68 Set Up Contract Calendar Information

This chapter contains these topics:

68.1 Setting Up Contract Calendar Information

Many public service organizations, such as schools and public safety agencies, work under yearly contracts that specify the number of days employees will work. You can set up a calendar that identifies each date in the contract.

If your organization uses different contracts for different types of employees or locations, you can set up more than one contract calendar. When the system creates the contract calendar, it assigns each date a day value of one standard working day. (A day value is a multiple of a standard working day.) You must identify the dates that are not standard working days, for example, holidays, so that the calendar will assign the correct value for each day in calendar.

Because contract days vary from year to year, you must update contract calendar information each year. To update this information, you can either create a new contract calendar each year, or you can revise an existing calendar to reflect the appropriate information for the new year. You can also revise an existing calendar for the current year if you need to correct information.

When you create a new calendar for the next year or revise an existing calendar, you can run a program that automatically updates the employee records for the new or revised calendar.

68.1.1 Before You Begin

68.2 Identifying Non-Standard Dates for All Contract Calendars


From Human Resources (G08), choose Position Control

From Position Control (G08P1), enter 27

From Position Control Advanced and Technical Operations (G08P3), choose Contract Calendar Master

If your organization uses contract calendars, you can set up a user defined code table that identifies all of the days that are not standard working days. When you identify a non-standard workday, you also identify its day value. When the system creates the contract calendar, it uses this user defined code table.

If you need to set up several contract calendars with the same non-standard dates, you can save time by defining them in the user defined code table. You can override any information from the user defined code table on the contract calendar.

If you need to set up several calendars that have different non-standard dates, you can set up the user defined code table with the non-standard dates that are common to all of the calendars. Before you set up each calendar, you can revise the user defined code table to add the non-standard dates that are specific to that calendar.

Frequently, this user defined code table is called the holiday calendar. You can also use it to define other non-standard workdays. Include the following types of non-standard dates in the user defined code table:

Dates Description
Holidays When holidays do not count as a working day in the contract, you should enter them in the user defined code table. Do not enter a day value for a holiday.
Workdays longer than standard Some contracts specify dates that count as more than one standard workday. You can enter these dates and values in the user defined code table. For example, some contracts for school systems stipulate that a parent conference date is equivalent to 1.5 standard workdays.
Workdays shorter than standard Some contracts specify dates that count as less than one standard workday. You can enter these dates and values in the user defined code table. For example, some contracts for school systems stipulate that a date when classes are not held is equivalent to .5 standard workdays.

To identify non-standard dates for all contract calendars

On Contract Calendar Master

Figure 68-1 Contract/Calendar Master screen

Description of Figure 68-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 68-1 Contract/Calendar Master screen''

  1. Choose the Holiday Table function.

    Figure 68-2 User Defined Code Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 68-2 follows
    Description of ''Figure 68-2 User Defined Code Revisions screen''

  2. On User Defined Code Revisions for each non-standard day in the contract, enter the date as YYMMDD in the following field:

    • Code

  3. To define the day, complete the following field:

    • Description

  4. If the date has a positive (greater than 0) day value, complete the following field:

    • Description 2

68.3 Creating Contract Calendars


From Human Resources (G08), choose Position Control

From Position Control (G08P1), enter 27

From Position Control Advanced and Technical Operations (G08P3), choose Contract Calendar Master

For employees whose work days are specified by contract, you must create a contract calendar that you attach to the employees' records. The contract calendar:

  • Creates and maintains the workdays and non-standard days for the duration of the contract

  • Identifies the workday value for each date in the calendar

  • Identifies how many days remain in the contract from any date

The contract calendar applies the information from the user defined code table 05/HL to assign the day value for each date that is included in that table. For all other dates within the beginning and ending range of the contract (except weekends), the contract calendar assigns each date a day value of 1.

To override these day values, you can:

  • On the contract calendar, manually enter a different day value for a specific date

  • Specify in the processing options that weekends are to be assigned a day value

After you create a contract calendar, you can revise it if you need to change day values. For example, you can:

  • Change a working day to a holiday

  • Extend a one day-value to more than one day, for example, 1.5

  • Decrease a one-day value to less than one day, for example, 0.5

Because contract days vary from year to year, you must set up contract calendar information each year. To create a calendar for next year, you can either revise an existing calendar or create a new one.

Typically, you can save time by creating a new calendar. However, if you choose to revise an existing calendar that has employee records attached to it, you can create a pending calendar. The pending calendar allows you to analyze and adjust calendar information before you apply that information to the employee records that are attached to the calendar. When you update the existing calendar with the pending information, the system automatically updates the employee records, based on the new day values.

Creating contract calendars includes:

  • Creating an initial calendar

  • Revising a calendar

68.3.1 Before You Begin

To create an initial calendar

On Contract/Calendar Master

Figure 68-3 Contract/Calendar Master screen

Description of Figure 68-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 68-3 Contract/Calendar Master screen''

  1. Complete the following fields and press Enter:

    • Contract Calendar Code

    • Description

    • Start Date

    • Stop Date

    • School Year

  2. Review the information in the following fields:

    • Days in Contract

    • Total Day Value

  3. Access the detail area.

    Figure 68-4 Contract/Calendar Master (Detail) screen

    Description of Figure 68-4 follows
    Description of ''Figure 68-4 Contract/Calendar Master (Detail) screen''

  4. For the first month in the calendar, review the values in the following fields:

    • Day Value

    • Sum of Day Values Remaining

    (On the form, these fields are unlabeled.)

