Compact Function Space Diary Applet User Properties

Business Component User Properties for Function Space Diary

TNT SHM Gantt AX Date Time Interval PopUp Business Component User Properties

User Properties for Sleeping Room Mapping

Business Component User Properties for Sleeping Room Mapping

Integration Object User Properties for Sleeping Room Mapping

User Properties for Menus and Packages

Applet User Properties for Menus and Packages

Business Component User Properties for Menus and Packages

User Properties for Histories and Futures

Applet User Properties for Histories and Futures Functionality

Business Component User Properties for Histories and Futures

User Properties for Event Checks

Applet User Properties for Event Checks

Business Component User Properties for Event Checks

Business Service User Properties for Event Checks

User Properties for Banquet Event Order Report

Applet User Properties for Banquet Event Order Reports

Business Component User Properties for Banquet Event Order Reports

User Properties for Space Hold

User Properties for Run of House

User Properties for Sleeping Room Taxes and Service Charges

User Properties for Pivot Applets

Applet User Properties for Pivot Applets

Business Component User Properties for Pivot Applets

Virtual Business Component User Properties for Pivot Applets

User Properties for Meeting Packages

Applet User Properties for the Function Space Diary

Business Component User Properties for the Function Space Diary

Business Component User Property for Opportunities

Applet User Properties for Quotes

Business Component User Properties for Quotes

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