41 Set Up Commission Information

This chapter contains these topics:

41.1 Setting Up Commission Information (ECS)

To define commission information in the ECS Sales Order Management system, you must associate a salesperson or a sales group, a commission percentage, a customer, and an order type.

You can specify the method that the system uses to calculate commission percentages. A commission percentage is the percentage of an order calculated from the gross margin or the order total that is distributed to a salesperson or a group of salespeople. If you set up commissions based on the gross margin, the system calculates the sales margin for the order or line before calculating commissions.

You can set up your commission information to reflect your company's sales environment. You can assign a maximum of two salespeople or two sales groups to each customer. After you enter an order and update customer sales, the system applies a calculated commission amount to the salesperson's address book number or the address book number of each salesperson in the sales group.

You can set up a sales group to distribute commissions to a group of two or more salespeople who contribute to a customer's sale. For example, if your sales group consists of a sales manager, account representative, and sales assistant, you assign a group code that represents the three salespeople. Sales groups are useful for identifying salespeople who are responsible for a customer's orders and maintaining multiple commission percentages.

You can set up commission percentages according to your company's commission payment policies. You can distribute commissions by entering a fixed commission percentage or variable commission percentages. When you set a fixed commission percentage, the system applies the same percentage for any order type that generates a commission.

You can also set variable commission percentages for an individual salesperson. The system includes variables, such as effective dates, order types, fixed costs and minimum amounts, before calculating commissions. For example, you might have a different commission percentage for sales orders than you have for blanket orders. Or, you might need to deduct fixed costs from an order before you calculate commissions.

If you assign a sales group to a customer, you can distribute commissions on a fixed commission percentage. You can set a fixed percentage that distributes the same commission percentage to each salesperson within a group. You can also set a variable commission percentage for the group or variable commission percentages for salespeople within the sales group. If commission percentages differ within a group, you can set up different commission percentages for each salesperson. For example, a manager might have a higher rate of commission than a sales assistant.

41.1.1 Before You Begin

41.1.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Applying commissions during order entry To apply salesperson or sales group and commission information to a single order, enter the information in the order header during order entry. The salesperson and commission information overrides any default information for the order.

See Section 3.2, "Entering Header Information (ECS)."

Applying commissions to an order detail line To apply salesperson or sales group and commission information to a single line within an order, enter the commission information in the order detail information. The commission information applies only to this order line. The system also calculates the commission percentages for the sales number that you specified in the order header information.

See Section 3.3, "Entering Detail Information (ECS)."

Locating commission information You can review the commission information on the Commission/Royalty Inquiry form to verify that the salespeople received the correct amount or to change the commission information, if necessary.

You must perform a Sales Update (P42800) before you review commission information. Processing option 14 (commissions) controls whether the program updates the Sales Commission table (F42005).

Creating commission reports You can create reports of commission information from the Sales Order Detail Ledger table (F42199) and the Sales Order Detail History table (F42119).

41.2 Setting Up a Sales Group (ECS)


From ECS Sales Order Management (G4910), enter 29

From ECS Sales Order Management Setup (G491041), choose Commission/Royalty Setup

From Commission/Royalty Management (G4223), choose Related Salesperson

You set up a sales group to distribute commissions to a group of two or more salespeople who are responsible for a customer's order. For example, if your sales group consists of a sales manager, account representative, and sales assistant, you assign a group code that represents the three salespeople.

After you enter an order and update customer sales, the system applies the corresponding commission amounts to the address book numbers of the salespeople in the sales group.

41.2.1 Before You Begin

To set up a sales group

On Related Salesperson

Figure 41-1 Related Salesperson screen

Description of Figure 41-1 follows
Description of "Figure 41-1 Related Salesperson screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Sales Code

  • Salesperson Number

  • Effective Date

  • Expire Date

  • Basis (optional)

  • Code - Line or Order (optional)

  • Related Percent (optional)

Field Explanation
Sales Code A code that you use in place of the salesperson number when more than 2 salespersons are responsible for an order.
Date - Effective (Julian) The date on which a level within a pricing method takes effect. There can be multiple records within a pricing method that have the same level identifier, discount percentage, and so forth, with the only difference being the effective date. This may occur due to special promotion periods.

Form-specific information

The date on which this commission percentage is effective.

Date - Expiration (Julian) The date a particular pricing level within a pricing method expires. Within a pricing method there might be multiple records that have the same level identifier, discount percentage and so forth, but have different expiration dates. This might occur due to special promotion periods.

Form-specific information

The date on which this commission percentage expires.

Salesprs Number The standard for commission calculations requires a maximum of two salespersons and respective commission rates for each order line.

To create a commission liability for more than two salespersons, you can relate individuals or entities (for royalties) to a single order line. To do so, set up a sales/commission/salesperson code that represents not one but many salespersons in the related salesperson file. The system inserts this code in the billing instructions record for any customer or during sales order entry to create multiple commission records at the appropriate point in the order processing cycle (one record for each related salesperson).

Form-specific information

The address book number of this salesperson.

Basis A code that designates whether the system calculates commission using invoice amount (I) or gross margin (G).

The default is invoice amount.

Code - Line or Order A code that identifies whether the system bases commissions on order totals (O) or line totals.

The default is order total.

Related Percent The percent of the sale for which a related salesperson is responsible. A related salesperson is any salesperson in a designated (related) sales group. For a given group, the percent of the sale does not have to equal 100%.

41.2.2 What You Should Know

Topic Description
Deleting a salesperson from a group To delete salesperson information, inquire on the existing group, change the action code to C and clear out the information that is to be deleted. Simply placing a D in the action code is not a valid method for deleting records in this program.

Related Salesperson information is stored in the Related Salesperson file (F42003).

Variable commission rates within a group You can set a variable commission percentage for the group or variable commission percentages for salespeople within the sales group. If commission percentages differ within a group, you can set up different commission percentages for each salesperson. For example, a manager might have a higher rate of commission than a sales assistant.
Setting fixed commissions with additional variables You must assign each salesperson's address book number to the group code in Related Salesperson but specify the additional commission information and fixed commission percentage in Commission/Royalty Information.
Import/Export This program supports Import/Export functionality. See the JD Edwards World Technical Tools Guide guide for more information.

41.3 Assigning Commission Information (ECS)


From ECS Sales Order Management (G4910), enter 29

From ECS Sales Order Management Setup (G491041), choose Customer Billing Instructions

You can set up your commission information to reflect your company's sales environment. You can assign a maximum of two salespeople or two sales groups to each customer. After you enter an order and update customer sales, the system applies a calculated commission amount to the salesperson's address book number or the address book number of each salesperson in the sales group.

Assigning commission information includes the following tasks:

  • Assigning a salesperson or group to a customer

  • Assigning fixed commission percentages

You can set up commission percentages according to your company's commission payment policies. You can distribute commissions by entering a fixed commission percentage or variable commission percentages.

When you set a fixed commission percentage, the system applies the same percentage rate for any order. If you assign a group of salespeople to a customer, you can distribute commissions on a fixed commission percentage. When you set a fixed percentage for a group, the system distributes the same commission amount to each salesperson within a group.

You cannot assign commission percentages in the customer billing instructions for a salesperson or a sales group if you want the system to calculate variable commission percentages or set up additional commission information.

To assign a salesperson or group to a customer

On Customer Billing Instructions.

  1. To locate a customer, complete the following field:

    • Address Number

  2. Access Billing Instructions - Page 2.

    Figure 41-2 Billing Instructions - Pg 2 screen

    Description of Figure 41-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 41-2 Billing Instructions - Pg 2 screen"

  3. On Billing Instructions - Page 2, complete the following fields:

    • Commission Code 1

    • Commission Code 2

To assign fixed commission percentages

On Customer Billing Instructions

  1. Complete the steps to assign a salesperson or a group to a customer.

  2. Access Billing Instructions - Page 2.

  3. On Billing Instructions - Page 2, complete the following fields:

    • Commission Rate 1

    • Commission Rate 2

Field Explanation
Rate - Commission 1 The first of two percentages to be applied to either the gross sales amount or the gross margin for an order or order line in computing your commission liability. This percent can default from Billing Instructions or be entered directly to the order.
Rate - Commission 2 The second of two commission percentages to be applied to either the gross sales amount or the gross margin for an order or order line in computing your commission liability. This percent can come in from the Billing Instructions or be entered in the sales order.

41.3.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Calculating fixed commission percentages When you assign a fixed commission percentage in the customer billing instructions, the system calculates the commission amount based on the order total.
Sales Order Entry The commission codes or rates that you enter on the customer billing instructions are defaulted into the header during Sales Order Entry (P4211). This information can be changed and applies to all detail lines created for the order unless you modify the information at the order line level.

The Commission fields can be suppressed from Sales Order Entry by setting processing option 39.

41.4 Setting Up Additional Commission Information (ECS)


From ECS Sales Order Management (G4910), enter 29

From ECS Sales Order Management Setup (G491041), choose Commission/Royalty Setup

From Commission/Royalty Management (G4223), choose Commission/Royalty Information

You can include additional information before calculating the commission amount for a salesperson, a sales group, or salespeople within a group. The system compares the additional commission information, such as order type, fixed costs, and effective dates, to the order information before calculating the commission percentage. You can designate different commission percentages for order types. For example, you can designate that a salesperson earns 5% commission on a sales order, 2% on a direct ship order, and 7% on a blanket order.

You can also designate commission percentages for a limited period of time with variables that apply during the effective dates. For example, you might specify that a sales trainee earns a 7% commission on sales order totals during the training period. During that time, the order must meet a minimum gross margin amount or the system does not calculate commissions. If the order qualifies for a commission, then you must deduct fixed costs before calculating the commission percentage. After the training period, the salesperson earns a 5% commission on the gross margin of all orders after the system deducts the fixed costs. You can enter multiple commission percentages at one time when you anticipate changes in the future.

When you specify a commission percentage for a sales group in the commission/royalty information, the system applies the same commission percentage for every salesperson in the group. You can assign additional information to a sales group or salespeople within a group. To specify additional commission information for the group, you must assign the additional information to the group code. For example, you can specify that the group must meet the assigned minimum gross margin before the system calculates the commission. To calculate additional commission information for salespeople within the group, you can assign additional information to each salesperson's number.

41.4.1 Before You Begin

To set up additional commission information

After you complete the steps to assign a salesperson or group to a customer, you can set up additional information.

On Commission/Royalty Information

Figure 41-3 Commission/Royalty Information screen

Description of Figure 41-3 follows
Description of "Figure 41-3 Commission/Royalty Information screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Commission Number

    • Code Type

    • Effective Date

    • Expire Date

    • Order Type

    • Load Factor

    • Fixed Costs

    • Minimum Gross Margin

  2. To set a commission percentage for the group, complete the following field:

    • Commission Percent

  3. Access the fold area.

    Figure 41-4 Commission/Royalty Information (Fold Area) screen

    Description of Figure 41-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 41-4 Commission/Royalty Information (Fold Area) screen"

  4. Complete the following fields:

    • Division

    • Trade Class

    • Ship Method

    • Password

Field Explanation
Commission Code Type A code that designates whether the system calculates commission using Invoice Amount or Gross Margin. No matter which item the system uses, you should consider an amount as the starting point in the commission calculation and apply loading factors, fixed costs, minimum margins and so on.
Order Type A user defined code (system 00/type DT) that identifies the type of document. This code also indicates the origin of the transaction. JD Edwards World has reserved document type codes for vouchers, invoices, receipts, and time sheets, which create automatic offset entries during the post program. (These entries are not self-balancing when you originally enter them.)

The following document types are defined by JD Edwards World and should not be changed:

P – Accounts Payable Documents

R – Accounts Receivable Documents

T – Payroll Documents

I – Inventory Documents

O – Order Processing Documents

J – General Accounting/Joint Interest Billing Documents

Form-specific information

A code that indicates the type of order for which this commission percentage is valid. A salesperson (or related salesperson) can receive a higher rate for one type of order over another.

Load Factor The factor that the system uses as multiplier of product cost.

Form-specific information

A fixed percentage that the system deducts from the sales invoice total (if the commission type is I) or from the gross margin (if the commission type is G).

Fixed Costs The dollar amount of processing overhead per order.
Minimum Gross Margin $ The order-based minimum gross margin. If the gross margin is not equal to at least this amount, then the order does not qualify for a commission.
Commission % The percentage of an order sales amount payable to the salesperson.
Division One of thirty reporting codes that you can assign to an address in the Address Book system. Use these codes to identify addresses for reports, mailings, and so on. Category codes are user-defined (system 01, types 01 through 30). Examples:

Category code 01 - Location or Branch

Category code 02 - Salesperson

Category code 03 - New tenant

Category code 04 - Credit officer

Form-specific information

User-defined code (system 01, type 01) that indicates the branch for which this is a valid commission percentage.

Ship Method A user defined code (system 42/type FR) designating the method by which supplier shipments are delivered. For example, the supplier could deliver to your dock, or you could pick up the shipment at the supplier's dock.

You can also use these codes to indicate who has responsibility for freight charges. For example, you can have a code indicating that the customer legally takes possession of goods as soon as they leave the supplier warehouse and is responsible for transportation charges to the destination.

Password A series of characters that you must enter before the system updates a table. In the Distribution systems, the password secures commissions setup and the release of held orders. Only users with access to the password can release an order. The system does not display the password on the form. You should not enter blanks anywhere in the password.

41.4.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Setting up variable commission percentages You can set up variable commission percentages with additional commission information. You must verify that the commission percentage in Commission/Royalty Information is blank.

See Section 41.5, "Setting Up Variable Commission Percentages within a Group (ECS)."

Setting commission information with passwords You must enter a password to locate commission information in Commission/Royalty Inquiry or to change commission information if you have set up a password in Commission/Royalty Information.
Import/Export This program supports Import/Export functionality. See the JD Edwards World Technical Tools Guide guide for more information.

41.5 Setting Up Variable Commission Percentages within a Group (ECS)


From ECS Sales Order Management (G4910), enter 29

From ECS Sales Order Management Setup (G491041), choose Commission/Royalty Setup

From Commission/Royalty Management (G4223), choose Related Salesperson

You can also set a variable commission percentage for the group or variable commission percentages for salespeople within the sales group. If commission percentages differ within a group, you can set up different commission percentages for each salesperson. For example, a manager might have a higher rate of commission than a sales assistant.

41.5.1 Before You Begin

To set up variable commission percentages within a group

On Related Salesperson

Complete the following fields:

  • Salesperson Number

  • Effective Date

  • Expiration Date

  • Basis

  • Line/Order

  • Related Percent

Field Explanation
Basis - Related Salesperson A code that designates whether the system calculates commissions using Invoice Amount or Gross Margin.
Code - Line or Order A code that indicates whether the system bases commissions on order totals (O) or line amounts (L).
Percent - Related The percent of the sale for which a related salesperson is responsible. A related salesperson is any salesperson in a designated (related) sales group. For a given group, the percent of the sale does not have to equal 100%.

41.5.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Setting fixed commissions with additional variables You must assign each salesperson's address book number to the group code in Related Salesperson but specify the additional commission information and fixed commission percentage in Commission/Royalty Information.

41.6 Reviewing Commission Information


From Sales Order Management (G42), choose hidden selection 29

From System Setup (G4241), choose Commission/Royalty Setup

From Commission/Royalty Setup (G4223), choose Commission/Royalty Inquiry


From ECS Sales Order Management (G4910), choose hidden Selection 29

From ECS Sales Order Management Setup (G491041), choose Commission/Royalty Setup

From Commission/Royalty Setup (G4223), choose Commission/Royalty Inquiry

You can set up your commission information to reflect your company's sales environment. You can assign a maximum of two salespeople or two sales groups to each customer. After you enter an order and update customer sales, the system applies a calculated commission amount to the salesperson's address book number or the address book number of each salesperson in the sales group by populating the Sales Commission File (F42005).

After the sales update, you can review commission information to ensure your salespeople receive the correct amount. If necessary, you can modify existing information if you have proper security access.

To review commission information

On Commission/Royalty Inquiry.

Figure 41-5 Commission/Royalty Inquiry screen

Description of Figure 41-5 follows
Description of "Figure 41-5 Commission/Royalty Inquiry screen"

Use the first processing option behind the inquiry program to select whether the commission is calculated by line 'L' or by order 'O'.

  1. Complete one of the following fields:

    • Salesperson

    • Customer

    • Order Number

    • Item Number

  2. Review the information in the following fields:

    • Order/Amount Margin

    • Line Amount/Margin

    • Salesperson

    • Commission Code Type

    • Commission Percent

    • Commission Amount

  3. Press F4 for More Details and review the following fields:

    • Load Factor

    • Fixed Cost

    Figure 41-6 Commission/Royalty Inquiry (Details) screen

    Description of Figure 41-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 41-6 Commission/Royalty Inquiry (Details) screen"

  4. To revise any information, complete the following field:

    • Password

Field Explanation
Commission $ The system computes this dollar amount as a potential commission liability. Based upon the sales amount at the order or line level, this amount might be the result of cost of sales, overhead load factor, minimum gross margin, and so forth.
Comm % The percentage of an order sales amount payable to the salesperson.
Ld Fact The Load Factor that the system uses as multiplier of product cost.

Form-specific information

A fixed percentage that the system deducts from the sales invoice total (if the commission type is I) or from the gross margin (if the commission type is G).

Fx Cost The Fixed Cost dollar amount of processing overhead per order. This is also deducted from the invoice total (if the commission type is I) or from the gross margin (if the commission type is G).

In this specific example, you see that salesman receive 8% commission on the sales order. This is because the group is assigned 40% in the Commission Royalty Information program (P42110), and the specific salesman is responsible for 20% of the sales of the group as assigned in the Related Salesperson program (P42100). Since there are not load factors, fixed costs or margin limits and there have been no overrides the basic calculation is the multiple of the two percentages. So the individual salesman receives 20% of the 40% which works out to 8% of the order amount.

41.6.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Sales Update Most commission information is calculated and written to F42005 at Sales Update (P42800). However, the Commission Amount (COMA) is not written to F42005 at this time; it is updated at Commission/Royalty Inquiry (P42120).
Preference Profiles Commissions can default in from Customer Billing Instructions for the Ship To only, and are not item specific. With the Sales Commission Preference you can attach commission based on the Ship To or Sold To, and based on individual customers, customer groups, and items or item groups.
Advanced Pricing Rebates Advanced Pricing Rebates are also used as a substitute for Commissions in JD Edwards World. To learn more about this functionality, see Setting Up Rebate Adjustments the JD Edwards World Advanced Pricing Guide.
Import/Export This program supports Import/Export functionality. See JD Edwards World Technical Tools Guide for more information.