  5. If necessary, for any of the days in the month, change the value in the following field:

    • Day Value

  6. When you have finished changing day values for a month, press Enter.

  7. Choose the Roll Up function to move to the next month in the calendar.

  8. For each month in the calendar, repeat steps 4 through 7.

  9. To save the information you entered, choose the Update function.

    The system recalculates the calendar and updates the following fields:

    • Total Day Value

    • Sum of Day Values Remaining

Field Explanation
Contract/Calendar Code A code that identifies a yearly contract that specifies the number of days that employees work. After you create a contract calendar, you can attach it to employee and position records.
Start Date The date that an employee may begin participating in the company's benefits plans or may be included in payroll processing.

You can also use this field to provide a beginning date for seasonal employees or for employees who work only part of the year (such as a teacher who works only nine months of the year).

Form-specific information

The date on which a contract calendar begins. When you enter a zero day value for the date that corresponds to the start date for a contract calendar, the system automatically updates the start date to the next date that has a positive day value. For example, assume that:

  • You enter 01/01/17 as the start date for a contract calendar

  • The day value for 01/01/17 is 0

  • The day value for 01/02/17 is 1

When you update the calendar, the system updates the value in the Start Date field to 01/02/06.

Stop Date The date that an employee's pay stops. This date is used to provide for employees who are seasonal or for employees who work only part of the year (such as a teacher who works only nine months of the year). See also data item PSDT.

It may also be the date that a deduction, benefit, or instruction stops.

Form-specific information

The date on which a contract calendar ends. When you enter a zero day value for the date that corresponds to the stop date for a contract calendar, the system automatically updates the stop date to the next date that has a positive day value. For example, assume that:

  • You enter 12/26/17 as the stop date for a contract calendar

  • The day value for 12/26/17 is 0

  • The day value for 12/27/17 is 1

When you update the calendar, the system updates the value in the Stop Date field to 12/27/06.

School Year A field denoting the school year for a contract calendar. If you leave this field blank, the default value is the start date for the contract calendar.
Days in Contract The number of work days in a year. The number of standard days per year multiplied by the number of hours per day equals the standard hours per year. When you have set up the human resources constants to use the pay grade step table as the default pay rate source, the system calculates the salary for an employee by multiplying the standard days per year by the employee's hourly rate.

Form-specific information

The total number of work days included in a contract calendar.

Day Value The equivalent number of days of pay that a contract calendar work date is worth. For example, on a contract calendar for teachers, a regular work day typically has a day value of 1, while a day on which teachers have parent conferences might have a day value of 1.5.
Total Day Value The sum of the day values in a contract calendar. A day value is the equivalent number of days of pay that a contract calendar work date is worth.
Sum of Day Values Remaining The sum of the day values in a contract calendar from a given date to the end of the contract calendar. A day value is the equivalent number of days of pay that a contract calendar work date is worth.

To revise a calendar

On Contract/Calendar Master

  1. To locate a calendar that you want to revise, complete the following field:

    • Contract Calendar Code

  2. Change the information in the following field:

    • Description

  3. To specify the dates associated with the revised calendar, change the values in the following fields:

    • Start Date

    • Stop Date

    • School Year

  4. For each month in the calendar, change as many of the dates in the following field as necessary, and press Enter:

    • Day Value

  5. Choose the Update function.

    If employee records are attached to the current calendar, the Mode Prompt Window appears.

    Figure 68-5 Mode Prompt Window screen

    Description of Figure 68-5 follows
    Description of ''Figure 68-5 Mode Prompt Window screen''

  6. On the Mode Prompt Window, complete the following field:

    • Mode

68.3.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Revising calendars When you revise a contract calendar, you can change day values for only those dates that are after the pay period ending date for the last payroll cycle. You can specify the pay period ending date in the processing options.
Attaching employee records to a contract calendar When you create an initial contract calendar, you must manually attach the calendar to the appropriate employee records. If you are creating a new contract calendar for next year, and the employees whose records you need to attach to the calendar are currently attached to a calendar for the previous year, you can run a program that automatically transfers those employee records to the new calendar and recalculates their pay information.


Reviewing previous day values When an employee is hired or receives a pay change in the middle of a contract, you can use the Calculate Day Values function to review the day values that were in effect before the employee was hired or received a pay change. You can use this information to verify that the employee is receiving the correct pay rate.
Correcting keying errors If you discover an entry error after you press Enter but before you choose the Update function, you must clear the fields before you enter the correct information.
Deleting a contract calendar To delete a contract calendar, use the Delete action and then choose the Update function.
User defined codes When you create a contract calendar, the system updates user defined code table 05/CT.

68.4 Updating Employee Records for Contract Calendars


From Human Resources (G08), choose Position Control

From Position Control (G08P1), enter 27

From Position Control Advanced and Technical Operations (G08P3), choose Recalculate C/C Salary

When you create a contract calendar for a new year, and the employee records that you need to attach to this calendar are currently attached to a calendar for a previous year, you can run a program that transfers those employee records to the new calendar. You run this program only if you created a new calendar that is not based on the previous year's calendar. When you revise an existing calendar, the system runs this program automatically.

When you run this program, the system recalculates the following information for each employee, based on the values you entered for the new calendar:

  • Daily rate of pay

  • Current salary

  • Annualized salary

  • The salary an employee was paid before the employee received a pay change

To verify information before you update employee records, you can run this program in proof mode.