Oracle® Fabric OS 1.0.2 Command Reference

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Updated: November 2016

Other Commands

Output Redirection

Redirect the output from any command may be redirected to a file by placing a > sign, followed by a filename at the end of the command. For example, typing the following runs the command and place the output in a file called allvnics in the current directory:

[OFOS] show vnics > allvnics

Another way to redirect the command output is to execute the command inside backtick characters and then place the result in a variable. For example, typing the following displays the variable vnics, which contains a vector of lines containing the output from the show -list vnics command:

[OFOS] var vnics = 'show -list vnics'


Use wildcards to control the display of output. Wildcards can be used in most of the Oracle Fabric OS show commands to select a set of objects. The only wildcard character supported is the asterisk (*) which causes zero or more of any character to be displayed in the show command. Wildcards can also represent entire names.

Strings you create with wildcards are case sensitive, ensure you enter the wildcard item correctly. For example, vNICs named vnic1 and vnic2 are not displayed if you issue show vnic V*. If you type show vnic v* with a lowercase v, the vNICs are displayed.

Note -  Not all show commands support the use of wildcards. For example, LAGs and VLANs do not support them for selecting the LAG name or VLAN number.

Typing the following displays a list of all vNICs with v as the first letter:

[OFOS] show vnic v*

The wildcard character represents zero or more characters in a name string starting with v.

Typing the following results in a list of all vNICs on all server profiles that contain the string test in their names:

[OFOS] show vnic *.*test*

The first wildcard represents an entire name, and the second and third represent individual characters.


Use pipes to control the display of output in the Oracle Fabric OS. Pipes in the Oracle Fabric OS are like standard UNIX pipes, and they use the same syntax. Typing the following displays all vNICs in the down state:

[OFOS] show vnic * | grep down

The Oracle Fabric OS pipes work with any command, but is most effective when coupled with the grep command. Pipes are not limited to only one set of pipes; many stages in the pipeline are supported.


The Oracle Fabric OS supports command filters, which are boolean expressions that operate on columns of object output. You can use filters to specify objects that will be displayed in the output of the following show commands:

  • show vnic

  • show vhba

  • show server-profile

  • show physical-server

To specify a filter for these commands, append a “where” clause containing operands and operators. Examples are provided later in this topic.

Filters determine specific output (the table columns) that will be displayed when you issue one of the listed commands. The value of a table column in a show command can be compared to a constant using one of the operators in the following table.

Close expression
Equal to
Not equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Regular expression match

Expressions can be combined using “and”, “or”, and “xor”. Expressions can also be enclosed in parentheses.

Type the following to display all vNICs terminated on interface 1/1:

[OFOS] show vnic * where if = 1/1

Type the following to display vNICs with a name that starts with priv and are on the prod server profile, filtering those with an if-state column (interface state) that is not up:

[OFOS] show vnic priv*.prod where if-state <> up

Type the following to display all server-profiles that are connected to an external switch and are up:

[OFOS] show server-profile * where connection like "extsw" and state = up

Type the following to display all server profiles that have a vNIC or vHBA on them:

[OFOS] show server-profile * where vnics > 0

Naming Conventions

Follow these naming guidelines for object names in the Oracle Virtual Networking information model. Following is a partial list of characters to avoid when naming server profiles and vNICs and vHBAs:

  • The $ is used by the for textual replacement of expressions.

  • The / (slash), the ^ (caret), and the % (percent sign) cause errors and prevent the named item from being displayed.

  • The : (colon) causes a permissions error.

Internal blank spaces are accepted when they are enclosed in quotation marks. For example, a server profile named “web apps” is valid, but web apps is not.

Follow these guidelines to name objects for the Oracle Fabric OS:

  • Characters accepted in the names of vNICs and vHBAs include alphanumerics and underscore (_). Avoid using other characters.

  • Characters accepted in the other objects (for example, server profiles) include alphanumerics, dash (-), and underscores (_). Avoid using other characters.

The names you can set on virtual I/O resources can contain a restricted character set. Names of vNICs and vHBAs can contain the following:

  • The letters A-Z and a-z

  • The numerals 0-9

  • The underscore character (_)

All other virtual I/O resources, such as server profiles, can contain:

  • The letters A-Z and a-z

  • The numerals 0-9

  • The underscore character (_)

  • A dash (-)

The names of virtual resources are restricted to the following lengths:

  • A vNIC – Between 2 and 10 characters

  • A vHBA – Between 2 and 15 characters

  • Server profiles – Between 1 and 31 characters