Item Position

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

This program, which you can open from the window Application -> Sales -> Receipt Transactions, lists the individual positions of the booking transaction.

This is a pure information program. Attempts to save entries will be rejected with the message "Not allowed".


Number of the company on the level of which the receipt transaction has taken place.


The transaction has been carried out in this branch.


The transaction has been carried out at this terminal.


Number of the transaction


Position number under which the item has been booked. An item entered via the multiplication key will be displayed as 1 position.

Related Pos.

If the item ("tandem", "follow-up") is linked to another one, the position number of the linked item ("tandem carrier") will be displayed here.


Item number and name


Number and name of the department assigned to the item

Void Mode

If the item has been voided, the void mode (direct void, receipt void etc.) will be displayed here.

The following void types can be linked to an item position:

·        No void

·        Receipt void

·        Line void

·        Direct void

·        GC line void

·        Auto. Receipt void

·        Auto. GC void

·        New price

·        Menu complete

Quantity Unit

Displays the unit in which the item is sold. The units are updated in the window Quantity Unit.


If the item has been booked via the multiplication key, the item quantity will be displayed here.


If the contents of the item (quantity unit) have been overwritten within the booking transaction, the new amount will be displayed here. The contents are updated via the window Quantity Unit.

Position Value

The actual sales price of the item. If the number of pieces is entered via the multiplication key, the position value is the total price (number of items * sales price).

Sales Price

The price at which the item has actually been booked. This can be the original price but also a promotion price. The price of a discounted item is not considered in this field.

Item Price

The price with which the item has been recorded in the system.

Calc. Cost Price

The calculated cost price is calculated on the basis of entries for incoming goods or via the entry in the field Profit Calculation Base in the sub-window Sales of the window Item.


The booking transaction is based on the level displayed here.


The VAT rate on which the booking transaction is based.

Service Charge

If the option for the calculation of the service charge is activated in Department, Item or Operator, the calculated service charge is displayed here.


Name of the category.

Transaction Type

Number and name of the transaction type.

GC Position


Number and name of the salesman


If the item has been embedded in a promotion, the number and name of the promotion are displayed here.

Price List

Number and name of the price list assigned to the item.


If the item is embedded in a course group, the number of the latter is displayed here.

Value Recipe

If the item is part of a recipe, the value of the recipe is displayed here.

Direct Void

If the option is activated, the item is voided via the direct void function.


The booked item is recorded as a takeaway item in the window Item, sub-window Sales.

Transitory Item

If the option is activated, the booked position is a transitory item. This is updated out via the window Finance Type.


The booked item is a deposit item.


The item has been scanned.

Deposit item (Beverage)

The item recorded is a deposit return.

No stock record (Beverage)

This item is a pseudo item for the No stock record.

Pack (Beverage)

The recorded item is a pack item.

Combi item (Beverage)

This item is a combi item recorded in part pack mode.

Combi (Beverage)

This was recorded as a combi item in pack mode.

Special price (Beverage)

Free with deposit charged (Beverage)

This item was recorded without a price (OTH = On-the-house) but deposit was charged.

Is Menu Part

If the option is activated, the item has been recorded as a Menu Item.

Successor (follow-up)

If the option is activated, the item is recorded as a successor via the Linkage.

On Call

If the option is activated, the receipt has been booked via the key function ONCALL.

Special VAT

If the option is activated, a special VAT rate has been entered with the function <fSPECVAT> before the booking.

This function can also refer to a Receipt Position.

New plate

If the option is activated, a new plate is generated with key function i<PLATE> in a fast food system before the item booking.

Further information on setting up a fast food system can be found in the documentation MICROS Retail OSCAR POS terminal system "Fast Food".

Price change

If the button is active the item price is changed when an item is recorded with key function <NEWPRICE>.

Warranty no.

The number of booked warranty items is increased each time in this field.

Delivery date

With items which are part of a customer order the delivery date is stored in this field.

Plate no.

The plate no. which belongs to this item is stored in this field in a fast food system.

Further information on setting up a fast food system can be found in the documentation MICROS Retail OSCAR POS terminal system "Fast-Food".

Status Preparation

This field contains the status for the item.

Further information on setting up a fast food system can be found in the documentation MICROS Retail OSCAR POS terminal system "Fast-Food".

Status Production

The status for production of the item is stored in this field.

Further information on setting up a fast food system can be found in the documentation MICROS Retail OSCAR POS terminal system "Fast-Food".

Status Packaging

The status for packaging of the item is stored in this field.

Further information on setting up a fast food system can be found in the documentation MICROS Retail OSCAR POS terminal system "Fast-Food".

Press code AddOn


Press code


Vensafe code




MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin