10 Review Employee Reports

You can print reports that make it easy to review information for a large group of employees. Your Human Resources system provides a variety of reports that you can use to review and verify employee information. You can also print the reports that you need to meet the requirements of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

This chapter contains these topics:

You can run profile data reports to review the auxiliary information for your employees. You can review this information by individual employee, all employees, or by profile data type.

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Defining employees For reporting purposes, a current employee is an employee who started with the company before or during the reporting period and is still active at the end of the reporting period.

An active employee hired during the reporting period is considered as both a current employee and a new hire.

An employee hired and terminated during the reporting period is considered a new hire only.

10.1 Reviewing the Employee Master Record Changes Report


From Employee Information (G08E1), choose Employee Reports

From Employee Reports (G08E11), choose World Writer under the Information Reports heading

Run the World Writer report, Employee Master Record Changes, to review the most recent changes made to the records in the Employee Master table (F060116). Such changes include job and salary changes. This report does not include changes to profile data.

The system stores these changes in the Employee History table (F08042).

Figure 10-1 Employee History Table

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-1 Employee History Table''

10.2 Printing Employee Master Labels


From Employee Information (G08E1), choose Employee Reports

From Employee Reports (G08E11), choose Employee Master Labels

When you need to send information to your employees' home address, you can run Employee Master Labels to print Cheshire mailing labels. This report prints standard-sized, "four-up" labels. The addresses that print on the labels are from the Address Book Master table (F0101), based on the Employee Master table (F060116). You cannot use this program to print any labels other than Cheshire labels.

Figure 10-2 Employee Master Table

Description of Figure 10-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-2 Employee Master Table''

10.3 Reviewing Employee Profile Reports

You can run reports to review employee profile information by:

  • Individual employee summary

  • A summary of all your employees and their related profile data

  • By profile data type

Reviewing employee profile reports includes:

  • Reviewing the Employee Profile Data report

  • Reviewing the Employees by Data Type report

  • Reviewing the Employee Profile Workfile

See Also:

10.3.1 Reviewing the Employee Profile Data Report


From Employee Information (G08E1), choose Employee Reports

From Employee Reports (G08E11), choose Employee Profile

When you need to review complete profile information for one or more employees, print the Employee Profile Data report. This report compiles all of an employee's profile information into an easy-to-read, resume-style format.

The information that prints on this report is the same information that you can review online using Profile by Employee. However, the report allows you to print information for multiple employees at one time.

Figure 10-3 Employee Profile Data Report

Description of Figure 10-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-3 Employee Profile Data Report''

10.3.3 Reviewing the Employees by Data Type Report


From Employee Information (G08E1), choose Employee Reports

From Employee Reports (G08E11), choose Employees by Data Type

When you need to review a list of all employees who have information entered in a particular profile data type, you can print the Employees by Data Type report. For example, you can review employees whose profile data includes job skills information. The information that prints on this report is the same information that you can review online using Profile Data Entry. You can review information by either data type or by employee.

For each employee, the system lists data types in alphabetical order.

The following sample report displays employee information by data type.

Figure 10-4 Employee by Data Type Report

Description of Figure 10-4 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-4 Employee by Data Type Report''

10.3.5 Reviewing the Employee Profile Workfile


From Employee Information (G08E1), choose Employee Reports

From Employee Reports (G08E11), choose an option under the Workfile and Report heading

You can print a World Writer report that lists employees by one or more profile data types. For example, a report that lists employees by foreign language proficiency might show that one employee knows French, another knows German, and so on.

Typically, this report does not include records for the employees who do not know any foreign languages (and, therefore, have no information entered in the data type for foreign language proficiency). To include such employees on the report, you must build the Employee Profile Worktable (T08092WF) before you run the World Writer report. The workfile:

  • Searches the employee master records to locate employees with no profile data

  • Creates a table with Xs in place of actual profile data values

After you build the Employee Profile Workfile, you can run the associated World Writer report that lists employees by profile data types. For employees who have values in the profile data types you specified, the profile data type codes appear in the User Defined Code field. For employees who have no profile data of that type, Xs appear in the User Defined Code field.

Figure 10-5 Employee Profile Workfile

Description of Figure 10-5 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-5 Employee Profile Workfile''

10.4 Reviewing Equal Employment Opportunity Reports


From Employee Information (G08E1), choose EEO/Affirmative Action

From EEO/Affirmative Action (G08E12), choose an option

Employers must report specific employee information to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on an annual basis. You can print the reports that you need to submit to the federal government to comply with the requirements of the EEOC. You use these reports to show that your organization provides equal opportunities for all employees, including females and those who are ethnic minorities.

Managers within your organization also can use these reports to analyze hiring and promotion practices within your organization.

To review equal employee opportunity reports (EEO), complete the following tasks:

  • Review the EEO-1 Employment Data report

  • Review the EEO-4 Analysis report

  • Review the EEO Staff Utilization report

  • Review the Workforce Analysis report

  • Review the Veterans Employment (VETS-4212) report

10.4.1 Reviewing the EEO-1 Employment Data Report

To verify that your organization complies with the reporting requirements of the EEOC, review the EEO-1 Employment Data report.

This report groups employees into the standard EEO job categories and sorts them by EEO ethnic codes and gender. The report prints totals for each job category and for each home company or home business unit.

To make it easier for you to review information by company, the report prints only one company per page.

Information for this report is from the Employee Master table (F060116).

Figure 10-6 EEO-1 Employment Data Report

Description of Figure 10-6 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-6 EEO-1 Employment Data Report''

10.4.3 Reviewing the EEO-4 Analysis Report

To verify that your organization meets the salary guidelines established by the EEOC, use the EEO-4 Analysis report.

You submit the EEO-4 report at the end of the fiscal year using the Jurisdiction Control Number (JCN) assigned by the EEOC. The EEOC recommends using June 30 as the end of the fiscal year.

The EEO-4 report lists the number of employees in each salary range and ethnic group according to their job function. The report lists the information in the following combinations:

  • Ethnic and gender distribution by job category

  • Ethnic and gender distribution by job category and pay range

  • Totals for ethnic and gender representation by job function for full-time, part-time, and newly hired employees

The EEOC has defined job functions to use for grouping and reporting information. Set up one of the payroll category codes to track these job function codes for each of your employees. The following are the EEOC-defined job functions and their corresponding codes:

Category Code Description
01 Financial Administration / General Control
02 Streets and Highways
03 Public Welfare
04 Police Protection
06 Natural Resources / Parks and Recreation
07 Hospitals and Sanitariums
08 Health
09 Housing
10 Community Development
11 Corrections
12 Utilities and Transportation
13 Sanitation and Sewage
14 Employment Security, State Governments Only
15 Other

The number of employees a jurisdiction or company has will determine how the report is formatted. For jurisdictions with fewer than 1000 full-time employees, the report lists all job functions with fewer than 100 employees separately and combines the numbers into one total. Job functions with more than 100 employees will be listed and totaled separately.

For jurisdictions with 1000 or more employees, the report lists and totals each job function separately regardless of how many employees are included in that job function.

The EEO-4 report contains the following sections for reporting information to the EEOC:

  • Full-Time Employees

  • Other Than Full-Time Employees

  • New-Hire Employees

Employees who are active and have an employment status that is not considered full-time are included in the Other Than Full-Time Employees section of the report.

If an employee's start date falls within the range of dates that you are reporting, the employee is considered a new hire for EEOC reporting purposes. If the new hire is a full-time employee, information for that employee is included in both the New-Hire Employees and Full-Time Employees sections of the EEO-4 report. Part-time new-hire employees are included only in the New-Hire Employees section of the report and are not included in the Other Than Full-Time Employees section of the report.

Information for this report is from the Employee Master table (F060116).

Contact the EEOC for more information about regulations for EEO-4 reporting.

Figure 10-7 EE0-4 Analysis Report

Description of Figure 10-7 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-7 EE0-4 Analysis Report''

See Also:

10.4.4 Processing Options

See Section 72.18, "EEO-4 Report (P068514A)."

10.4.5 Reviewing the EEO Staff Utilization Report

To review the number of actual hours that employees of each EEO ethnic code worked within each job, review the EEO Staff Utilization report. If an employee works in multiple jobs, the report counts each job's hours separately.

This report prints totals by job level, job description, and business unit. For each business unit, the report prints totals and percentages for minorities and females.

This report is not required by the EEOC. Information for this report is from the EEO Staff Utilization Worktable (T068902) and the Time and Pay Detail History table (F0618).

Figure 10-8 EEO Staff Utilization Report

Description of Figure 10-8 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-8 EEO Staff Utilization Report''

10.4.7 Reviewing the Workforce Analysis Report

To review a summary of gender and ethnic information for current employee, review the Workforce Analysis report. This report is based on the job type and job step of the employees. For example, you could use this report to determine the percentage of master welders who are Native American and female.

This report lists two totals for each company and business unit. The first total is a quantity (number) that indicates how many employees are in each category. The second total indicates the number as a percentage of all employees. There are also two grand totals, by quantity and by percentage, that indicate a total workforce analysis for all business units and all companies.

This report is not required by the EEOC. Information for this report is from the Employee Master table (F060116).

Figure 10-9 Workforce Analysis Report

Description of Figure 10-9 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-9 Workforce Analysis Report''

10.4.9 Data Sequence

For the system to calculate totals correctly, do not select Job Type (JBCD) and Job Step (JBST) for totaling. A total for these items would be meaningless because the report is designed to print one line for each job type and job step.

10.4.10 Working with the VETS-4212 Report

Federal contractors can provide accurate data to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) on the number of protected veterans in their workforce by supplying the VETS-4212 report. You use the Veterans' Employment by Company program (P060440) to generate the reports and forms.

The VETS-4212 report replaces the VETS-100 and VETS-100A reports and uses the same numbering system and categories as these reports.

Who Must File

All non-exempt Federal contractors and subcontractors with a contract or subcontract in the amount of $100,000 or more with any department or agency of the United States government for the procurement of personal property or non-personal services must file this report. Services include, but are not limited to the following services: utility, construction, transportation, research, insurance, and fund depository, irrespective of whether the government is the purchaser or seller. Entering into a covered Federal contract or subcontract during a given calendar year establishes the requirement to file the VETS-4212 Report during the following calendar year.

Title 38, United States Code, Section 4212(d) mandates that Federal contractors and subcontractors subject to the statute's affirmative action provisions in 38 U.S.C. 4212(a) report, at least annually, the number of employees in their workforces by job category and hiring location, and the number of such employees by job category and hiring location, who are qualified protected veterans. In addition, Federal contractors and subcontractors must report the total number of new hires during the period covered by the report and the number of such new hires who are qualified protected veterans. Further, Federal contractors and subcontractors must report on the maximum and minimum number of employees during the period covered by the report. The DOL VETS has promulgated regulations found at 41 CFR part 61-300 to implement the reporting requirements of 38 U.S.C. 4212(d).

Data Collected

Contractors need to report the number of veterans in their workforce by protected veteran status in the aggregate. Contractors must collect the following data:

  • The total number of employees in the workforce of the contractor, by job category and hiring location, and the total number of these employees, by job category and hiring location, who are protected veterans.

  • The total number of new employees hired by the contractor during the period the report covers, and of these employees, the number who are protected veterans.

  • The maximum number and minimum number of employees of the contractor at each hiring location during the annual period the report covers.

Providing data on new hires by job category is optional.

Submitting the Report

The federal government requires that you submit the VETS-4212 report no later than September 30 and include data for one year. You can locate detailed instructions for submitting the VETS-4212 Report on the VETS website:


The government accepts the following formats:

  • Electronic - You can submit the VETS-4212 Report and any peripheral forms electronically in one of the following ways:

    • Upload the file from your computer.

    • Submit the reports on electronic media (DVD or CD).

    • Submit via email to: VETS4212-customersupport@dol.gov

  • Paper - You can obtain a paper copy of the report to complete in two ways:

    • You can download a paper version of the VETS-4212 report by choosing the link under the Obtain Blank Report Forms heading on the VETS website.

    • You can send a written request for the paper version of the VETS-4212 report to:

      Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment & Training

      U.S. Department of Labor

      200 Constitution Avenue, NW

      Room S-1325

      Washington, DC 20210

      ATTN: VETS-4212 Report Form Request

Types of Reports/Forms

Based on number of employees and hiring locations, following are the various types of reports/forms each employer must file and the method to file:

  • Single Establishment Employers: Employers doing business at one hiring location must complete and submit only the VETS-4212 report single or S form type electronically or a paper copy. This report accumulates the counts for multiple business unit locations in one report and creates one record in the data file.

  • Multi-Establishment Employers: Employers at a multi-establishment company might need to submit up to three different form types. The number of reports per print out and DREAMWriter data selection influence the number of reports per print out and number of records in the data file. Employers doing business at more than one hiring location follow these rules to submit the following reports/forms:

    • Headquarters - MHQ form type is for the headquarters or main location.

      • Submit only one single layout report.

      • Counts are for headquarters only.

      • Use this form type with the Veterans Employment by Company, a DREAMWriter, to create a single report layout.

      • Creates one record in the data file.

    • Hiring Location - MHL form type is for multiple locations. A separate VETS-4212 report for each hiring location employing 50 or more persons.

      • Includes each business unit on a separate report layout which contains their counts.

      • Use this form type with the Veterans Employment by B.U. & Company, a DREAMWriter, to create a single printed report that includes multiple location reports.

      • Creates a record in the data file for each location reported that prints on the report.

    • Either of the following:

      • A separate VETS-4212 report for each hiring location employing fewer than 50 persons (MHL form type).

      • Consolidated reports that cover hiring locations within one State that have fewer than 50 employees (MSC form type).

    • State Consolidated - MSC form type is an option for locations that have fewer than 50 employees or 10 locations within the same state.

      • Accumulates all location counts for one report layout.

      • Includes the number of hiring locations in the state.

      • Includes more than one state with these conditions to report, if necessary.

      • Use this form type with the Veterans Employment by Company, DREAMwriter, to create a single report layout.

      • Accumulates counts for multiple business unit locations in one report.

      • Creates one record in the data file per MSC report/state.

      • Includes one of the hiring locations as part of the main report.

      • If filing electronically, it must also include a hiring locations file that lists every location, including the one on the main report, that corresponds to the main MSC report. NOTE: JD Edwards does not support the electronic filing for this form type at this time.

Multi-establishment employers with more than 10 locations must submit their VETS-4212 report in the form of an electronic data file that complies with current DOL specifications for the format of these records, and any other specifications established by the DOL for the applicable reporting year.

Multi-establishment employers with less than 10 locations can submit the report electronically or a paper copy.

Source Data for the Report

The report includes data from the following sources:

The number of veteran employees who fall within the ten EEO job codes listed below:

  • 001 Exec/Senior Officials & Mgrs

  • 002 First/Mid-Lvl Officials & Mgrs

  • 003 Professionals

  • 004 Technicians

  • 005 Sales Workers

  • 006 Administrative Support

  • 007 Craft Workers (Semiskilled)

  • 008 Operatives

  • 009 Laborers and Helpers

  • 010 Service Workers

The program calculates the counts based on the following veteran categories you assign to employees in the Dates, Eligibility and EEO program (P060190):

  • Protected Veterans - These are employees with a value other than N or blank in the Veteran field or employees with a value of Y or Yes in the Disabled Veteran field on the Employee Master. Protected Veterans who are either Employees or New Hires have separate columns on the report.

  • Total - Veterans and Non-Veterans - This is the total count of employees, veterans and non-veterans, who qualify as an employee. That is, employment greater than one year or new hires that fall within the date range of the report.

The program includes the numbers for both of these categories on the report in separate columns under the Employees and New Hires columns.


The program does not count employees who have been employed by the company longer than one year under either of the New Hires columns. However, the program counts Protected Veterans who are new hires under both the Employee and New Hire columns.

Data Files

This program saves data in the VETS-4212 Electronic Submission File (F060440) and VETS-4212 Export Flat File (VETS-4212 Electronic Info) (F060440A) data files when generating the report. Each data file contains a record for the report format layout that includes:

  • Information about the company, hiring location, and type of form in the first 25 fields.

  • Protected veteran, new hire, and total employee counts in the 46 fields that follow.

  • Count fields that are identical to the columns of the report. The first count is for the column furthest to the left, Protected Veterans, starting with the top row and proceeding downward to include all 10 job categories and the total for the column. This is followed by the counts for the next column to the right for Total Vets and Non-Vets, etc.

If you are filing electronically, the F060440A stores the VETS-4212 data in the correct Comma Delimited Format for submission. Field values are separated by commas.

The DOL does not accept fixed field text files.

Report Columns

The report includes the following columns:

  • Two columns of Employee information that includes:

    • One for protected veterans and one for all employees whether they are veterans or not.

    • Employees who have worked for the company more than one year and their start date was prior to the date range of the report.

    • New hires who were hired within the date range of the report.

  • Two columns of New Hire information that includes:

    • One column for protected veterans and one for all employees whether they are veterans or not.

    • Employees hired within the last year. That is, those employees whose start date on the Employee Master is within the date range of the report.

    • This information is now optional on the VETS-4212 report that is filed.

Report Totals

The totals at the bottom of the report include:

  • Each specific location or business unit.

  • Each company.

  • Grand total for each column.

Working with the VETS-4212 report includes the following tasks:

  • Setting Up the VETS-4212 Report

  • Generating the VETS-4212 Report

  • Reviewing the VETS-4212 ID Setting Up the VETS-4212 Report

Before you build the VETS-4212 workfile, you must ensure you set up the following:

Optionally, you can set up the Protected Veteran Discharge Date. Although the VETS-4212 report does not reference this date, JD Edwards World recommends that you enter the protected veteran's discharge date in the User Defined Date field in case future reporting requires this information. From the Dates, Eligibility & EEO program, choose User Defined Dates Window (F8). Generating a VETS-4212 Report

When generating the report, if you do not remember the VETS-ID you associated with this version, press F1 in the VETS-4212 ID field. Review and select the VETS-ID for this version. If you did not establish a VETS-ID for this version, enter a number in the VETS-4212 ID field and press Enter twice to establish the relationship between this DREAMWriter and the VETS-ID.

When you generate the report, it creates a record in the VETS-4212 Workfile (F06310).

To view the data file, query the F060440A in the VTLIBXXX library where XXX is the VETS ID. You can also upload the data file from this library.

If you are filing electronically, you must submit a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file that complies with the current DOL specifications for the format of the records and export it to another computer to submit to the DOL. You can set the CSV File Information processing options to accomplish this or you must perform this manually. See Exporting the VETS-4212 Data to a CSV File for more information about performing this process manually.

Before You Begin

  • If you are filing electronically, determine which method you want to use to create a CSV file and the method you want to use to export the file to another computer. JD Edwards World recommends that you set the CSV File Information processing options to have the program generate and extract this file, otherwise, you must manually extract the data into a CSV file.

  • Ensure that you have authority to use the IBM CPYTOIMPF command, otherwise, contact your System Administrator for assistance.


From Federal/State/Local Reports (G07241), choose VETS-4212 Reporting

From VETS-4212 Workfile Build (G072412), choose VETS-4212 Workfile Build

  1. On VETS-4212 Workfile Build, complete the Version field.

  2. To associate a version of the report with the VETS ID, enter the ID in the VETS-4212 ID field.

  3. To generate the report, press F6 twice.

Figure 10-10 VETS-4212 Report

Description of Figure 10-10 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-10 VETS-4212 Report''

Processing Options for P060440

See Section 72.22, "Veterans Employment by Company (P060440),"

Data Selection

Use the Data Selection to narrow the data for the report. For example, select Companies and Business Units/Hiring Locations. Running the VETS-4212 Report for Various Forms

If you need to run more than one DREAMWriter to produce additional forms or accumulate records in the data file in order to meet requirements you can use the VETS-4212 Version Review program (P060442) to do so. This program displays the ID number, the description of the DREAMWriter, the user ID, and date for the version.

After running the first DREAMWriter version, access this program and delete the record for the VETS ID.

You can then use this same VETS ID with the next DREAMWriter version so your records will accumulate in one library. You will need to repeat this process each time you run a version.


From Federal/State/Local Reports (G07241), choose VETS-4212 Reporting

From VETS-4212 Workfile Build (G072412), choose VETS-4212 Version Review Exporting the VETS-4212 Data to a CSV File

If you are filing electronically, you must extract the VETS-4212 data into a CSV file that complies with the current DOL specifications for the format of the records and export it to another computer to submit to the DOL. If you did not set the CSV File Information processing options when you generated the VETS-4212 report to create the CSV file and extract the file to another computer, you must perform this manually by:

  • Executing the IBM CPYTOIMPF command to extract the data from the F060440Ainto a CSV file.

  • Using Receive Files from Host in IBM Client Access.

Additionally, you can use File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to extract the report data into a CSV file. See IBM iSeries documentation for more information.

Extracting the data to a CSV file includes the following tasks:

  • Executing the IBM CPYTOIMPF command to extract the data into a CSV file.

  • Receiving the file from the Host.

To execute the IBM CPYTOIMPF command to extract the data into a CSV file

After you generate the VETS-4212 report, and you can execute the IBM CPYTOIMPF command to extract the report data into a CSV file.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that you have authority to use the IBM CPYTOIMPF command; otherwise, contact your System Administrator for assistance.

  • Generate the VETS-4212 report

From a command line on your iSeries machine, execute the following command:




To use Receive Files from Host in IBM Client Access

  1. Access an IBM Client Access terminal session.

  2. Select the Receive File from Host option in the drop down under Actions in the menu bar.

  3. Click on the Properties icon and ensure the Convert CCSID 65535 check box is selected, click Apply, and then OK.

  4. Enter VTLIBxxx/F060440A as the IBMi File Name where xxx = the VETS ID.

  5. Enter the filename.

    JD Edwards World recommends that you use the report ID and year in the filename for easy identification and storage. For example, VETS4212-2017.csv.

  6. Press Transfer Data from IBMi.

  7. Using a text editor, open the CSV file to verify the data and remove any extraneous characters from the end of each line, as necessary.