Deposit Till

The following program description deals with:

Program Function

Apart from the possibility to record deposit items with empties vouchers, you can also record deposit items with a barcode print on the receipt in order to be able to read the deposit voucher with a scanner for the deposit refund.

Deposit Till
If the deposit refund takes place at one particular POS terminal only, you can set up this terminal as a deposit till by activating the option Deposit Till with the corresponding terminal type. In this case, you do not have to press the <DEPOSIT> key when empties are accepted.

Parameters for the Deposit Recording with Bar Code Voucher

You have to set the following parameters for the deposit recording with bar code voucher:

Deposit Refund

Press the <DEPOSIT> key and enter the item no. of the deposit item via the <ART> key. Only items for which the option Deposit Item has been activated will be accepted.

After the recording of all deposit items, the receipt is closed via the <DEPOSITSALE> key. A deposit voucher with a barcode will be printed.

If the POS terminal is set up as a Deposit Till the <DEPOSIT> key does not have to be pressed.

Deposit Refund (online mode)

The barcode on the deposit voucher is scanned and confirmed via a payment type key.

Deposit Refund (offline mode)

If the deposit till is in the offline mode, the price change positions generated by the system of this deposit voucher have to be  recorded individually – as they are printed on the deposit voucher – in the dialog via the <ST> key.

If the barcode cannot be read by the scanner for any reason, the 16-digit deposit voucher number can be entered (with leaving out the first two digits) via the <DEPRECNOn> key.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin