Deposit Receipt with Voucher

Deposit items can be booked and recorded in different ways in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS system. You can book the deposit items and give a voucher in return for the deposit receipt or generate a deposit receipt with a barcode. There is also the possibility of establishing one POS terminal as a Deposit Till.

For further notes on the booking of deposit items with deposit receipts and barcode print go to Deposit Sales with Barcode receipt.

The following list contains the essential parameter settings for the booking of deposit items with vouchers. Further information – particularly on the field descriptions – can be found in the corresponding program descriptions.

  1. Program Keyboard
    Go to System -> Configuration -> Keyboard. Assign the keyboard there.
  2. Program Keys
    Click on the button “Keys” to go to the program Keys.
  3. Program Keyboard
    Save your entries.
  4. Program Finance Type
    Go to Parameters -> Misc. Param. -> Finance Type. Define a finance type by choosing the finance typeVoucher”.
  5. Program Finance parameter
    Click on the button “Finance parameter” to open the sub-window Finance parameter; assign the appropriate terminal type there.
  6. The entries will only be valid after you closed the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application and started it again.
  7. Booking in the sales program

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin