Setting Up the Fulfillment Tables

Topics in this part:

Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA) describes creating, changing, deleting, and displaying shipper records. Additionally, you will find displaying ship via history; working with, creating, changing, and deleting shipper items; and working with SCF ship via values.

Working with SCF Codes (WSCF) describes creating Sectional Center Facility (SCF) codes.

Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV) explains how to create, change, delete, and display these codes.

Working with Shipping Rates (WSHR) includes creating, changing, deleting, and displaying shipping rates.

Working with Drop Points (WDPT) describes creating, changing, deleting, and displaying these codes.

Editing Warehouse Drop Points (EWDP) describes creating, changing, and deleting warehouse drop point information.

Editing SCF Ship Via (ESSV) describes how to create, change, or delete multiple SCF/ship via values quickly.

Working with Dunnage Weight (WDUN) describes creating dunnage weights based on the cube of the items on a pick slip, and changing and deleting dunnage weights.

Working with Zip/Ship Via (WZSV) describes how to cross-reference default shippers for specific destinations based on zip code; this allows you to assign carriers automatically.

Working with Tax Jurisdiction (WTXJ) describes how to create and work with special tax jurisdiction areas, defined by zip code.

Working with Weight Tables for Order Weight (WFTB) describes how to create and work with freight tables for the Freight by Order Weight freight method defined for a source code.

Working with Offer Ship Via Assignment (WSVA) describes how to create and work with ship via overrides based on offer or source code, order or merchandise dollar total, and geographical area.

Working with Lines of Business (WLOB) describes how to create and work with line of business codes and assignments and explains how the system assigns a line of business to an order.

Displaying the Line of Business Order Queue Summary (DLOQ) describes the statistics on the Display Line of Business Order Queue Summary screen and explains how the system updates the information on this screen.

Creating SCF Ship Vias by SCF Range (MSSV) describes how to create SCF ship via information for a selected SCF range, rather then entering this information for each SCF or drop point.

Load USPS Zip Code File (LZPS) describes how to upload current postal code information from a CD provided by the U.S. Postal Service.

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