Menu Parts

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

By use of this program you can maintain the basic data of the menu items in the system, i.e., insert new records, edit and delete the existing ones. You can also display the data on the screen for enquiry only.

Menus are used to collate several items which are also recorded when an individual item is sold (the so-called menu carrier). This can be used for articles which are sold as a set or for articles which are offered in hospitality outlets, e.g. as menu of the day, couverts, etc. Menus are linked in program Item -> Linkage -> Menu to the sales article.

You can set up various types of menus.

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these Basic Data.

Just like in almost any other program:


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 99

Enter the course number for the menu. Items can then be assigned to this course number. Each menu can have up to 99 courses and each course can consist of 9999 items.


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the position number of the course to which an item is to be assigned in this field. Each course can have up to 9999 item positions.


Permitted input range: decimal, max. 14 digits

Enter the number of the item which is to be posted under this position of the menu course. During posting of a menu, the assigned items are shown in the order of the position number.

If you do not know the number, you can select the data record via the Search Function.

Note that the items can only be assigned to a menu if they have the status of a sales item.

Add price

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 12 with max. 2 decimal places

Enter an amount which should be additionally posted during the posting of this item position.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin