Part B: Setting Up Pricing Information

Chapters in this part: The following chapters describe how to set up and change pricing information:

Chapter 15: Available Discounts and Promotions provides an overview of the promotional pricing and upselling and the basic information you need to set up pricing information on the system.

Chapter 16: Work with Promotional Pricing Groups (WPRG) describes how to create and change a promotional pricing group.

Chapter 17: Work with Promotional Pricing (WPRP) describes how to create and change a promotional pricing record. This record establishes the eligibility requirements and the incentives available in promotional pricing.

Chapter 18: Working with Upsell Promotions (WUPE) describes how to create and change an upsell promotion, including how a customer is eligible for upsell promotions and how to control upsell windows in Order Entry.

Chapter 19: Working with Price Codes (WPCD) describes how to create price codes that you can assign to various items, so that you can offer your customers special price breaks when they order a sufficient combined quantity of these items.

Chapter 20: Assigning Price Codes (APCD) describes how to assign price codes to items based on source code or offer.

Chapter 21: Working with Price Tables (WPTB) describes how price table pricing works and how to create and maintain price tables from items and groups of items.

Chapter 22: Package Insert Processing (WPIP) describes how to create package insert/promotional items that will be automatically added to an order in Order Entry/Maintenance.

Chapter 23: Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) describes how to set up coupons for percentage or dollar discounts on an order, or for selected item(s), and provides an overview of how coupon discounts work.

Chapter 24: Working with Order Telemarketing Specials (WOTS) describes how to set up telemarketing specials available on any order regardless of the offer associated with the source code on the order header.

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