POS Declared Entry

This chapter describes how to proceed when carrying out a POS declared entry.

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application offers the following different ways to carry out a POS declared entry:

  1. POS Declared Entry (Operator) at the administration terminal.
    POS declared entry per operator.
  2. POS Declared Entry (POS) at the administration terminal.
    POS declared entry per POS terminal without displaying the calculated values.
  3. POS Declared Entry (Supervisor) at the administration terminal.
    POS declared entry per POS terminal, for operators with supervisory state, with display of the calculated and declared values.
  4. POS Declared Entry at the POS terminal.
    By pressing the <DECLAREDENTRY> key.

The POS declared entry will be stored in the system as a money transaction, i.e. a POS terminal has to be assigned for this process unit for the POS declared entry at the administration terminal.

POS declared entries at the administration terminal can be started in the update program Branch via the buttons POS Declared Entry (Operator) , POS Declared Entry (POS) or POS Declared Entry (Supervisor).

The data of confirmed  POS declared entries can be viewed in the window Transactions (Application-> Sales); select the Transaction TypeMoney Transaction” and the Money TransactionDeclared Entry”.
For further explanations on the POS declared entry go to Parameter that have effects on the POS Declared Entry. Note that POS declared entries may only be carried out for operators who are not signed on at the POS terminal. Explanations of how to proceed when carrying out a POS declared entry at the POS terminal can be found in the user manuals.

The following description of the POS declared entry refers to the default settings of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application. In the file "runDeclEntry.fgl", you can change parameters that change the POS declared entry procedure decisively:

The following description is based on the standard parameter settings of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application. In the file "runDeclEntry.fgl", you can change the parameters that change the POS declared entry procedure decisively: The explanation of the parameters can be found in the document Declared Entry.

Further information can be found under Parameter which have Effect on the POS Declared Entry. The description of the individual fields can be found under Transactions.

Some general notes:

The procedure:

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin