Oracle InfiniBand Switch IS2-46 Product Notes

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Updated: September 2016

Update the Firmware (Oracle Fabric OS)

If you are upgrading from firmware version to a later version, use this task to upgrade the firmware through the Oracle Fabric OS, not the nm3tool. Through Oracle Fabric OS, you update switch firmware through the system upgrade command, which retrieves the firmware package as an .xpf file, loads it into switch memory, and upgrades appropriate system elements with relevant firmware.

Also, during this process, the Oracle Fabric OS Configuration Wizard might run. See Oracle Fabric OS Configuration Wizard.

Note -  The firmware update process requires power cycling and rebooting the switch. This will affect the networks and fabric to which the switch is connected. Consider the consequences of these actions before proceeding.
  1. Log in to the leaf switch.
    % ssh root@switch_host_IP_address
    root@switch_host_IP_address's password: password
    Last login: Fri Dec 14 16:20:27 2012
    [root@switch_hostname ~]#
  2. Access Oracle Fabric OS.
    [root@SCP_hostname ~]# su admin
                      Welcome to OFOS Controller
        Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Oracle Corp.  All rights reserved.
           Enter "help" for information on available commands.
    Enter the command "show system copyright" for licensing information
  3. Run the system upgrade command to update all relevant firmware on the leaf switch.

    For example:

    system upgradefile_transfer_protocoluser_account@device_id:path_to_filename.xpf


    • file_transfer_protocol is the method of downloading the firmware package to the switch, either SCP, FTP, HTTP, or HTTPS.

    • user_account is the name of an authorized user with appropriate privileges on the device that contains the firmware package.

    • device_ID is the IP address or host name of the device from which the firmware image can be downloaded.

      Note -  You must include the colon ( : ) between device_ID and path_and_filename.
    • path_and_filename is the file path to the firmware package you downloaded, and the firmware package name including the .xpf suffix.

    For example:

    system upgrade scp://admin@    
  4. Answer any onscreen prompts to start the upgrade.

    While the firmware is upgrading, progress messages are displayed.

  5. Allow the upgrade to run to completion.
  6. Verify the upgrade occurred successfully.

    See Verify the Update (Oracle Fabric OS).