Part I: Vendor Charge Backs

Purpose: This part contains an overview and detailed information on using the vendor charge back functions, which allow you to track the return of defective, damaged, or unwanted merchandise to a vendor for credit.

Chapter 34: Vendor Charge Back Overview provides an overview of the vendor charge back process and the impact of a vendor charge back on the system.

Chapter 35: Working with Vendor Charge Backs (WVCB) describes the screens you use to create, work with, and process vendor charge backs.

Chapter 36: Working with Vendor Charge Back Reason Codes (WCBC) describes the screens you use to create and work with reason codes for charge backs.

Chapter 37: Printing Vendor Charge Back Notifications (PVCN) describes the screens you use to print charge back notifications to vendors and provides a sample notification.

Chapter 38: Printing the Vendor Charge Back Report (PVCB) describes the screen you use to print a report of items on selected, or all, vendor charge backs in your company, and provides a sample report.

Chapter 39: Purging Vendor Charge Backs (PVCR) describes the screen you use to purge completed vendor charge backs entered prior to a certain date.

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