RVM (Reverse Vending Machine)

From version 4.5 of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application on, an  reverse vending machines (e.g. Tomra) can be connected to the POS system.

The configuration of the reverse vending machine has to be carried out as follows:

1.      The environment variable "OSCAR_OPTIONS=RVM" must be set to enable the functionality. The following commands must be executed after every change of environment variables "OSCAR_OPTIONS=" to ensure that the changes are activated in MICROS Retail OSCAR POS.
oscar convert
oscar addAscFiles
oscar init UiText
oscar init DbText
oscar dofgl.fgl Language

2.      In program System -> User interface-> Application, an application from type "RVM Online connection" with its corresponding RVM connection para must be configured. With the parameter you can set, among others, the poll interval to receive the transaction data of the RVM machine (default 120 milliseconds).

3.      In program System -> Configuration -> Process unit, a process unit from type client must be configured. In field program name of this process unit the application name "ApplRVM" for the application from type "RVM Online connection" must be entered.

4.      For the communication with an RVM machine, a device from type RVM communication (Device group -> Protocols) must be assigned to.

5.      All receipts which are recorded at the RVM machine will be stored in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server database at at certain intervals. With the program Application -> Organisation -> RVM -> RVM receipt, RVM Redeem and RVM day total, this data can be viewed and with certain reports evaluated.

6.      In program Branch -> Details 2, the data for "RVM store Id", "RVM rec. keep days", "Acpt.unkn. RVM receipts", "Acpt.dble.. RVM receipts" must be entered.

7.      For the scanning of  RVM receipts the data fort he EAN ID 98 from type "RVM receipt" must be entered in program Branch -> EAN-Parameter (see EAN 128 RVM).

ID = 98
Type Field 2 = RVM receipt
Length Field 1 = 0
Offset Field 1 = 0
Append zero to Field 1  = 0
Length Field 2 = 30
Offset Field 2 = 0
Append zero to Field 2 = 0
Simulates key = RVMOnline

8.      In program Branch -> RVM ArtId-DEPT/ART, items and departments from deposit type "Einweg", Mehrweg" und "MoPro" must be programmed. The turnover of  redeemed RVM receipts will be booked to those items or departments.

For those items and. departments the option "Negativ price" must be set.

9.      In program Sales -> Receipt transaction-> RVM positions the data of RVM positions can be viewed.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin