Part C: Creating and Working with Items

Purpose: The following chapters describe how to create and work with items.

Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM) describes selecting items, creating items, creating item (base information), creating offers, and creating SKUs with overrides.

Working with Existing Items (MITM) includes scanning, changing, deleting, and displaying items that have been created.

Working with SKUs defines split SKU elements, SKU groups, and the SKU generator. This chapter includes how to scan for, change, delete, and display SKUs.

Assigning Items/SKUs to Offers includes how to work with item/SKU offers, price breaks, page letters, aliases, and accompanying items.

Assigning Items to Warehouses discusses item warehouse information and item location information.

Entering Additional Item Information describes item information templates, serial numbers, comments, and source prices.

Working with Fast Track Items (WFTI) includes creating, changing, deleting, and displaying fast track items.

Working with Item Tax Exemptions (WITX) describes how to set up tax exemptions or exceptions for specific items or item classes by location.

Working with GST Tax Exemption Status (MGTX) describes how to set up tax exemptions or exceptions for specific items by Canadian province.

Updating Harmonize Codes (UPHC) describes how to update harmonize codes quickly for multiple items or SKUs.

Working with Freight Exempt Items (WFEI) describes how to exclude items from freight.

Working with Item Ship Via Overrides describes how to set up eligible shippers for an item.

Working with Item Coordinate Types (WICT) describes how to create and work with item coordinate types.

Copying Items describes how to copy item information from one item to a newly created item in the same company or copy item information from one item to another item, with the same item number, in one or more shared companies.

Reviewing Item/SKU Cost History describes the screens you use to review cost change history records for an item or SKU.

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