Reading in Inventory Data

The following program description deals with:

Description of the Program Function

The inventory data provided by the PDT can only be processed in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application after it has been read in. In this window, the data records read by the PDT are listed.

Item data that is not to be adopted has to be marked and deleted (button DELETE). In order to read in the items, click on "Close"; MICROS Retail OSCAR POS adopts the read-in item data. The state is automatically changed to File loaded from PDT.

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these basic data

Just like in almost any other program:


Number with which the item has been created in the system.


Item name

Stock no.

No. of the stock location in which the inventory has taken place.

Quantity [true quantity]

The item quantity counted by the PDT; can be changed if there were subsequent changes.


The unit maintained for an item in the store.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin