Quality Equipment EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The data for connection of a payment terminal, type Quality Equipment EFT, can be updated, i.e. programmed, cleared or changed, with this program. Data which has already been stored can also be displayed for information.

The interface and link to a processing unit should be defined and the device-specific operating mode of the EFT terminal set.

Payment terminals are required to handle payments by magnetic cards. Other parametering is necessary, e.g. the appropriate payment type with link of the correct credit card, to operate this device.

Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for update of this basic data.

As with nearly all other programs the following also applies here:


Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the offered debug levels by clicking onto this field and with a second click confirming the selection.

The system offers the following debug levels:

Only select a value higher than "0" for the debug level if a protocol for communication of the payment terminal is required for error analysis. Details are shown in file "errlog" in directory work of the appropriate system unit.

Write timeout

Entry range permitted: numeric

Default = 2000 milliseconds

Read timeout

Entry range permitted: numeric

Default = 95000 milliseconds

Request timeout

Entry range permitted: numeric

Default = 2000 milliseconds


Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the offered baud rates by clicking on this field and with a second click confirming the selection.

The system offers the following baud rate:


Default = 1

Enter the ID number of the terminal. The value entered must correspond to the value entered in the appropriate payment type, i.e. the terminal whose number has been entered in program Payment type will be selected.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin