Parameters that have effects on the POS Declared Entry

The description of how to carry out the POS declared entry in the background system can be found in the chapter POS Declared Entry at the Administration Terminal; the description of the procedure at the POS terminal can be found in the user manual.

The POS declared entry can be controlled via the Parameters in various windows. Besides, there are also parameters in the file "runDeclEntry.fgl" that have general effects on the POS declared entry at the administration terminal.

A description of the input fields can be found in the chapter Money Transactions [Head Data] / POS Declared Entry.

Parameter Settings in the Screen Masks

The following parameters influence the POS declared entry procedure.

Parameter Settings in the File "runDeclEntry.fgl"

The following description refers to the standard settings of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application. You can modify the parameter settings in the file "runDeclEbtry.fgl" to influence the declared entry procedure decisively. All of the four parameters refer to the declared entry at the administration terminal only.

  1. Parameter AutoCreatePos
    1 = All payment types will be displayed (default).
    0 = Payment types will not be displayed.
  2. Parameter DiffIsForAllPays
    0 = The Declared Entry Difference entered in the window “Terminal Type” is valid per payment type (default).
    1 = The difference is valid for the total sum of all payment types entered within the declared entry.
  3. Parameter IncOpAccount
    1 = The confirmed declared entry increases the account period of the operator (default).
    0 = The account period will not be increased.
    The switch Dec.Enry with next Acc.No. increases the account number during the declared entry at the POS terminal.
  4. Parameter MyFirstTry
    1 = If a difference between the calculated and the declared values is established, a message appears and the declared entry can be repeated at will. (default)
    0 = A correction of the declared values is not possible.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin