POS Macro Positions

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The data for Macro positions can be updated, i.e. created, changed or deleted, with this program. Data which has already been stored can be displayed.

An automatic sequence of keyboard events can be started on the terminal with macros. The first step is to store a macro under an easy-to-identify no. in the system with program System -> User Interface -> Macro Heads and then add the appropriate keyboard events via button "Macro positions". Other macros can also be called up during a macro.

A macro head is started on the terminal with key event <MACROn> or <fMACRO>. The names of the key events can be found in the documentation Key events. For key event <fMACRO> an additional entry of useful data is possible if a position with "Event Data = USERINPUT" is in a macro.

A customer order is to be booked at the terminal with macro head. The customer no. is to be entered via the key <fMACRO>, entry <CORDER> key and confirmation of address data with entry of an order text is to be done automatically.

Event Name

Event Data




<fMACRO> Customer no.



Confirmation in customer mask with key <ST>



Call up of customer order via key <CORDER>



Confirmation of customer address data with key <ST>



Confirmation of customer address data with key <ST>



Confirmation of customer address data with key <ST>



Confirmation of customer address data with key <ST>



Confirmation of customer address data with key <ST>



Confirmation of customer address data with key <ST>



Entry of order texts "Hallo" with key <ST>

Using the event data it is then possible to make entries in program System -> User Interface -> Macro Heads -> Macro Positions and to call them up at the terminal with keyboard event <fMACRO>.

Remarks on data fields

The following details all options available for update of the basic data.

The following applies to this program:

Macro Number

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 999999

The number of the macro head under which this macro is stored in the system is displayed in this field.

Position Number

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Enter the position no. in this field.

Event Name

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

Enter the event name for the keyboard event in this field. The name of the key events can be found in the documentation Key events.

Parameter EVDEBUG=Y should be set to help with setting up macro heads. The key sequence then entered manually at the terminals is written into file "..\work\errlog" as a protocol. The data provided can be used to make the appropriate entries in this field.

Event Data

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric max. 20 pos.

Enter the data which is to be transferred during execution.

Entry of useful data is also necessary with key event <fMACRO> if a position with "Event Data = USERINPUT" is in the macro.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin