Declared entry operator

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The cash declared entry per operator can be carried out at the administration desk with this program. The cash declared entries made for each operator are entered in this program (this does not apply in programs Declared entry (terminal) and Declared entry (supervisor) ).


A variety of versions of cash declared entry is available in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program, depending on the settings of the various parameters.

  1. Declared entry (operator) at administration desk.
    Declared entry per operator.
  2. Declared entry (terminal)
    Declared entry per terminal; no display of cash in drawer.
  3. Declared entry (supervisor) at administration desk
    Declared entry per terminal; for operator with status Supervisor, with display of declared and in drawer results
  4. Declared entry at checkout
    From depression of <DECLAREDENTRY> key.

The following prerequisites must be complied with if the Declared entry (operator) is to be recorded as the administration desk.

The procedure is as follows for a terminal:

The following description of the Declared entry is based on the standard setting of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application. Parameter entries in file "runDeclEntry.fgl" make any changes necessary to the cash declared entry procedure:

Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for this basic data.

As with nearly all programs the following also applies here:


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 9999

Number of the company in whose area the operator for whom the cash declared entry is to be made is signed on.


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 99999

Number of the branch in whose area the operator for whom the cash declared entry is to be made is signed on.


Entry range permitted: numeric 1 - 999999

Number of the terminal on which the cash declared entry is carried out.


A unique transaction no. is automatically assigned to each cash declared entry. This no. is stored in the system. The number is assigned after the entries in this field have been confirmed with the Return key. More details can be found under Declared entry at administation desk.


Date on which the cash declared entry was carried out.


Time at which the cash declared entry was carried out.

To operator

Number of the operator for whom the cash declared entry is made. An operator can enter results for his/herself..

No declared entries can be made at the administration desk for an operator signed on at a terminal. The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application sends the message "Operator signed on: To operator". The working status of the operator can be called up with window Operator -> Report -> Basic data -> Operator state list. If an operator is called up and no recordings can be found, the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application sends the message "No operator status: To operator". Further information is available under Declared entry at administation desk.

Report no.

A period which has not yet been finalised should be selected here for cash declared entry. Further information is available under Declared entry at administation desk (see also Note).

Please note that a report no. is only generated after completion of reports Operator account report and Single operator report in program Operator -> Report -> Booking and money statistics.


Switch active: The cash declared entry has been confirmed
Switch deactivated: The cash declared entry has not been confirmed

Entries made during the cash declared recording are confirmed with key . At this point in time, entries can be viewed, but changes are no longer possible. Storage of entries is not sufficient to make them confirmed.
Please note that the system signals an error if any differences are established. The results entered for the appropriate payment type can/should then be modified. The declared entry difference defines whether a message is sent or not. This difference is defined via the field with the same name in window (see
Note). Further details can be found under Declared entry at administation desk.

Button: Payment type

The cash declared entry itself, i.e. entry of the amounts counted, is completed in this window. After call up of the window all payment types stored in the system under the operator no. are shown as recorded with value 0.00.

Button: Report print

A protocol print of the cash declared entries can be called up with this window. The data of the recorded declared entries is listed.

Protocol print can only be started if the program has not been exited. Retrospective print is started from the men: Report -> Print decl. entry.

Button: Open decl.entries

This button is used to display a list of the open declared entries. A selection window opens after clicking onto this button. The operators to be checked can be limited in this window. The medium for print can also be defined here. A summary with the following details is provided:

Selection criteria with


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin