Part B: Working with A/R Invoices

Chapters in this part: The following chapters describe the functions you use to apply cash received, post to deferred liability, apply credits, and enter adjustments to open invoice items.

Chapter 3: Working with Cash Receipts (WCRT) presents the screens you use to post cash to customer accounts or deferred liability.

Chapter 4: Working with Invoice Open Items presents the screens you use to post cash and checks to unpaid invoices, apply payment and credits, enter adjustments for open invoice items.

Chapter 5: High Speed A/R Payment Entry and Batch Processing (WABP) presents the screens you use to create and process a batch of invoices.

Chapter 6: Work with A/R Open Items (WARI) presents the screens you use to review A/R open items, flag a credit to produce a refund check or a credit card credit, or apply a credit to a debit.

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