Part C: Loading Remote Orders

Chapters in this part: The following chapters describe how to receive and process orders taken by a third-party (remote) order entry service, such as a call center; at a retail outlet; or through a site on the world wide web.

Chapter 31: Using the Phone Interface provides an overview of the process by which you receive the remote orders on tape or through data communications, process these orders, identify and correct orders with errors, and accept these orders onto the system.

Chapter 32: Inputting Remote Orders (IPHO) describes the step in which a file containing remote orders is written to disk.

Chapter 33: Transferring Remote Orders (TPHO) describes the step in which orders in the remote order file are processed, edited, and transferred to a different file.

Chapter 34: Loading Remote Orders (LPHO) describes the step in which orders are created from records in the remote order file, enabling them to be processed or corrected.

Chapter 35: Using Batch Order Entry to Accept, Reject, or Correct Phone Orders describes the final step in which you accept a remote order so that it becomes an order on the system capable of being maintained, inquired against, or picked and shipped, or you correct a remote order containing errors so that it can continue on the order cycle.

Chapter 36: Printing the Retail Order Cross Reference Report (POCR) describes how you print this report, which you use to retain and track external order numbers (such as retail transaction numbers), and provides a sample report.

Chapter 37: Working with Gift Certificate Errors (MDGC) describes how you correct a gift certificate that has been assigned a duplicate number

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